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Chapter 1,344 Si and the Young Man. Continued

"Ah, gift."

Although he heard from his elder brother that Daniel had prepared a gift for him.

But now that Daniel said in person that he wanted to give him a gift, he was still as excited as if he had just learned the news.

"Daniu, I also prepared a gift for you."

The young man smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Si was stunned for a moment.

Did the human cub prepare another gift for it?

Then does it need to prepare a return gift?

The monster suddenly fell into tangle again.

The young man was stunned, "Brother, what's wrong with Daniel?"

"Does the wound hurt?"

The young man suddenly became worried.

Otherwise, why would you suddenly look like this?

"Don't be impatient yet."

Xiao Xiao comforted the young man.

"Si, what's wrong with you?"


The monster expressed what he had just thought with a distressed look on his face.

A return gift has made him anxious for a long time.

Thinking of a return gift, it doesn’t know what to give?

"Brother, what did Daniel say?"

When the monster's voice fell, the young man couldn't wait to ask, "Does it hurt from the wound?"


Xiao Xiao shook his head in amusement.

What a monster that pays attention to etiquette.

It's probably because it values ​​the boy as its friend.


The young man breathed a sigh of relief, then looked puzzled, "What happened to the big cow?"

Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly and repeated to the young man what Si had just said to him.


The reason for the accident made the young man dumbfounded.

"big cow."

The young man was a little helpless, "You don't have to give me a gift in return every time."

"This actually makes us look different."

"I want to give you a gift, so I will give you a gift."

"Just wait until you want to give me a gift, or when you see something that you think is suitable for me as a gift, then give it to me."

"You don't have to force yourself to return the gift."

"I give you gifts to make you happy. I'm very happy if you like my gifts."

"It would be bad if my gift caused you so much distress."


Si looked at Mr. Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao smiled and nodded.

Si's eyes also showed a smile.

It gets it.

Si nodded his head seriously.

The young man has to take off his school bag to get the gift.

During this period of waiting and searching for Daniel, after he prepared the gift for Daniel, he always carried the gift with him because he didn't know when he would meet Daniel.

He wants to give his gift to the other party as soon as possible.

I don't want to wait until the second meeting.

Moreover, he was also a little uneasy.

He looked for Daniel back then, but didn't find it.

As for Daniel, he still left without saying goodbye.

Thinking that Daniel had been looking for him, he felt very sorry.

He was a little worried that after Daniel gave him the gift, he would repay the friendship of the candy he gave him and stop interacting with him?

In order to prevent such a development, he will definitely use his gifts to show his sincerity to Daniel.

"Wait a moment."

Xiao Xiao stopped the young man's movement, and when he saw the young man's doubtful eyes, he looked in the direction of the alley entrance, "Someone is coming."


The boy didn't realize for a moment that someone coming had anything to do with him getting a gift.

Then, he suddenly realized.

Most people can't see Daniel.

Then wouldn't his action of handing the gift to Daniel look strange in the eyes of those who came?

At this time, the young man also heard footsteps approaching.

This is a dark and long alley, and the trash cans piled on both sides make the alley even more cramped.

It is a good choice as a refuge.

However, as a popular road, it is despised by most people.

Even so, occasionally people will walk in here just to take a shortcut.

"Let's find another place."

Xiao Xiao walked towards the direction where the footsteps came from.

The young man glanced at Da Niu and saw that Da Niu was taking steps forward, so he hurriedly followed Xiao Xiao.

The person who came was a young man, looking down at his mobile phone.

He was unaware that a monster was in front of him.

Si jumped slightly and appeared on the wall the next second.

Although Si is very big, he walks quietly.

It's obviously not a meat claw.

The young man was very surprised.

After walking out of the dark alley, the view became a little brighter.

Xiao Xiao looked up at the gloomy sky, then looked down at his watch, "Yin Xia, it's getting late."

"It's time for you to go home."

"And it looks like it's going to rain today."

"Did you bring an umbrella?"

The young man shook his head, with a somewhat unhappy look on his face, "But I haven't given my gift to Daniel yet."

"I'm afraid it will be dark after you finish giving each other gifts."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "Tomorrow."

"Now let Daniel go back to rest and recover from his injuries."

Once he heard that the big cow was being injured, the young man no longer persisted.


"Then Daniel, I'll come see you tomorrow."


"Brother, let's send Daniel back."

The young man still felt uneasy. How could there be any reason to let the injured person go back on his own?

What if you fall down halfway?

But, "Big brother, where is Daniel's home?"

"You ask it."


Si shook his head.

It doesn't need human cubs to send.

Its injury is not that serious.



Si shouted at the young man and bowed his head to Master Xiao Xiao. He did not jump off the wall. After a few jumps, Si disappeared.


The boy didn't even have time to finish calling the monster's name.

"Big brother?"

The young man subconsciously turned to ask for help from his elder brother, "Daniu is gone."

"Doesn't it matter?"

"It still has injuries on its body..."


"It will be waiting for you at the same place tomorrow."

Xiao Xiao chuckled.

"don’t worry."

"It will take care of itself."

"When you see it tomorrow, you will find that there is nothing wrong with it."

"old place?"

After a moment of confusion, the young man laughed and said, "Oh."

"This is where I'm waiting for Daniel, right?"

"Will it be there waiting for me?"


Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Old place..."

The young man suddenly felt a little emotional and murmured in a low voice, "I feel like I have finally waited for a big cow."

During this period, unless the weather conditions were really bad, the young man would go to the old place where he and Daniel knew to stay for a while, rain or shine.

Waiting for the day when the monster who doesn't know where to find him will return to the old place where they first met.

And tomorrow, he will wait for the monster at the same place.

The young man couldn't help but have a big smile on his face, but he was still a little worried.

"Brother, can I still see Daniel tomorrow?"

"It's where Daniel and I first met."

"It's coming isn't it?"

"Will do."

Xiao Xiao's affirmation was like giving the boy a shot of tranquilizer, making him feel at ease.

This chapter has been completed!
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