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Chapter 1,402 Beetroot

Xiao Xiao sniffed it a few more times.

The eyebrows on his face were slightly raised.

There is indeed a demonic quality to it.

It was a very faint demonic aura, and he wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't gotten closer to smell it.

He turned a few more pages and smelled them.

"Could it be..."

He whispered to himself, "These marks are not eaten by insects..."

But bitten by a monster?

A monster who likes to eat pages of books...

I don’t know whether to call the other person elegant or a waste of natural resources?

These books were completely destroyed because of it.


"no no......"

A young man's murmur could be heard not far away.

Xiao Xiao looked through the gap in the bookshelf. The young man stared intently at the spines of the books on the bookshelf, running his fingers over each book title.

"no no......"

The young man crouched.

"no no......"

The young man squatted down again,



The young man exclaimed briefly, his eyes shining.

It seems a little unbelievable.

He squeezed the book tightly between his fingers and pulled it out.

A big smile appeared on the young man's face.

Yes, this is the book he has always wanted.

This bookstore is really amazing.

Such a rare old book.

But soon, the young man tightened his lips and his expression became solemn.

I wonder what the situation is like with this book?

If it's also badly infested...

He was happy again for nothing.

Why didn't he discover this bookstore earlier?

If only it had been discovered earlier...

After a few words of regret to himself, the young man took a deep breath and put his hand on the cover of the book.

He hesitated for a while.

The young man gritted his teeth and opened the cover.

The complete page displayed in front of him made him couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

His tense expression relaxed slightly.

It finally started off well.

He couldn't believe that every book in the entire bookstore was eaten by insects. How many insects would it take?

The young man once again calmed down his somewhat rapid heartbeat, and then...


The young man hurriedly turned through two pages.

Not broken!

The young man read through the entire book and laughed a little silly.

It's really not broken.

This book is in perfect condition.

He said, how could all the books in such a large or small bookstore be "tragic"?

However, he did not see that a dark shadow appeared on the page of the book in his hand.

He couldn't help but read what was on the page.



The sound was so slight that the boy didn't hear it.

Xiao Xiao's ears twitched and he subconsciously followed the sound.

The first thing I saw was a young man squatting on the ground reading a book.

Found the book?

Xiao Xiao's reaction was quick.

Just now I saw this young man searching for a book, but now he has stopped moving. Apparently he has gained something.

The little white fox's tail hit Xiao Xiao's arm, and he raised his chin slightly, "Read a book."

Both his face and his words showed a lot of disgust.

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao's eyes fell on the open book in the young man's hand.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

That is......


I also instantly understood the reason for the disgusting attitude of the little white fox just now.

After all, he is a monster in the shape of an insect.

It's really hard to feel good about wearing a dark color.

Especially, this beetle is still eating the pages of the book.


The young man suddenly didn't realize it and concentrated on the contents of the book.

But after a while, no matter how attentive he is, he will notice something unusual.

Xiao Xiao reached out and lifted the Taotie off his head.

"Little Taotie, I leave that beetle to you."

"Don't eat it yet."

"I have something to ask it."

Taotie curled his lips in dissatisfaction, why should he let it go?

Can't eat it yet.

"Maybe you can eat it after I finish asking my questions."

Xiao Xiao flicked his finger and said, "Please."

Taotie showed a parabola and flew towards the book open in the boy's hand.


The book in his hand suddenly felt heavy, and the young man suddenly came back to his senses.

Huh? What's going on?

Then his eyes widened, why is there a corner of the page here missing?!

It was clearly not there just now.

Is it a bug?

The young man's eyes quickly scanned the pages of the book and found no signs of insects.

He picked up the book and shook it a few times.

Nothing was found either.

The young man looked confused.

what happened?

Have the insects left?

There were too many bugs in this bookstore. He had better buy books and leave here quickly.

The young man closed the book and held it in his arms.

However, he did not leave immediately, but carefully searched the remaining bookcases. After finding that there was no "fish that slipped through the net", he went to the checkout counter with the only book he found.

With this book, his trip was not in vain.


Taotie fell steadily onto the page.


The two monsters glared at each other.

Sensing the movements of the human holding the book, Taotie grinned and motioned for him to go to the empty bookshelf next to him.

His expression was quite ferocious.

There was a bit of salivation in his eyes.

It is not those pretentious monsters. In its eyes, no matter how ugly the food is, it is still food.

It's all in your mouth anyway.

What does appearance matter?

As long as it's delicious.

And most monsters taste pretty good.

It has not eaten meat for a long time, and now its eyes are turning red when looking at the little monster in front of it.


The beetle was horrified and frightened.

The "behemoth" in front of it was so powerful that it couldn't even think of escaping.

It doesn’t understand, it’s so good, why did a big evil star suddenly fall from the sky?

The way the other person stared at it was so terrifying.

There is a frightening feeling that the next second, it will be swallowed by the opponent.

It couldn't even breathe smoothly.

The other person's eyes indicate that they have seen but not understood.

Its brain has gone blank.

Feeling the tilt of the page under its feet, it opened its eyes wide.

Then the claws in his eyes grew bigger and bigger, making it almost blind.

It flew in mid-air.

Then, with a "snap", it fell into place.

The familiar touch, color and smell let it know that it was lying on a bookshelf somewhere.

It blinked blankly.

There is lingering fear in my heart.

It saw the back of the young man turning away.

Holding the book on his chest that he has not yet eaten.

But at this time, it had no time to regret the departure of its food, and there was a huge sense of oppression from the side.

It didn't dare to turn its head.

The whole body was stiff.

It knew it was the monster just now.

The other person wants to eat it.

It can be seen.

The other party did not hide this idea at all.

Bold and obvious.

Also, the disparity in strength between the two sides makes it desperate. Why does the other side need to hide it?

However, it was unwilling to do so.

Even if it is extremely frightened and horrified, it still doesn't want to die.

Move, move... move!


He looked at the little monster who was motionless and looked frightened and suddenly ran away quickly.

Taotie's face darkened.

When did such a little monster dare to challenge its majesty face to face?

Taotie was angry.

The next second, it appeared above the beetle, and smacked the beetle hard with its claws.

This chapter has been completed!
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