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Chapter 142: Stopping and Questioning

Xiao Xiao frowned and pushed tentatively with his hand. The door was unlocked?!

Is it because of carelessness? Or something happened?

Xiao Xiao walked into the room.

Although the room is not big, it looks a little empty because there are not many furnitures.

Because of the curtains, the light in the living room was dim, and there were a few clothes scattered on the floor.

Xiao Xiao covered his nose. The smell in the room was not pleasant.

The smell of rotting and moldy food, the sour and smelly smell of stale garbage, and the same disgusting and ominous smell that is found on young men's bodies, just like the wound on a cat corpse. All these indescribable smells are mixed together, which is really disturbing.

Some can't bear it.

Xiao Xiao quickly walked to the window and did not open the curtains. He just opened the window at the back.

The breeze blew across his face, and the fresh air made Xiao Xiao feel a lot more comfortable.

Xiao Xiao turned around and his eyes fell on the only closed door.




A shrill meow suddenly came from behind the door, making Xiao Xiao startled.

Xiao Xiao stepped forward, reached out and pushed the door open.

Ignoring the layout of the room, Xiao Xiao immediately saw the struggling and screaming cat.

In the dim room, the young man looked crazy, and his overly excited expression made his face distorted, almost ferocious.

He didn't care at all about Xiao Xiao who suddenly broke in. He muttered words and pinched the cat's neck with one hand, not caring about the cat's claws clawing at his hand wildly. He held a dagger in the other hand.

The dagger body had already penetrated into the cat's heart, and large streams of blood flowed out. The original bright red color quickly turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The weird, vague, ghost-like sound was mixed with the old cat's wailing and screaming sound, which was weird, spooky, and creepy.

It's almost like the scene of a cult ritual.



Xiao Xiao grabbed the young man's shoulder, tightened his fingers, and tried to pull him away from the cat.

Unexpectedly, the man seemed to be trapped in some kind of magic barrier. His strength was so amazing that he didn't even look at Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao exerted his strength. Even if the young man was strong, how could he be stronger than Xiao Xiao who had changed his physique and had the spiritual power to forge his body?

The young man was forcefully dragged away from the cat by Xiao Xiao.

But weird and vague syllables kept coming out of the young man's mouth. The man's expression seemed to be joyful and crazy, and his eyes were astonishingly bright, but there was no focus at all.


Xiao Xiao temporarily ignored the young man's obviously abnormal state.

He moved closer to the cat, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

This was originally a white cat.

His skinny figure clearly shows his age.

There is still blood coming out of the wound continuously, which makes people wonder how such a small cat can have so much blood to bleed?

The bright red blood turned into black blood within a few breaths after flowing out.

A white cat is almost dyed into a black cat.

The white cat was still moaning and screaming, but it already felt a little out of breath.

In fact, it is unusual for a cat to last so long with a dagger inserted into its heart and keep struggling and screaming.

Is this how it is meant to be?

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but have some guesses.

Just to let this cat bleed out of blood and die in endless pain?

Is this how to achieve the goal?

Are those discarded cat corpses losers?

Maybe they didn't make it to the end, so the ceremony failed?

Xiao Xiao's mind was racing with thoughts, and all of a sudden there were a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The only way to stop this ceremony is...

Xiao Xiao pursed his lips tightly, but his hand had already grasped the handle of the dagger inserted into the cat's heart. With one force, he pulled out the dagger.

For a moment, blood surged.

Obviously, so much blood has been shed...


The white cat let out a shrill scream, which was almost the same as before, but Xiao Xiao saw a trace of gratitude in the white cat's eyes.

Immediately, the white cat slowly closed its eyes and became silent.

Xiao Xiao threw the dagger aside.

"Ding~" This is the sound of the dagger hitting the wall.

He knew that if he pulled out the dagger, the white cat would definitely die.

However, if the white cat is not pulled out, it will definitely die. No, it should be a fate worse than death.

Xiao Xiao absolutely did not believe that the white cat would end well if he could survive such a cruel and evil ritual.

However, even though he knew that what he did was the best choice, Xiao Xiao still felt a little sad when he looked at the white cat who was calm and in a mess, and thought about the relief and gratitude in the white cat's eyes at the end.

Xiao Xiao's movements were so fast that the man had no time to stop him.

The man who rushed forward watched helplessly as the last vestige of life in the white cat disappeared. He was stunned and the chanting of curses in his mouth stopped.

Dead, dead?!

Obviously this white cat has a chance to survive until the end!

"Asshole, bastard!"


"what are you doing?"

"I almost succeeded!"

After so many failures, I finally saw the glimmer of hope, and unexpectedly...

Unforgivable, unforgivable!

The man rushed towards Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao raised his leg and kicked it, "Crack~Bang~" The man hit the desk behind him, and the things fell to the ground, and then fell heavily to the ground.


The man groaned and was unable to move in pain for a while, with tears flashing in the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Xiao's kick just now didn't show much mercy.

Taking his feet back, Xiao Xiao looked around the bedroom.

The posters on the wall, the books on the bookshelf, and various ornaments are all supernatural-related objects.

The young man is obviously a serious paranormal enthusiast.

However, he was a little obsessed and lost his mind.

You can do such crazy things!

As soon as he saw this bedroom and the strange magic circle under the cat corpse that he noticed only then, Xiao Xiao understood what was going on.

Thinking of what the man was mumbling just now, Xiao Xiao felt angry, helpless and funny at the same time.

Just to verify what the book says?

So many cats were brutally killed?!

Xiao Xiao walked to the young man lying on the ground and squatted down.

The man turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao. His thin cheeks, unkempt beard, and overly long hair somewhat blocked the man's eyes, but Xiao Xiao could clearly see the resentful and vicious light in the man's bloodshot eyes.

"Who are you?"

The man's voice was dry and hoarse, almost as if he was hoarse.

"Why are you at my house?"

The man didn't realize until now that Xiao Xiao was just an uninvited guest who came uninvited and broke into the house!

He suddenly thought that he seemed to have forgotten to lock the door before, and a deep feeling of regret arose spontaneously.

If he had locked the door, this inexplicable person would not have appeared, then maybe his ritual would have been successful.

This thought gnawed at his heart like a gangrene on his bones.

He stared into Xiao Xiao's eyes with even more resentment.

Xiao Xiao did not answer his question.

"Why are these cats killed?"

Although there were already some speculations, Xiao Xiao still wanted to hear what the person in front of him had to say.

This chapter has been completed!
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