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Chapter 1,742 Movements in the Ward

A very strange feeling.

Although this is not the first time I have used spiritual power to block the rain.

However, this is the first time that I have such a serious experience.

I could clearly see the raindrops falling continuously in strands, but there was no sticky feeling on my face or body.

The refreshing feeling all over my body deviated from the scene in my eyes.

It gave Xiao Xiao a somewhat unreal feeling.


"Gu Diao, come back."

The huge black shadow lowered its head towards Xiao Xiao.

Then, disappeared into the air.


The few monsters on Xiao Xiao's body rarely opened their eyes.

Get rid of the usual laziness.

There was a bit of a strange look on his face.

Although this is not the first time I have seen them, I still feel a little surprised and curious every time I see them.

How did this monster disappear?

How come they didn't notice any fluctuations?

This is truly silent.


Xiao Xiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

He looked up at the sky.

The rain has been light enough to be ignored.

Probably in a while, the rain will stop.

Xiao Xiao dispersed the spiritual power on his body.

He tilted his head slightly and said, "Plop~", raindrops fell from the side of his face, causing small splashes on the ground.

He smiled and walked towards the entrance of the alley.


The next day, it was cloudy.

But it didn't start raining until nearly noon.


A few raindrops fell.

Soon, "Hua La La~", heavy rain poured down.

Xiao Xiao came to his old position again.

On the branches of the big tree outside Zhou Mingbao's ward.




The window glass was shattered all over the floor.

Zhou Mingbao was so frightened that he almost fell off the bed.

His face turned pale.


Because of yesterday's experience, Zhou Mingbao asked Zhou's mother to close the window.

Zhou's mother checked the weather forecast and knew that there would be precipitation in the past few days. Even if Zhou Mingbao didn't ask, she originally planned to close the window.

Yesterday's negligence caused her son to get caught in the rain. Today, Zhou's mother carefully checked the ward and found that there were no omissions before leaving the ward.

Lao Zhou is coming.

Her son didn't like to eat the food in the hospital, and she couldn't leave to cook if she had to take care of him.

Except for breakfast, which she prepared and brought home, Lao Zhou prepared lunch and dinner at home and brought them to the hospital.


She went down to pick up Lao Zhou. Although Lao Zhou told her several times that she didn't need to come down, she still went down to wait for someone when the time was almost up.

Lao Zhou was helpless.

Now he comes at a fixed time every time.


Then the family eats together in the ward.

After a while, when her son's condition becomes more stable, she won't have to stay with her son all the time.

She also has more time to make supplements such as bone soup for her son.

Eat what you need to supplement.

My son has a broken leg, and the bones need to be repaired.


Looking at the closed door, Zhou Mingbao breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.

He turned to look out the window.

The sky has darkened.

It indicates that a heavy rain is coming.


He thought about what happened yesterday.

After a night, his panic had almost dissipated.

Anger and unwillingness flooded into his heart again.

He didn't believe it. He was obviously the one who was injured. He was the one who was lying on the hospital bed unable to move. He was the one who was being laughed at -

The fire can't be contained in paper, and Mr. Zhou always has to tell people clearly the whole story when asking for help. Many people still know that he had his leg broken because he bought counterfeit goods.

As a result, he was struck by lightning until the end.

So what does his anger and unwillingness mean?

Is God saying that he brought it upon himself?

Is the guy who hit me still reasonable?

Did he deserve to have his legs broken?

Zhou Mingbao couldn't help but curse.

Then wouldn’t he become a complete joke?

Then, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Before he could react, he heard a loud "bang" in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound of "crackling".

The glass is broken?

He couldn't help but think of it.

The strong sense of crisis made him subconsciously lean back.

Then, his blurred vision finally regained some clarity.

The scene in front of him stunned him, and the color drained from his face.

The glass of the window was broken all over the floor.

The wind and rain poured in.

His face hurt slightly from the raindrops.

The cool wind took away the warmth from his whole body, and he felt that his face was a little stiff.

It's really... a familiar scene.

It was exactly the same scene as he imagined yesterday.

The thunder actually broke the window glass and landed next to his bed.

He looked at the charred mark on the ground and said, "Gulu~", he swallowed hard.

"Cough cough~ cough cough cough~"

He choked on his own saliva.

His pale face turned red instantly.

He coughed so much that he was heartbroken.

He felt very sad.

But his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

Are you kidding me?

Is this thunder really aimed at him?

Why didn't he know that he had done such an outrageous thing and was punished by God's thunder?

At most, he is just selling a fake antique.

Isn’t this the case for everyone in the antique business?

He is not the only one selling fake antiques.

Why target him alone?


"Zhouzhou, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Zhou hurriedly opened the door and came in.

Behind him was Mr. Zhou who looked ugly.

As soon as they got out of the elevator and hadn't walked a few steps, they met a family member from the next door ward who told them that there was a loud noise coming from their son's ward.

Let them go and have a look quickly.

It's not that the other party is indifferent and doesn't check the situation immediately.

But Zhou Mingbao has a "criminal record".

When he first entered the ward, Zhou Mingbao was extremely emotionally unstable.

Getting angry at every turn.

I smashed things for several days.

The family members in the nearby ward came to see her once and understood what was going on.

There were people before them who kindly wanted to comfort Zhou Mingbao. They also knew that it was really uncomfortable for young people to lie in a hospital bed with a broken leg.

However, their good intentions were regarded by Zhou Mingbao as nothing more than donkey liver and lungs.

They were angered by Zhou Mingbao's bad attitude.

Even though Mr. and Mrs. Zhou later apologized to them repeatedly, they never set foot in Zhou Mingbao's ward again.

They knew that Zhou Mingbao was in a bad mood because of his injury.

But, so what?

What does this have to do with them?

Zhou Mingbao's injuries were not caused by them.

Why should they bear each other's anger?

What is their relationship with Zhou Mingbao?

They have nothing to do with Zhou Mingbao.

Since people don't like to see them, they won't rush to scold them.

There was something going on in Zhou Mingbao's ward, and they would have done their utmost to inform Mr. and Mrs. Zhou when they found out.

No matter how much, they won't do it.

It's not uncommon for people either.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhou also understand this.

They thanked the person who came to inform them, and then hurried to the ward.

Mrs. Zhou didn't even pay attention to listen to see if there was any movement in the ward, so she just opened the door.

Before I could see what was going on in the ward, I had already blurted out my concern.

This chapter has been completed!
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