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Chapter 1,766 Doubts and Persistence


The middle-aged man reached out and knocked on his head.

He couldn't even see the aunt the child was talking about, so how could he take her things?

Did he take it accidentally?

He knocked on his head again.

His head hurt just thinking about it.

He still couldn't figure out a reason.

The tomb ghost was stunned.

He looked at this human being with strange eyes.

It naturally saw the monster in this human being.

Of course, it also knows that these monsters are not following this human being for the same reason as it is.

Just because it knew it, it felt a little surprised in its heart.

After all...both youkai who are willing to follow humans...and humans who can subdue youkai...are rare.

It took a while before the tomb ghost came back from his thoughts.

It tilts its head.

What question did this human seem to ask it just now?

What's the problem?


Ah, it remembered.

But...it doesn't know either.

The grave ghost shook his head.

"you do not know?"

Xiao Xiao was really surprised.


The tomb ghost opened his mouth and let out a series of hoarse sounds like a short circuit.

Xiao Xiao frowned slightly.

"Grave Ghost, you've been out for too long."

Grave ghosts are monsters somewhat similar to earthbound spirits.

Just a little bit.

The grave ghost is not trapped in the cemetery, nor does it have any malicious intentions or unfulfilled wishes.

It relies on the corpse aura from the cemetery and the incense offered by humans to survive and practice.

Of course, it's mainly corpse energy.

The cemetery is not a temple or an ancestral hall, and it does not have constant incense all year round.

For it, incense is like a snack. Some are good to eat, and some are not, and there is no big problem.

Corpse Qi is its indispensable staple food.

Otherwise, the tomb ghosts are not tomb ghosts, but temple ghosts, living in that temple or ancestral hall.

As for whether temple ghosts exist in this world, tomb ghosts don’t know either.

Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't exist.

What does this have to do with it?

Although the grave ghost is not bound to one place like the earthbound spirit, it cannot leave the cemetery for too long.

As time goes by, the tomb ghost will begin to weaken.

Excessive loss of demon power will even affect its cultivation foundation, causing its cultivation level to drop sharply.

Finally, it is not impossible for the body to die and the Tao to disappear.

Since his own life is at stake, the Tomb Ghost is not such an inflexible monster.

Although the treasure is good, it is not as good as one's own life.

Tomb ghosts will give up their treasures and return to the cemetery before they start to weaken.

It's obviously time for this grave ghost to return to the cemetery.

"It's time for you to go back."

Xiao Xiao stated a fact.

As Xiao Yi said just now, he could hear the Tomb Ghost clearly when he first saw him, but now he can't hear clearly.

This is because the Tomb Ghost's demonic power is severely depleted, which is no longer enough to support its use of telepathy.

The grave ghost nodded.

It knows.


The grave ghost's only eye showed a dazed emotion.

After being asked by this human just now, it suddenly realized that it didn't even know what it had lost?!

Then why does it follow this human so stubbornly and wants him to return the things to it?

It seems... there is a faint feeling of anxiety in its heart.

And it knows the reason for this feeling of anxiety.

It lost something.

Very important stuff.

It must find that thing.


The grave ghost's face regained its determined look.

Xiao Xiao understood what the other party meant.

However, the owner himself did not know what he had lost...

He looked at the confused middle-aged man and sighed inwardly.

Now things are a bit troublesome.

"Uncle Chen, have you been to the cemetery recently?"

Xiao Xiao asked.

"Yeah, I've been there."

The middle-aged man nodded, his face still full of confusion. He was still thinking about when he took something from someone else by mistake?

After subconsciously responding, he completely turned his attention to the young man's problem, "I went back to my hometown to sweep graves during the Qingming Festival."

"Did you take anything from the cemetery?"

Xiao Xiao's straightforward question made the man frown, "What do you mean?"

What do you mean he took something on the cemetery?

What does this young man mean...that he took other people's things from the cemetery?

But, what other people’s things can be taken from the cemetery?

Do you think of him as a tomb robber or a thief?

During this period, the middle-aged man had become increasingly irritable due to poor rest and lack of sleep.

Xiao Xiao's words immediately made him feel angry.

However, he barely suppressed the emotions that were about to explode.

But the tone of his voice was not very good, it was very sharp.

"I went to visit the grave."

"Although my family is not a wealthy one, it is not to the point where I need to go to the cemetery to 'play the autumn wind'."

The two children couldn't help but move closer to Xiao Xiao.

The middle-aged man's current appearance made them a little scared.

Xiao Xiao patted the two children on the head.

"Uncle Chen, you scared them."

The middle-aged man's expression paused.

He looked at the two children and found that both children shrank.

He looked away stiffly.

"Feel sorry."

He reached out and rubbed his face vigorously, "My temper has been a little out of control during this period."

"Feel sorry."

The middle-aged man looked at the two children again, "Uncle didn't get angry on purpose."

"Uncle just..."

He did not continue speaking, but raised his eyes to look at Xiao Xiao, "Why do you ask that?"

“Did I take someone else’s stuff from the cemetery?”

The middle-aged man who calmed down quickly figured out the meaning of Xiao Xiao's question.

"Could it be that... I'm haunted by a ghost?"

The middle-aged man raised his voice again.

Speaking of cemeteries and invisible women, isn’t it easy to think of ghosts?

"You still said that I wasn't caught in something dirty?"

He remembered that the young man had denied his statement before...

"Tomb ghost?"

The middle-aged man murmured in a low voice. He heard what the young man called just now, "Is it the tomb of the tomb?"

"Grave ghost..."

"Am I being haunted by a tomb ghost?"

"Grave ghosts are not dirty things."

Xiao Xiao looked serious, "It's following you, it just wants its own things back."

"You give it back and it leaves."


The middle-aged man's voice was a bit intermittent, "Ghosts pressing on the bed...and will-o'-wisps..."

"Isn't it just a ghost?"

"Aren't ghosts just dirty things?"

"Because you can't see it, it just wants to make you notice it through some small means."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "Did you feel like you heard something at night?"

The middle-aged man moved his lips a few times and said, "...Yes."

He always thought it was his auditory hallucination.

Didn't pay too much attention to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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