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Chapter 1,627 What can be done

"Tweet and go to heaven."

Xiao Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky.

I don't know when, the red clouds in the sky have faded, and the night is filling the air.

A bright moon hangs high in the sky.

The moonlight is clear and bright.

A few scattered stars glowed slightly.

It's like winking at someone.

The fireflies beside the lake complement each other with the sparkling waves of the lake.

The world seemed to be covered with a veil as thin as cicada wings.

Exuding a hazy clear glow.




The ghost looked up blankly.

It doesn't quite understand.

It lowered its head to look at the chirp in its hand, and then looked at the sky.

He lowered his head and looked at the chirp in his hand, and then looked at the sky...

This cycle repeats.

There was a look of confusion on his face.


In other words... Jiujiu will not come back, right?

I won’t play with it anymore… I won’t sing to it… I won’t flap my wings and yell at it loudly… I won’t see it in the rain and chase it to hide from the rain…

Jiujiu...you can't talk to it, can you?

The corners of the ghost's mouth drooped, showing a bit of sadness.

But he looked at Xiao Xiao with confusion and confusion in his eyes.

It seems that even it itself doesn't know what its current mood is.

"Sprites and ghosts."

Xiao Xiao softly called the monster's name.

There was a bit of a sigh in his voice.



The ghost murmured.

Why did Jiu Jiu go to heaven?

Do you hate it?

Because it always makes Jiujiu angry?


Xiao Xiao shook his head, "Jiujiu, I don't hate ghosts."


Then why?

The monsters were like ignorant children, stubbornly asking for answers.

Since Jiujiu didn’t hate it, why did Jiujiu leave and go to heaven?

Chiujiu is bullying it into not being able to fly.

The ghost was very aggrieved.

It also wants to fly.

But it has no wings.

It tried to make a pair of wings by itself.

But it failed.

In the end, I was scolded severely by Tweet.

But later, Jiujiu also found some herbs and applied them to it.

Actually it's not necessary.

These skin injuries will heal quickly.

Just looking at Jiujiu scolding it and applying medicine to it, it didn't say anything.

Xiao Xiao fell silent.

How could he explain death to a monster who had just lost a friend and looked sad?

"It's dead."

The little white fox flicked its tail, but seeing Xiao Xiao's hesitation, he hesitated and spoke directly.

"Don't tell me that you don't even know what it means to die?"

The little white fox half-opened its eyes, squinting at the monster who looked stupid after hearing its words, "Don't pretend to be stupid."

Tsk~, this look of crying or not is really ugly.

He was already ugly enough, but now he is even uglier.


White Snake's voice is gentle, but the meaning behind it is not very gentle.

Master Xiao Xiao helped it find the little bird, why is this monster still in such trouble?

"Ajiu, Abai."

Xiao Xiao whispered the names of the two impatient monsters.

The little white fox rolled his eyes and remained silent.

White Snake twisted his body and said, "Hiss~, Mr. Xiao Xiao, I need to help you explain it clearly."

"Look, doesn't it understand now?"

Xiao Xiao smiled bitterly.

I understand, I understand, but...

White Snake spit out the red snake letter and explained a few more words, "Master Xiao Xiao, most monsters are not as smart as others."

"Especially this one is a bit stupid."

"If you don't tell it directly, it won't understand."

Xiao Xiao:......

He admitted that White Snake was right.


White Snake raised his head and looked at Xiao Xiao, his bright red vertical pupils were gorgeous and cold, "Unlike humans, monsters are not that fragile."

"There are not so many messy emotions."

"You don't have to think too much."

Xiao Xiao smiled helplessly and defended humans in a low voice, "Human beings are not that fragile."


White Snake loosened its knotted tail and said, "Master Xiao Xiao, I was wrong. It's most of the human race."

"Of course you're not among them."

Xiao Xiao shook his head slightly and said nothing more.

Human beings are very contradictory creatures.

Both fragile and strong.

In other words, human potential is huge.

It's just that opportunities are needed to stimulate potential.

"Sprites and ghosts."

Xiao Xiao's voice made the monster's distracted eyes slowly focus.

It glanced at the little white fox and the white snake, and then fixed its gaze on Xiao Xiao.


Mr. Xiao Xiao.

The ghost pursed his lips and said, "Wawa~wa~wawa~"

Jiujiu...dead, right?


Xiao Xiao nodded.

"It was trapped in a trap for several days."

"He was injured and bleeding, and he hasn't eaten."

"My body is getting weaker and weaker."

"By the time we found it it was too late."


Yes, yes?

That’s how it turns out…

The ghost nodded blankly.

So this is ah.

It's that it didn't find the tweet.

It's that it took too long.

If it had sought help from Mr. Xiao Xiao earlier...

Is it... that Jiu Jiu will not die?

"Sprites and ghosts."

Xiao Xiao interrupted the monster's soliloquy, "It's not your fault."

"Do not think too much."

“It’s a pity that Chiu Chiu died.”

"But remember, it's not your fault."

"It's not anyone's fault."

"It was just an accident."

Xiao Xiao's tone was a little tough.

He was a little worried that this simple monster with a weak brain would get into trouble.


Somewhat attracted by Xiao Xiao's tone, the ghost nodded subconsciously.

Well, Chiu Jiu's death was not its fault.

It's no one's fault either.

Jiu Jiu's death was just an accident.


There was something indescribable in the ghost's heart.

It hates surprises.

If it was an accident, what else could it do except accept it?

It can't do anything.

Except accept it.


Xiao Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Sprite ghost, at least there is one thing you can do now."


The demon ghost raised his eyes with a blank look on his face, but a faint light slowly lit up in his eyes.

What's up?

What can it do now?

What is it?

Is there anything else it can do for Jiu Jiu?

"Put Chiu Chiu in the ground for peace."

Xiao Xiao said seriously.


To be laid to rest... for peace?

The monster tilted its head.

What's this?

It seems to understand and yet it doesn't seem to understand.

"This is actually what we humans do."

"But I think it should be common to all living things."

Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth, "Jiujiu likes this lake so much."

"Let it sleep here forever, it will have a good dream."


The ghost nodded.

It knows that Jiujiu will be happy.

After all, they came here because of Jiujiu's request.

Jiujiu decided from the beginning that this would be his final destination.

This chapter has been completed!
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