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Chapter 1692: Police colleagues

The white-collar woman shook her head slightly, "I don't know if it's just a coincidence that I missed it every time, or if he didn't live at home at all during this period."

"Don't live at home?"

The little girl was puzzled.

Where would you live if you didn't live at home?

"I just don't live at home for the time being."

The white-collar woman looked down at her child and explained, "Maybe my uncle is on a business trip, or maybe he is traveling."

"Anyway, I won't be going home for a while."

The little girl opens her mouth.

What should Fatty do?


The white-collar woman touched the child's head and said, "Didn't your parents ask you to wait patiently for a few days?"

"When that uncle comes back, your parents will take you to find him."


"not good!"

The little girl shook her head vigorously, her facial features tightened, revealing a bit of stubbornness, "I want to find Fatty!"

"Pangpang is going to be eaten."


The little girl's eyes are red.


The white-collar woman sighed.

She knelt down and reached out to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of the child's eyes.

"You kid..."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Pangpang left."

"We can't find it."

Even though the child's appearance really made her feel distressed, she had to let her child accept this fact.

This time the child came to the police station and there was no problem.

What about next time?

What if the kid went to find Pangpang somewhere else while they weren't paying attention?

Thinking of this possibility, she became extremely worried.

Big tears rolled down from the corners of the little girl's eyes.

The white-collar woman stretched out her hand, but in the next second, she shrank her fingers as if she had been burned.



The little girl looked confused, "No..."


"Pangpang was caught by the bad uncle. Pangpang is going to be eaten by the bad uncle..."


The white-collar woman was a little helpless.

How many times have I told you, don't call others bad uncle, it's too rude.

But looking at the child's appearance, she did not correct the child's name like before.

She knew that the child was very sad.

It is indeed too difficult for children to let them accept separation so early.

"Police Auntie."

The little girl looked at the female police officer.

The female police officer squatted down and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"Police aunt..."

The little girl reached out and grabbed the female police officer's wrist.

The female police officer felt the sticky and slippery touch.

She knew that these were the girl's tears.

"Police aunt..."

The little girl yelled many times.

The female police officer looked at the little girl patiently, "Well, the police aunt is here, what can I do with Xiaoxiao?"

"Police aunt..."

The strength on the female police officer's wrist increased.

She knew that the girl's emotions were very intense at this time.

"You said you would help Xiaoxiao find Fatty..."


The female police officer did not speak, but the white-collar woman spoke first, "Don't embarrass the police aunt."

"It doesn't matter."

The female police officer shook her head.

She looked at the little girl and said, "Well, the police aunt said that she would help Xiaoxiao find Fatty."

The little girl's face suddenly brightened up.

The white-collar woman looked at the female police officer in surprise.

Nothing more was said.

If the police are willing to help, she will naturally be happy to do so.

When the child is like this, she feels no better than the child.

However, she knew the difficulty of the matter and accepted the fact that Pangpang had left.

And her children refused to accept this fact.


The old police officer coughed quietly.

He was a little helpless about the female police officer's "uprightness".

The child's mother is reasonable and aware of the difficulty of this matter, and is already trying to persuade her child to give up.

In the end, this guy was lucky and took matters into his own hands.

Did she help find the parrot?

How can she help?

The children ran to the police station on their own, which shows that the parents of the children have thought of everything they could think of before.

Even though he knew this, just in case, he still asked, "Is there surveillance near your home?"

"Have you seen the surveillance?"

"If the surveillance captures something..."

When the old police officer saw the white-collar woman shaking her head, she stopped talking without much surprise.

There was still some regret in my heart.

Is that really the case?


"There is surveillance in the community."

The white-collar woman smiled bitterly, "But it's an old community after all, so there isn't much surveillance."

"And there is no surveillance camera facing the balcony at home?"

"But if we can find someone acting suspiciously..."

The thief shouldn't be able to avoid all surveillance, right?

This is what they think, or in other words, they hope.

"We checked all the surveillance cameras on the first day."

"My father and I were both dazzled by what we saw."

"But nothing was found."

"No one acting suspiciously."

"There are no parrots either."

"Not even the parrots were caught on camera?"

The female police officer was very disappointed.


The white-collar woman nodded, "Because nothing was captured on the surveillance camera, the father and I thought that Pangpang flew away on his own."

"After all, parrots are birds that fly in the sky."

"The surveillance camera is not facing upward, so it is naturally difficult to photograph the parrot."


The female police officer nodded.

The white-collar woman's inference makes sense.


"It will be really hard to find."

The old police officer sighed softly.

Even the police are limited in what they can do if they don't have clues.


The white-collar woman responded in a low voice.

As long as they have some clues, they will come to the police station to seek help for the sake of their children.

However, they have no clues.

So what's the use of coming to the police station?

How can the police help them find it?

The female police officer felt the little girl holding her wrist harder.

Looking at the little girl's increasingly anxious face, she smiled slightly and said, "Can the police aunt accompany you to that uncle's house?"

The old police officer and the white-collar woman both looked at the female police officer.

The female police officer looked serious, "I can't do anything else."

"But since the child thinks that the uncle stole her parrot..."

"Then go and verify it."

"Whether the results are good or bad, it's time for children to accept the facts."

The white-collar woman nodded, "Actually, the father and I are not unwilling to take the child to find someone."

"But we've been there many times."

"I'm never home."

"The child is making a big fuss again..."

"Let's go again now."

The female police officer winked at the little girl.

A big smile appeared on the little girl's face for the first time, "Yeah!"

"thank you all."

The white-collar woman looked at the little girl and the female police officer walking in front, but she spoke to the old police officer beside her.

The old police officer also came with him.

He was a little worried that the female police officer would not be able to bear the child's pleas and would become impulsive again.

Hearing the white-collar woman's thanks, he shook his head, "The children have come to report the crime. We have to do something."

This chapter has been completed!
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