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Chapter 2009 Hope and Disappointment



"...I asked for leave from the school."

After a while, the young man whispered.

Meng Jixi:......

He grinned, "Oh? Should I praise you for asking for leave?"

"This doesn't mean you're skipping class, right?"

The young man said nothing.

But it is a default attitude.

Meng Jixi:......

"Do your parents know about your leave?"

The boy lowered his eyes and plucked the nails of the other hand with one hand.

A look of concentration.

Meng Jixi smiled knowingly, "I don't know, right?"

"I don't know why you hid it from everyone and went to find your friend Xiaoyi alone..."

The young man pursed his lips.

Are all police so powerful?

He obviously didn't say much.

But the policeman seemed to know all his thoughts.



Meng Jixi paused, "Isn't the most important thing now to find your friend Xiaoyi?"

"Then I think you should put aside your worries. Even if you don't want to ask the police for help, you can ask your parents, teachers at school, or your friends or classmates for help."

"One more person, more power."

"Of course you know this, I think."


"You think your concerns should take precedence over finding your friends?"


The young man retorted fiercely.

Primary 1 is the most important!


The young man pursed his lips.

a long time……

"...Police, teacher can't help me..."

"You can't help me..."

"……just me-"

The young man's murmur stopped abruptly.

He remembered someone.


"There's another person!"

"Big brother……"

The young man's eyes burst out with bright light, "Big brother, big brother..."

Thinking of that magical night, the young man's heart was filled with anticipation.

Big brother is so awesome...

And, anyway...

It is better to search with two people than alone.

He goes to find his big brother!

The young man clenched his fists and his heart beat rapidly.

The whole person became a little restless.

Meng Jixi frowned slightly.

He put his hand on the boy's shoulder and pressed hard, "Calm down."

If the young man just now was like a trapped cub, depressed and manic, the young man at this time seemed to have finally found a crack in the closed space on all sides, and the light coming from the outside lit up the hope in his heart.

"What did you think of?"

The boy's voice just now was too unclear, and he didn't hear it clearly.

However, the changes in the boy's expression are so clear that one can see at a glance what the boy is thinking.

"Do you know where Xiaoyi might have gone?"

Meng Jixi guessed.

The young man shook his head.

In the past few days, while looking for Xiao Yi, he thought countless times about the places where Xiao Yi might go.

But every time, it ended in failure.


Xiao Yi has always been with him.

He couldn't think of any place where Xiaoyi would go even if he didn't say goodbye.

Even if there really was such a place, why didn't Xiao Yi tell him?

He will definitely take Xiao Yi there.

If Xiao Yi doesn't want him to go...

He also hoped that Xiao Yi could tell him his travel plan.

He won't force you to follow.

Instead of like now... nothing is left...

It's like disappearing.

He was extremely worried.

Slowly, he even began to be afraid.

Whether it was the suspicion that something happened to Xiao Yi... or the suspicion that Xiao Yi left him...

No matter which guess he made, he was frightened.


Meng Jixi couldn't think of anything else that could make the young man so happy except this?

The young man couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "I know who to ask for help."

"Who are you looking for?"

Meng Jixi asked subconsciously.

"Big brother!"

The young man answered loudly.

If it weren't for their previous conversation, Meng Jixi almost thought the young man was calling him.

"Who is the big brother?"

Meng Jixi was a little curious about who the elder brother was who trusted the boy who was unwilling to call the police or tell others that Xiao Yi was missing.

"Big brother is-"

The boy's voice suddenly stopped again.

He felt that his mind was really filled with the missing Xiao Yi.

Such an important issue has only come to light now.

"...I don't know what the big brother's name is..."

That night, it wasn't until his eldest brother left that he remembered that he had forgotten to ask his eldest brother's name.

When he threw himself on the window sill again, his elder brother had disappeared.

At this moment...

He couldn't help but hit himself hard on the head.

His mood was going up and down like a roller coaster.

Because he had enjoyed soaring, this fall was particularly uncomfortable for him.

Just a little bit...

He obviously finally remembered his elder brother.


"...I don't know who the eldest brother is..."

The young man's voice was low and hoarse.

"have no idea?"

Meng Jixi was stunned.

"Isn't he someone you know?"

"I have only met my eldest brother once..."

The young man took a deep breath.

He blinked hard again to suppress the soreness in the corners of his eyes.

He didn't dare to raise his hand for fear that the person opposite would notice his gaffe.

"Then how do you know he can help you find Xiaoyi?"

Meng Jixi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He didn't expose the young man's pretense that nothing was wrong.

"...Big brother can do it..."

The young man's fingers dug into his palm.

The slight pain dispelled some of the blurriness in his eyes.

"Why do you think he can?"

Meng Jixi took advantage of the situation and asked.

The boy didn't answer.

Meng Jixi shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Then can you tell me the information about that big brother?"

Meng Jixi turned to ask.

"You don't know his name, but you can describe his appearance, right?"

"Does he have any distinctive features?"

The young man remained silent.

Meng Jixi raised an eyebrow, "Let's just say..."

"That eldest brother, like the younger one, can't reveal anything to others?"

"In that case..."

Meng Jixi wanted to help, but he was not appreciated.

He doesn't force it either.

"Tell me your father or mother's contact information."

Meng Jixi's attitude was vaguely tough.

"I'll talk to them about car compensation."

The boy's side doesn't make sense, so he can only talk to the boy's parents.

This boy's parents are also careless.

The boy's performance was so obvious.

Didn't they find out?

If you found out, why didn't you ask the boy what happened?

Don’t you talk to teenagers more?

If we communicate more often...

Children are always more likely to open up to their own parents than to strangers.

In this case, maybe today's accident would not have happened.

I don’t know what the boy’s parents think?

He doesn't care too much about his own children.

Meng Jixi shook his head slightly.


Except for the boy's parents...

The parents of the teenager should also be asked to say hello to the school.

Watch the boy more.

This chapter has been completed!
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