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Chapter 2297 Footsteps

"We know you are doing it for our own good."

The old man smiled.

"That kid is really annoying."

"I hope what you just said will make him give up the maple tree."

The old man looked up at the maple tree beside him.

The maple leaves everywhere reflected his somewhat cloudy eyes.

The maple tree in his house is growing really well.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant.

The trunk is thick.

The leaves stay red longer than other maple trees.

That man also has vision.

no no.

It has nothing to do with eyesight.

Even the undiscerning person can see how good his maple trees are.



Xu Zizhen nodded.

He hopes so too.

Let's end this matter here.

If we continue to be entangled... it won't be good for anyone.


"What's wrong?"

At some point, Ling Feng sat next to Xiao Xiao.

It took a piece of maple leaf cake directly from the plate in Xiao Xiao's hand.

The somewhat vague sound weakened the coldness of the monster's voice.

Xiao Xiao glanced at Ling Feng in surprise.

As if knowing what Xiao Xiao was surprised about, Ling Feng took another piece of maple leaf cake.

"They're all looking at me."

This "I" Lingfeng refers to the maple tree.

Seeing Ling Feng being so rude, Taotie also dropped to the plate, his mouth wide open.

Xiao Xiao flicked Taotie on the forehead with his finger.

Although there was a bit of anger on Taotie's face, his mouth was a bit smaller.

Xiao Xiao lowered his eyes and smiled.

He explained to Ling Feng, "The person who left just now wants this maple tree."

He raised his eyes and looked at the maple tree in front of him.

The single red maple color has a beautiful visual effect.


It’s no wonder that such a beautiful maple tree made that person remember it so much that he couldn’t give it up.

Ling Feng frowned in displeasure.

"I live here."

It has been staying in this courtyard for as long as it can remember.

It has no plans to move.


Xiao Xiao frowned, "They have no plans to let you move."


"That man is very persistent."

Ling Feng's face showed a hint of thoughtfulness.

"you do not need to worry."

Xiao Xiao picked up a piece of maple leaf cake, broke off a small piece and fed it to Feifei.

"The Xu family will resolve this matter."

"Lao San, why are you-"

Zhuge Yun suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

This made everyone who was attracted by his voice confused.

"Second brother, why are you half-speaking?"

But seeing the empty plate in front of the third brother, Zhao Luzheng also knew what the second brother was saying.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Zhuge Yun.

"Xu Zijian, don't look so sad."

"How big of a deal is it?"

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain."

"It's fine."


Zhao Luzheng blinked his eyes.

Zhuge Yun chatted with Xu Zijian for a few words and then moved closer to Zhao Luzheng.

"Why doesn't your kid's head turn fast at all?"

"Have you forgotten who the third child buys so many snacks for?"

"It will definitely be the same this time..."

Zhuge Yun winked.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Zhao Luzheng suddenly realized.


The maple leaf cakes that the third brother took were all eaten by monsters!

I see.

Zhao Luzheng looked like he had figured it out.

That's what he said.

So do those monsters also like to eat maple leaf cakes?


Zhao Luzheng realized that he was really a fool for having such doubts.

Didn’t Third Brother tell them already?

Even if the third brother didn't tell them, it could be seen from the large amount of desserts he bought every time.

Monsters like to eat sweets.

At least, those around Third Brother are like this.

"Calm down your expression."

Zhuge Yun secretly glared at Zhao Luzheng.

The third child is also bold.

Although most people here know about the existence of monsters.

But the two old people didn't know that.

What should I do if I scare the two old people?

"oh oh."

Zhao Luzheng instantly straightened up his expression.

Zhang Bo hit Zhao Luzheng directly on the head.


Zhao Luzheng covered his head and grinned.

Xu Zizhen was a little amused, but also a little puzzled by Zhang Bo's sudden action.

"What's wrong?"

"it's okay no problem."

Zhuge Yun waved his hand, "They are joking."


Xu Zizhen did not delve into it.

His mind was now filled with things about Hong Feng, and the irritation in his heart was not deep, but it was like a thread wrapped around his heart.

Lingering like maggots on the tarsus.

It made him a little unhappy.

"Grandpa, grandma, let's go."

Xu Zizhen waved goodbye to the two old people.

"Hey, be careful on the way back."

The old lady warned several young people.

"Xiao Zhen, bring your classmates to play next time."

"Master Xiao."

The old lady imitated her grandson's call and looked at Xiao Xiao with a smile, "Whenever do you want to eat maple leaf cake, just come over by yourself."

"Grandma will make it for you."

Master Xiao, who ate two large plates of maple leaf cake by himself, left a deep impression on the old lady.


Xiao Xiao smiled, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what? You're welcome, you're welcome."

The old lady's eyebrows relaxed.

It was too late for her to be happy when a young man came to visit her home.

I feel like I have become a lot more energetic.

After a few more pleasantries, Xiao Xiao and others turned and left.

"Grandpa, grandma, you go in."

Xu Zizhen urged.

"Close the door."

He was still a little bit resentful about Hong Feng's uninvited entrance just now.

"If Hong Feng comes over again, please call me."

"Don't let him in."


The old lady looked troubled.

Isn’t it bad to not let people in?

"we know."

The old man responded.

"We'll talk about everything after you come."


Xu Zizhen nodded.

Seeing that the old man and his grandson had reached a consensus, the old lady stopped talking several times, but finally remained silent.

Xu Zizhen took a few steps quickly.

Soon I saw Master Xiao and others waiting in front.

He smiled sheepishly, "Let's go."

a week later-

In the quiet library, "dong dong~dong dong~"

The sound of rapid footsteps came closer and closer.

Many students frowned.

The owner of the footsteps seems to be looking for someone.

The sound of footsteps kept sounding among the bookshelves on each floor.

Xiao Xiao was sitting by the window.

Sunlight pours through the windows.

Occasionally, a breeze blows through the cracks in the window and onto the pages of the book.

Xiao Xiao turned over a book page.


"This classmate."


Xu Zizhen turned his head.

Put a hand on his shoulder.

He looked down his arm.

A somewhat sullen face came into his eyes.

"Classmate, you can't run in the library!"

The girl lowered her voice and was slightly out of breath.

"I'm not running, I-"

It just goes faster.

Under the girl's unkind eyes, Xu Zizhen swallowed his words of explanation and honestly admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry."

"It is my fault."

This chapter has been completed!
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