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Chapter 23 Emergencies

 In class, Xiao Xiao was a little distracted. Now that he thinks about it, he chatted with Luo Tao all afternoon yesterday and it’s a bit incredible. If he hadn’t been so hungry and it was getting late, he would have been a little reluctant to come back.

I don’t know if it was because there was a monster around last night, but the sunset over Xiangshan Mountain that he had seen many times was extremely beautiful and thrilling.

The sky is full of red clouds, the fragrant mountains are layered with red maples, the upper and lower colors are blurred, the boundary between heaven and earth is blurred, the majestic beauty of the world, because of a real monster beside me, makes it more mysterious and false.

Because of this haziness, he couldn't help but become even more ecstatic, and suddenly he didn't know his way back.


The atmosphere of the university is always relaxed and comfortable. The sky outside the window is just right. Xiao Xiao is sitting next to the window. Even though he is five floors up, he can still smell the faint green fragrance of grass and trees in the breeze. It is clean and has a slight fragrance. Astringent, and a bit of sweetness with a long aftertaste.

Huh? Xiao Xiao immediately straightened his somewhat lazy and dejected sitting posture, stared at the figure running on the gravel path below with slightly squinted eyes, watching it run up the wooden bridge until it disappeared among the trees.

Eared mouse?!

Xiao Xiao slowly relaxed his tense body. It had been a while since he saw this little monster. He thought he had left the school.

I didn't expect to see it again.

What a surprise.

But apart from that, there seems to be nothing else.

Now, when he sees monsters, he won't be as fussy as he was at first.

Maybe, before long, he will be able to remain calm and calm even if he suddenly sees a monster.


"Ah~" The sudden scream was like a sharp blade, slicing through everyone's eardrums and piercing the center of the brain. Everyone couldn't help but tremble.

The dull and quiet classroom suddenly became boiling after a moment of stasis.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Damn it, you scared me to death!"

"What happened?"


"Zhen Zhen, your face!" The sharp and high-pitched female voice continued, and the emotion revealed was simply horrifying, as if something unacceptable had happened.

"What's wrong with my face?" The girl who was called Zhenzhen was puzzled by her friend's fright. She was also a little frightened by her friend's excessive reaction. She was stunned there for a moment, with a face full of confusion and confusion, and her mind was just The same thought kept coming back: Did the mask fall off?

My mind was still confused, and my hands had subconsciously touched my face.

The mask is still there.

Zhen Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. After all, her face really didn't look good now, so she couldn't show it.

However, since the mask was still there, Zhen Zhen looked at her friend with some confusion, what is her name?

Just when she was filled with doubts, she asked, "It's so itchy. Why is it so itchy all of a sudden?"

The sudden itching on her face caused the faint fear that had arisen in her heart when she saw her friend's frightened expression to immediately burst out of the ground, and out of control, the panic in her heart quickly sprouted and grew, and her hands trembled violently.

Get up and lose control.

She pulled off the mask.

"What is this?!" Zhen Zhen's hands finally touched her face at close range, but the touch under her hands was not smooth and delicate as it should be, with slight ridges, but instead particles of particles.

At this moment, she had a vague suspicion about her friend's scream. She couldn't believe it, no, this was not true.

Her voice was weak and panicked, and she was shaking badly.

She didn't give up, even though her hands were shaking violently, she still tried her best to rub her face randomly, but there were particles, particles, particles everywhere!

"What's going on? What's going on?" Zhen Zhen frantically touched her face. The feeling of the tentacles made her despair.

And the face was getting more and more itchy, "It's so itchy, so itchy..." The crying voice revealed obvious hysteria and madness.

She couldn't control the strength of her hands, no, why did her face become like this?

"Zhenzhen, stop scratching... ugh!"


Lin Zhenzhen is a delicate girl with a gentle aura unique to Jiangnan.

A few days ago, Lin Zhenzhen's fair face suddenly had a few small particles, which were not obvious. She didn't take it too seriously. After all, girls sometimes get angry or don't get enough rest.

Some reasons caused some things to appear on her face. She had had similar experiences several times before. It was not a big deal and would usually get better in a few days.

However, the situation this time is different.

Not only did these particles not fade away, but there were more and more of them, and their shape was also getting larger. And they were different from the ordinary red particles. They were purple, and the deep purple made Lin Zhenzhen's face look quite scary.

Lin Zhenzhen was a little panicked, fearing that there was something wrong with her face, so she immediately went to the hospital to register. After a lot of trouble, she found out that she must have been bitten by some kind of insect. The doctor gave her a bunch of ointments and asked her to

Go back and apply it three times a day.

Now that she has the medicine, Lin Zhenzhen is relieved.

And I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or if it’s really effective. Anyway, when Lin Zhenzhen looked at her face, she felt that she had improved a bit, and there were only a few small pimples left on her face.

So, after taking a few days off, she came to class wearing a mask.

Who would have thought...

"Mirror, mirror, I want a mirror!" Lin Zhenzhen's voice was as tight as a broken string, dry and hoarse. She felt like she was hanging in the air, weightless, and all kinds of negative emotions were vying for the first place, devouring everything she had.

She suppressed it hard and held on.

Mirror, she wants a mirror!


At this time, the class was naturally over, and the whole class gathered around. The girls screamed in surprise, and the boys couldn't bear to look at it.

Even the teacher walked off the stage.


Lin Zhenzhen took the mirror handed over by someone unknown.

The next moment, the mirror fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

Lin Zhenzhen covered her face with her hands, buried her head deeply, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Even if it was just for a moment, she saw herself clearly in the mirror.


There were purple pimples all over her face, and due to her previous scratching, yellow pus flowed out.

It couldn't be more disgusting!

A choked sob blurted out, and Lin Zhenzhen finally broke down and cried.

Her face! Her face!

What to do? What to do?!

She was so scared and helpless!


"Okay, everyone, spread out. Don't crowd around here. You two, take her to the school hospital quickly." The teacher was always more calm. Even though he was also shocked, he quickly came back.

God came to him and without hesitation, he ordered two classmates and asked them to take Lin Zhenzhen to the school hospital immediately.

Lin Zhenzhen kept protecting her face with her hands, and was taken out just like that.

The remaining classmates had expressions of fear that had not faded away, even nausea.

For a moment, the classroom was silent.

A few minutes later, the rustling sounds of conversation gradually started to sound.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"It's so scary!"

"Will this face look good?"

"It's simply worse than being disfigured!"


This chapter has been completed!
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