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Chapter 2429 Strange Visitor


Song Chuxia murmured.


After a few seconds, Song Chuxia's face slowly showed a smile.

"……Very good."

"not worried?"

Li Yan swallowed the coffee in his mouth and said.


Song Chuxia pursed her lips and smiled.

not worried.

The heart that had always seemed to be hanging in the air finally fell back to its original place.

She exhaled slowly in her heart.

"Master Xiao, thank you."

She felt a little embarrassed after realizing it.


"Just for such a thing..."

"You know it's just such a thing."

Li Yan complained.

Seeing the girl's somewhat embarrassed expression, Li Yan immediately changed his words, "I understand."

"Don't you feel anxious about such a thing?"

"Since you feel uncomfortable, don't think too much and just solve it."

Song Chuxia lowered his eyes.

She silently took a deep breath.

A look of sincerity.

"I'm just troubling Master Xiao."

"Master Xiao, please don't find me annoying."

"Although...I seem a little annoyed..."

Song Chuxia smiled bitterly.

"Can I order some more cake?"

Xiao Xiao smiled.

When Song Chuxia said she wanted to come to the cafe, she made it clear that she would like to invite him.

The attitude is very firm.


Song Chuxia was stunned.

Soon, a bright smile appeared on the girl's face.


Song Chuxia's voice was a little brisk.

"Master Xiao, let's go to the dessert shop later."

After all, the cafe focuses on coffee and has limited desserts.

Xiao Xiao shook his head slightly.

"Need not."

"That's enough."

Song Chuxia did not persist.

I just had a plan in my heart.

Li Yan blinked.


He didn't notice at all, how come there were only empty plates left on the table that was full of desserts?

He probably smacked his lips with some emotion.


He also vaguely knew.

Not all of these desserts are eaten by Master Xiao alone.

The scene in front of him shocked him even more than the words he heard.

"Let's go."

Xiao Xiao stood up.

When I walked out of the cafe, the cold wind blew in my face.

Song Chuxia and Li Yan couldn't help but tremble.

They looked at Master Xiao with a bit of envy in their eyes.

Master Xiao wore the least clothes among them.

But it also seems to be the least affected by cold temperatures.

A burst of melodious music sounded.

Song Chuxia was stunned.


This music sounds familiar...

Xiao Xiao shook his head slightly.

"Your cell phone is ringing."

He reminded the dull girl.


Song Chuxia responded blankly.

Li Yan's expression was also a little confused.


After a few seconds, Song Chuxia finally reacted.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

The sound of music became more and more obvious.

Sure enough, it was her cell phone that rang.



Song Chuxia answered the phone.

Not knowing what the other party said, Song Chuxia's expression became a little strange.


"What's wrong?"

Seeing Song Chuxia hang up the phone, Li Yan couldn't help but ask.

"your expression......"


"My expression?"

Song Chuxia subconsciously touched her face.

"What's wrong?"


Seeing Song Chuxia's unfazed look, Li Yan shook his head, "Nothing."

Maybe he made a fuss.


Song Chuxia put down her hands and said, "My friend called me and said someone was looking for me."


"Qian Cheng?"

Li Yan blurted out.

Now that most majors have finished their exams, Qian Cheng should also have finished his final exams.


"It's a girl."

Song Chuxia was not surprised that Li Yan blurted out.

As soon as she got on the phone and heard that someone was looking for her, her first reaction was that Qian Cheng was looking for her.

She was also lucky that she happened to come out and missed the other party.

As a result, the other person's next sentence was that she was a girl.

She was really surprised.

A girl her friends don't know comes to see her?

who is it?



Li Yan grinned, "Oh, girl."

He thought...

Qian Cheng's family is not from here, has he gone back?

He and Qian Cheng were just classmates who reunited by chance many years later.

The majors are different.

I don’t usually have that much contact.

Therefore, he is not very clear about Qian Cheng's current situation.

Speaking of which, it was obviously Qian Cheng who I met at the beginning.

Why does he seem to have more contact with Song Chuxia now?

"Then you go back quickly."

"Is she still there?"



Song Chuxia nodded, "So my friend called me."

"I'll go back now."

"...I don't know who it is..."

"I don't know what it is..."

Song Chuxia muttered as she took out her mobile phone and took a taxi.


"Master Xiao, Li Yan."

Song Chuxia raised her head with a smile on her face, "You go back first."

"I'll wait here for the car to arrive."


Li Yan glanced at Master Xiao.

Xiao Xiao smiled, "It's not that long."

Li Yan nodded in agreement.

"That's right."

"We'll see you get in the car before we leave."


Song Chuxia originally wanted to refuse.

Then he arched his eyebrows and said, "Thank you then."

It only takes a few minutes for the car to arrive.

By the time she convinced Master Xiao and the others, the car would have already arrived.

Then she'd better not put in all the effort.


"...The car is here."

Song Chuxia checked the license plate number.

After realizing that it was the car she called, she waved to Master Xiao and Li Yan.

"Master Xiao, Li Yan, I'm leaving."

"Master Xiao."

Song Chuxia bent over Xiao Xiao.

"I'm troubling you again today."

"Although I have said similar words many times."

"I hope it doesn't bother you."

"......Thank you."


Song Chuxia turned around and got into the car.

Behind the car window, Song Chuxia waved to the two of them again.


The car drove away.

Soon he merged into the traffic and disappeared.


"Master Xiao."

Li Yan turned around and said, "How are you going back?"

"Taking a taxi or..."

"Public transit?"


"Take a taxi."

Xiao Xiao smiled.

"And you?"


Li Yan looked at the time and said, "Tsk, tsk, you all need to take a taxi..."


Li Yan put down his hand and grinned, "Take the subway."


Xiao Xiao laughed.

"Then let's go."

"I'm waiting for the car here."


"It's not that short of time."

Li Yan returned Xiao Xiao's previous words to Xiao Xiao.


Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you don't mind, of course it doesn't matter to me."

He just didn't want to delay Li Yan's return home too much.

But since he wanted to stay, he had nothing to say.


The car came quickly.

Xiao Xiao got into the car.


Looking at Master Xiao waving to him from behind the car window, Li Yan suddenly laughed.


He thought of Song Chuxia who had just left.

The two's final farewells to him were also very similar.


Actually it's not a funny thing.

But Li Yan just felt that he couldn't control his smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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