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Chapter 2547 Degree

Wei Yuchen:......

Just kidding?

Did he feel wrong?

Or is Brother Xiao speaking too tactfully?

He was really frightened by the play of the monster that Brother Xiao said...

Xiao Xiao shook his head slightly.

"It's because it didn't master the degree well."

Everyone's tolerance is different.

Wei Yuchen had a great reaction to monsters because of his own situation.

The fear of monsters in his heart was already at a very high level.

It can be said that the panic that Wei Yuchen suffered was not only given to him by the monster, but also given to him by himself.

In his opinion, Wei Yuchen was even more afraid of himself.

Wei Yuchen has already formed a fixed thought in his mind.

As long as it is a monster, it is scary.

Wei Yuchen's emotions also had conditioned responses to monsters.

As soon as I saw the monster, I felt frightened and frightened.

"But, didn't you notice?"


Wei Yuchen opened his mouth.

But no sound came out.

What was found?

"It didn't hurt you."

He didn't know about the other monsters Wei Yuchen had seen before.

But the merger did not harm Wei Yuchen's thoughts.

"Did you get hurt by it?"


Wei Yuchen subconsciously lowered his head and looked at himself.

He was not injured.

The few times he fell down were when he was young to avoid other monsters.

He couldn't help but touch his knees.

I fell hard those few times.

It was also a rare time in those years when he cried very hard.

Because he didn't want to go to the hospital, he silently swallowed the fear of seeing the monster.

He rarely cries.

Because it's hard to explain.

Later, when I got older, I stopped crying.

Fortunately, monsters are not that common.

Over the years, he has seen only a handful of monsters.

And the latest one is the monster that has been following him the longest.

He never understood the other party's intentions.

For this reason, he almost had trouble sleeping and eating during this period.

If it weren't for the fact that his family couldn't stand him staying at home all day during the holidays...

He won't even leave the house.

If he hadn't left home...

I wouldn't have entered this teahouse by chance and met Brother Xiao.

Thinking about it this way...

He was glad he came out.

turn out to be……

Was the monster just messing around with him at first?

Later, he was entrusted by Brother Xiao... to help him?


Can you say that?

If possible, he actually doesn't want to appear so cowardly.

He also wanted to be like Brother Xiao, who would remain calm in front of monsters.

This isn't the first time I've seen monsters. After so many years, I still haven't made any progress.

He himself felt that he was disgusting like this.


Wei Yuchen shook his head.

"It didn't hurt me."

He didn't react until he heard Brother Xiao's words.


Although the monster always appeared in front of him, it did not hurt him.


What is he afraid of?

"...I'm worried that it has ulterior motives..."

Wei Yuchen murmured.

It's not that he has persecutory delusions...

Don’t most people think so?

A sudden change of attitude is already very suspicious.

Especially when the other party is an abnormal being whose force value far exceeds his.

He could never be too cautious.


Xiao Xiao nodded, "I understand."

Something that requires so much skill is really difficult for Bing Feng.

Not only did it not make Wei Yuchen relax his vigilance, but it actually made Wei Yuchen become more and more wary of it.



This kind of thing is easier to do with a monster like Feifei who has the advantage of appearance and gets twice the result with half the effort.

Wei Yuchen was afraid of all the monsters he had seen in the past.

Except for Philip.

But this is also because in Wei Yuchen's eyes, he did not classify Feifei into the same monsters as Bingfeng and them.

Thinking about it this way, Philip is just an exception.

It has no reference value.

It is only appropriate to do this together.


Wei Yuchen suddenly apologized in a panic.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.



That monster is Brother Xiao's friend.

But he went out of his way to say a lot of bad things about it.

That monster obviously means well -


Wei Yuchen's expression was strange for a moment.

He always felt that combining good intentions with the monster in his impression... there was something indescribable.


Wei Yuchen shook his head in his heart.

He couldn't look at the monster with any color.

He just said bad things about his friends in front of his friends.

Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

At least at this moment, he couldn't think of it.

His whole body couldn't help but shrink up.

Fortunately, Brother Xiao kept listening to what he said without changing his expression...

Xiao Xiao suddenly realized.

There was a bit of a smile in his eyes.

So that’s it.

He shook his head slightly.

"You don't need to care."

"Originally, it was my busyness that caused you extra trouble."


Wei Yuchen opened his mouth.

He wanted to deny it.

In his anxiety, his voice got stuck in his throat.

"I'll tell it..."

Xiao Xiao was thoughtful.


Wei Yuchen finally made a voice.

He shook his head vigorously.

The sound couldn't help but become amplified.



Xiao Xiao looked at Wei Yuchen questioningly.

The calm eyes made the emotional Wei Yuchen suddenly calm down a bit.

"Feel sorry."

He was too loud just now.

The corner of his eye carefully glanced around.

I don't know if it's because of their remote location, or because the sound of ancient music flowing in the teahouse masks his voice?

No one looked at him because of his slight gaffe just now.

This relieved him.

The embarrassment in my heart dissipated a lot.

"Feel sorry."

Wei Yuchen apologized again.

But this time his mood was much calmer.

He took a deep breath.

"Brother Xiao..."

"Thank you."

Wei Yuchen lowered his head.

"Thank you for specifically asking your friends to help me..."

He... was very touched.

Whether it was the last time Brother Xiao took him to see the plum blossoms in the back yard, or this time he learned that the monster that had been following him was actually entrusted by Brother Xiao and appeared by his side to help him...

He and Brother Xiao obviously just met each other for the first time.

Brother Xiao has done so much for him.

He is really grateful.

He had a feeling that he had been unlucky for so many years and that things were finally going to turn around.

Xiao Xiao shook his head.

"I didn't do anything to help you."


Wei Yuchen shook his head even more vigorously.

Brother Xiao's willingness to help him helped him a lot.

For the first time, his fear of seeing monsters had someone to talk to and share with.

This was a great comfort to him.

Finally he was no longer alone.

He could also tell himself...

He has no problem.

He's just a little special.

This chapter has been completed!
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