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Chapter 2602 The situation is tense

Zhang Bo opened his mouth unconsciously.

The next second, he hurriedly closed his mouth again.

The wind surged in.

He almost squeezed out his tears.

Even though he was a little embarrassed, the smile on his face never disappeared.

Not even diluted.

The corners of his mouth almost rose to his ears.


Zhang Bo wanted to look back at Lao San.

The third child's voice just now came from behind him.

But he didn't dare to move.

From the moment he found himself rising, he remained motionless.

After all, I can't see anything.

What if he moves and falls?

Although the third child was there, he knew that even if he really fell, it would be fine.

But it’s better not to try something so dangerous.


At this time, Zhang Bo had a strange feeling that he was hanging in the air.

The whole mood was tense and exciting.

His nerves were very tense.

He thought of a tightrope walker in a circus.

The scenery in front of me is beautiful.

But with one careless move, he might be doomed.


Zhang Bo lowered his eyes.

In the thick darkness, he could only see a few lights.

Soon, he raised his head again.

The chaotic heartbeat was somewhat soothed by the vast expanse of sky.


Looking down, it is still too exciting.

It's not that he is timid.

The main reason is that he now knows nothing about the safety measures on himself.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

He was afraid that one unnecessary action would harm himself.

For the sake of his own life, it was better for him to settle down.


Unlike Zhang Bo, who was cautious, the girl's eyes shone brightly from the moment the car took off.


She couldn't help but scream in her heart.

The princess cannot scream.

It's so ugly.

Moreover, Brother Xiao Xiao also told her just now not to open her mouth and scream later.

She remembers.


Shasha's hanging feet swayed leisurely.

The upturned face was filled with starlight and moonlight.

The child's unique big dark eyes are smart and bright.

It is filled with dazzling surprises and pleasures.


So happy!

She got into the carriage.

Princess' carriage.

The more the girl thought about it, the happier she became.



The girl's clear laughter spread.


Zhang Bo was a little startled.

Anyone would be startled if they suddenly heard laughter in the middle of the night.

But soon, Zhang Bo also grinned.

He knew whose laughter it was.

A child's laughter is always contagious.

However, he was worried for a moment.

If this child opens his mouth and smiles, won’t he eat a lot of wind?

But soon, he put down this worry.

The child's laughter still echoed in his ears.

Probably the third child did something else?

He made a clear guess.


Xiao Xiao looked out the window with the curtains drawn.

This is not the first time he has flown in the air.

But it was my first time to fly in the air in a carriage.

This was a completely different feeling from sitting on the Gu Diao before.

He arched his eyebrows.


Qingji kept looking at Xiao Xiao silently.

It only paid attention to Feifei and Taotie for a few seconds.

The little white fox also caught Qingji's gaze for a second.


This human...



Xiao Xiao looked away from the window.

He smiled at Qingji.

"My name is Xiao Xiao."

"Thank you for taking us for a ride this time."


Qingji stared at Xiao Xiao's eyes for a while.

The sharp eyes even make people feel a little stinging.


Xiao Xiao was unmoved.

He just smiled and looked at Qingji.


Qingji slowly shook his head.

It consents of its own free will.

It is curious about this human being.

So, it is worth paying for the opportunity to observe this human being.


Xiao Xiao smiled.

As he said before, the reasons behind it are sometimes not that important.

Results are the most important.

No matter what the reason was, Qingji agreed to his request.

For this, he was very grateful to Qingji.


Qing Ji approached Xiao Xiao.

The little white fox slapped it with its tail.

Qing Ji's expression suddenly changed.

The body retreated quickly.

It hit the wall of the car with a bang.


Xiao Xiao touched the little white fox's head.

Then, he raised his eyes and smiled at Qing Ji, "Ah Jiu is a little afraid of strangers."


The little white fox rolled his eyes inwardly.

It is not afraid of life.

It just doesn't like miscellaneous things getting too close to it.


Qingji slowly sat back down.

But compared to before, it was further away from Xiao Xiao.


Qingji's face was full of shock.

Can this white fox see it?

This human's words dispelled its guess that it was just a coincidence.

Even if I think about it carefully, this guess is untenable.

That strength... doesn't seem like he was swaying randomly.


Ordinary animals can see it, and it's not like they haven't encountered it before.

The reason why I was so shocked this time...

Mainly because it was completely unexpected.

It knows this human can see it.

There are two monsters beside this human being.

But it never occurred to me...

The white fox that the human has been holding in his arms can also see it.

How dare you act so boldly.

This white fox actually attacked it?

Qingji's face looked a little dark.


Without warning...

Qingji's long sleeves attacked the little white fox.

It is also impolite to come and go without reciprocating.

Since the white fox gave it a greeting gift, it naturally wanted to give one in return.

Especially since it is the host.

This guy is still so arrogant and wanton in his car...

It didn't show any signs, wouldn't it make people misunderstand that it was afraid of the other party?



The tail of the little white fox suddenly appeared in front of the sleeve hem.

The two are colliding head-on.

A pause of a few seconds -

The sleeves flew back faster than when they came.

The little white fox's tail pointed at Qingji.

The fluffy tail is soft.

The tip of the tail seems to have a bit of sharp edge.


Qingji's hand shook rapidly a few times.

The sleeves hang down snugly.

Qingji put his hands on his knees.

His face looked a bit solemn.

This white fox...

not simple.


Xiao Xiao turned sideways and looked out the window.


The casual tone seemed to be completely unaware of the tense situation in the carriage.


Almost at the same time that Xiao Xiao spoke, the little white fox's tail softly rested on Xiao Xiao's arm.

Qingji was stunned.

Xiao Xiao opened his mouth.

The tense atmosphere in the carriage instantly disappeared.


"Qing Ji."

Xiao Xiao curled his lips at the monster who seemed a little stunned, "Thank you for sending us back."


Xiao Xiao glanced downwards.

"Just park the car there."



It stared at Xiao Xiao for a while.

Xiao Xiao's expression remained unchanged.

There is a smile on the corner of the mouth.


The horse's hooves walked down step by step.

The car came down slowly.

When there was still a step away from the ground, the carriage stopped.

Steady and steady.

Not a trace of turbulence or turmoil.


"Here we are."

Xiao Xiao reminded the two people sitting outside the car.


This sentence is mainly said to Zhang Bo.


From the car down, Zhang Bo felt something...

This chapter has been completed!
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