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Chapter 2645 Linlin

"She's by herself?"

The man's focus is on another aspect.

how come......



Xiao Xiao gave a positive reply.

"She's alone."


"She's alone..."

The man frowned, "How did she get so far away?"

After learning that his daughter was in Yanjing, his first reaction was that their previous guesses were correct and that his daughter had indeed been taken away by human traffickers.

However, the trafficker's destination was not a remote rural area, but the bustling capital, which surprised them.

Then he felt happy.

If my daughter is really taken to a remote place, I have to find her...

It's not easy anymore.

At least there won't be any surprises like now.

A young man who just heard from a friend that his daughter was missing actually found his daughter in the playground?!

What twists and turns... what another village with dark flowers and dark flowers...

There are no words enough to describe such a surprise.

It's simply a miracle.

It is God's blessing.

How could such a plot really happen in reality?

He still finds it a bit unbelievable.


"I have no idea."

Xiao Xiao answered naturally.

The girl hitched a ride with a monster and traveled thousands of miles away in a short period of time... Naturally, this fact cannot be told to the child's parents.

"She was alone when I found her."

"Because it's a little late."

"She was very excited during the day."

"I practiced the piano again in the evening."



The man and the woman spoke in unison.

The voice was full of surprise and disbelief.

The girl they thought was missing, the girl who might have met with misfortune...

As a result, the other party told them...

Their daughter has been having a lot of fun in the playground these days...


Their daughter hasn’t missed practicing piano yet...?

Of course they hope their daughter is safe and sound.

They were of course very happy to hear that their daughter was as safe and sound as they had hoped.


They never thought...

My daughter is not only safe and sound.

Still having a great time.

Do you remember practicing piano...?


Did they really hear it right?


Xiao Xiao smiled.

"That kid really likes the piano."

"I'm also used to practicing piano every day."

"Of course, I'm also a little worried that you will blame her for being lazy."

"She hopes that for the sake of her not forgetting to practice, you won't care too much about her not coming home these days."

Xiao Xiao helped the child point out her little thoughts.

Very cute idea.

The smile in his eyes couldn't help but deepen a little.

The man and woman looked at each other.

There was even a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

They are restless and frightened here, unable to eat or sleep well...

Both of them, who had always paid attention to their appearance, looked haggard.

His eyes were black and blue.

His eyes were also bloodshot.

I didn't even bother to change my clothes.

It looks really embarrassing.

They were in a state of embarrassment that they had never experienced before.

This child...



The man laughed.

Then, the woman also laughed.

"This child..."

The woman is angry and funny.

This kid actually remembers practicing piano.

I actually know how to use this to "bargain" with them...

The man and the woman had been tense to the extreme these past few days, and their emotions, like a fully-stretched bow, finally relaxed a little at this time.

Their child...is really found...

It's really okay...

Is that right?

"Why doesn't she-"

The man swallowed what he blurted out because of a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Why don't you go home?

His problem was too difficult for the children.

For such a young child, how can she come back on her own?

The child is alone...

How has she been spending these days?

The man was full of doubts and confusion.

Although the other party said that the children had a lot of fun in the playground...

What about accommodation?

What about eating?

The child has neither money nor contact tools.

I can't even call them.

The child has never encountered a similar situation before...

They teach their children not to talk to strangers.

That kid probably didn’t even have the consciousness to ask someone to borrow his cell phone to call them...


Speaking of which...

The man rubbed his temples.

Does the child remember the home phone number?

Because the child has always been very well-behaved.

They also take the children to and from school.

They have all neglected education in this area.

This incident was a wake-up call for them.

When their children come back, they must buy them a mobile phone and take them with them.

Also ask your children to remember their phone numbers at home.

In this way, if they encounter a similar situation again, as long as the children call them, they will not have to suffer for so many days later.



The woman spoke.

The man was stunned and swallowed back what he was about to say.

"Where does she practice?"

The man couldn't help but nod.

This is exactly the question he just wanted to ask.


"you tell me first."

The woman shook her head, "Where has Linlin been sleeping these days?"

"Did you eat on time?"

It is certainly curious to see where children who are alone can practice piano, but what parents care more about is their children's food and housing.

How can a child who is penniless and confused solve his own food and housing problem?

Especially now, although the temperature is gradually rising, the temperature at night is still very low.

If a child does not have a room to rest, he or she will easily catch cold and get sick...

All kinds of conjectures were surging in her mind, and the woman could not suppress her worry and distress.

The other party said it easily, but this child must have suffered a lot out there alone...


Such a young child...

A person has arrived so far away...


unfamiliar environment.


The child must be scared, right?

Did the child cry?

The woman clutched the clothes on her chest.

"She lives in a small theater in the amusement park at night."

Xiao Xiao curled the corners of his mouth.

"Of course I snuck in."

"The piano is also from the small theater."

"Right on the stage."

"That's why Linlin can continue to practice piano."

"As for eating..."

"As you know, there are always a lot of staff in the amusement park distributing food samples."

"People see Linlin as a child, so they will give her more."

"The little girl is small and doesn't have a big appetite."

"Most of the attention is drawn to the playground equipment."

"These past few days have been quite heartless and I have spent them happily."

Speaking of this, Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing.

Even if Qingji is with you...

Linlin is also a really big-hearted child.

At such a young age, I have no experience of going out alone.

How on earth could such a child be so calm when arriving in a completely unfamiliar place for the first time?

This chapter has been completed!
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