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Chapter 2774 Hiccups

Xiao Xiao slightly arched his eyebrows.

"Does the goddess like Pearl and Boba?"

Because the goddess looked serious at this time.

The eyes are also sparkling.

It's like treating every pearl or boba that comes up very carefully.



The goddess blinked her eyes.

His head couldn't help but tilt.

There was a bit of confusion on his face.

"That's what you're eating right now."

While Xiao Xiao was chatting casually with the goddess, the movements of his hands did not stop.

He closed every open box.

They were put into the bag one by one.


The goddess nodded suddenly.

That's what it's eating.

Turns out it’s called Pearl…and Boba?

Weird name.

The goddess suddenly smiled.

These two names made the goddess laugh a bit.


A big smile appeared on the goddess's face.

"I like them."

"I like them best."


Xiao Xiao smiled and nodded.


"Then I'll add these two condiments for you next time."


The goddess puffed up her cheeks -


A pearl was sucked up by it.

It took a long time for the goddess to finish eating all the pearls and boba.

Because it is not like Taotie who inhales the wind, nor is it like Ah Jiu who has three monsters drinking a cup of milk tea. The goddess just sucks up the pearls and boba one by one.

Eat very seriously.

It seems that the goddess really likes Pearl and Boba.

The smile in Xiao Xiao's eyes deepened.

Didn't rush the goddess.

Instead, he accompanied the goddess and drank milk tea slowly.

The girl swallowed the last pearl that day, and Xiao Xiao also finished drinking the milk tea.


The goddess burped in confusion.

Seeing the little monster's confused look, Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing.

The goddess couldn't help but cover her mouth.

His eyes blinked, showing a bit of embarrassment.


Why did it just hiccup?

Speaking of hiccups, it thought of the past, a scene it had seen not long ago.


The main content is still the misfortune of human beings.

The human being cannot hear its voice.

You won't hear its reminder.

However, the few humans who could hear its voice did not show due attention to its words.

It's their misfortune, and they will eventually encounter it again.

Regarding this, the goddess felt a little annoyed at first, but later she got used to it.

That time, it sensed that the human being was about to be unlucky, so it casually reminded the other person.

The other party's lack of response made it clear to him that the other party was not a special human being.

It's about to leave.

It doesn't have much interest in humans who can't hear their own voices.

It doesn't like to be a one-man show.

However, the next second, it stopped leaving.

Because... that human being... was unlucky very quickly.

The human suddenly hiccupped.

The sound is very loud.

It startled everyone near him.

That human was very embarrassed.

Maybe it’s because of the girls?

In its few passive receptions of human information, it found that female humans are more likely to be shy and embarrassed than male ones.

In other words, in human terms…

Boys have to be thicker-skinned.

Girls have to be thin-skinned.


The goddess even carefully observed the skin of human boys and girls for this purpose.

It seems...it is true that most girls' skin is better than boys'.

It looks more delicate and fair.

But there are also some boys who have skin that is as good as girls.

It's just relatively few.

But does having good skin make you more likely to be shy?

The goddess doesn't quite understand.

But one day, it realized it.


If you have fair skin and good skin quality, you will be more likely to blush.

If your skin is darker or rougher, it will be harder to see blushing.

The goddess looked astonished.

My heart suddenly felt much relieved.

I see.


It seems too far away.

The goddess brought back her thoughts.

It was that girl who suddenly hiccupped.

Very loud sound.

It witnessed the girl's face quickly turn red.

I don’t know if it’s because of the cough or because I feel embarrassed?

The girl covered her mouth.

The hiccups didn't stop.

Tiny sounds kept leaking out from between the fingers covering his mouth.

The girl's whole body was covered in hiccups.

The girl loosened her hands slightly and took a deep breath.

The result was a louder burp.

The goddess looked at the girl's face with some interest.

It felt as if it was the first time it had seen a human face turn so red.

It's like dripping blood.


It opened its mouth slightly.

It mostly sees human beings encountering minor troubles and the like.

For example, a drink was poured on you, you fell while walking, you were hit by someone or hit a telephone pole...

More serious cases include car accidents, billboards falling from the sky, etc.

However, the situations it perceives are more "trivial" troubles.

It is rare that it is in good condition and can sense a big event.

Like the girl in front of me -

Of course, it can also be said to be bad luck.

But compared to misfortune, perhaps it is more appropriate to say that it is embarrassing, it does not perceive much.

I don’t know if it is in good or bad condition this time?

Girls dare not let go of their hands.

The non-stop hiccups made the girl's whole face burn.

It feels like you can see white steam coming out.

The worst thing is that the girl is still alone.

No one came to help her.

Everyone is watching the excitement.

The girls are about to cry.

Finally, a waiter came to the girl's side.

This is a coffee shop.

The girl is sitting alone.

There is a laptop on the table.

The girl bent down.

The head hangs very low.

She was a little excited when she heard the waiter's question.

Finally someone came.

She felt happy.

The result is extremely happy -


It is the extreme sadness that brings about sadness.

The girl turned around.

As a result, my elbow hit the coffee cup on the table.

The coffee cup was overturned.

A nearly full cup of coffee spilled over half the table.

It also fell on the girl's lap.

Fortunately, the coffee had been sitting there for a while.

The temperature is only slightly hot.

Plus the girls are wearing pants.

Therefore, what girls feel more is the sticky feeling of wet jeans.

Rather than a burning sensation.

This is the only thing worth celebrating.


The waiter's feet were thrown off the table, and the coffee splashed on the floor.

She subconsciously took a few steps back.

Some were frightened.

Then, she discovered something that frightened her even more.

"Guest, your computer!"

After being stunned for a moment, the girl instantly understood what the waiter meant.

Her computer!

Without checking, the girl reached out and picked up the computer first.



Drops of coffee-colored liquid fell from the lifted computer.

This chapter has been completed!
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