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Chapter 2786: Childs Stubbornness

no no.

Xu Qizhen shook his head.

He didn't emphasize that he was not a child.

He just told classmate Xiao that he was no longer the child who would cry because his friend could not be found for a long time.

He has grown up.

Also stronger.


Xu Qizhen called out this name with a bit of strangeness and jerkiness.

He heard classmate Xiao call her that.

"No matter what you think, I'm glad to see you again."


Is it appropriate to say that we met?

Xu Qi was really troubled in his heart for a moment.

Then he told himself not to pick on the words.

"I've been looking for you for a long time."

"I finally found you."

"This is enough."

As for the goddess remembering him, she staged a touching scene of recognition with him that he had thought about many times, a scene where friends who had been separated for many years...

These are all extra.

Very good.


Actually it's not too serious.

It's just that he feels a little disappointed.

He is not a saint.

When he sees that the friend he misses deeply doesn't miss him as much as he does, he will certainly feel a gap in his heart.

There is still a huge gap.

But the other party's identity as a monster made him feel that the gap in his heart had been made up.

They are monsters.

Not human.

Therefore, she may not understand human emotions very well.

I don’t know what missing is, what searching is.

In her eyes, he was just an insignificant episode.

But in his eyes, that encounter left a lasting mark on his life.

Let him spend the next ten years on the road of searching.

no way.

Who makes her a monster?

He cannot and does not have the ability to force others to understand human emotions.

Understand his mood.

"Thank you for playing with me all afternoon."

Xu Qi really laughed.

He could write a novel about this experience.


It probably won't be that long.

short story?

The title of the book is called Hide and Seek with the Monster?

This seems quite eye-catching?

Xu Qizhen shook his head.

Thinking so seriously.

He can't really write.

He felt that this experience between him and her should just stay in his memory.

"Thank you."

Xu Qizhen thanked him again.

That year I was willing to play with a child, but I still played with a child who couldn't see her for so long.


He couldn't even see her.

Why should we ask others to remember her?

If he were like classmate Xiao...

He couldn't help but look at Xiao Xiao.

Before, his attention was all on her, but now he realized a fact...

Classmate Xiao can see her!

Classmate Xiao can not only hear her voice, but also see her...

Xu Qizhen pursed his lips.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

There was even a brief moment when jealousy arose in his heart.


He can't see her?

It was obviously him who played hide and seek with her that year, and it was he who had been looking for her for so many years...

As a result, everything and all his emotions seemed to be his own one-man show.

He found her.

But she was not found either.

If he was like classmate Xiao, she would definitely not forget him.

Xu Qi lowered his eyes to block the ambiguity in his eyes.

When he raised his eyes again, his expression became much clearer.

He was very sorry and unwilling.

But now that it was over, he had no choice but to accept it.

Anyway, he finally found her.

Years of searching finally come to a perhaps less than perfect end today.

The goddess blinked her eyes.

There is something strange about this human being.

For example, it never thought that a human who couldn't see it would be looking for it...


Since he couldn't figure it out, he asked directly.

"Why are you looking for me?"


"Why do you want to thank me?"

I don’t know if it remembered correctly, but it seemed like it was the first time it received a thank you from a human.

I feel...somewhat unclear.

Not happy.

Of course I'm not angry.

Maybe it's... a little bit strange?

But the things this human being does seem to be quite inexplicable.

This is an inexplicable human being.

Human beings are indeed very strange.

The goddess plucked the feathers on her hat.

It always does things it doesn't understand.


Xu Qi was really stunned.

He subconsciously answered the second question first.

"Thank you for playing hide and seek with me."

I think he said this before?

Didn't he say that?

Xu Qizhen himself was not sure anymore.

It was obviously what happened just a moment ago...

hide and seek?

The goddess blinked her eyes.


The game he came for was called hide and seek.

Speaking of games, it feels like humans are really smart.

You can always come up with a variety of games.

Although some are interesting, some are boring.

That hide and seek...if the other party can see it, then it should be more fun to play.

Otherwise, it would be invincible.

It was a little interesting at first.

After a long time, I felt bored.


It turns out that I am thanking it for this...

The princess tilted her head.

It can be regarded as playing hide and seek with the human.

So, it can accept this thank you.

"oh oh."

The goddess nodded.

Xu Qizhen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

I don't know why, but her talking to him makes him particularly nervous.

His mood just now was almost like that of facing his high school teacher.

Heart beating wildly.

But it cannot be shown on the face.

"...You haven't answered my first question yet."

Seeing that this human being remained silent, the goddess reminded him.

Could it be...

An idea flashed in the goddess's mind.

After getting the answer to the second question, it found that it had some guesses about the answer to the first question.

"...To say thank you to me?"

That's why you've been looking for it?

Xu Qizhen's mouth opened slightly.

He looked a little stunned.

This reason...

He nodded.

It can be considered one of them.

In fact, as he was young and fashionable, he didn't think so much.

Looking for her...at first it was just out of a child's stubbornness.

Children are always like this.

Once you want something, you will be very persistent.

I will never give up until I achieve my goal.

Even if you throw tantrums and wallow in front of your parents, you will get something even if you cry and make trouble.

He won't throw tantrums at his parents.

He won't cry and make trouble.

On the one hand, his physical condition does not allow him to do this.

On the other hand, he never did.

Don't know exactly what to do.

As a little boy, he just searched silently.

Especially after discovering that his sister was opposed to his search, this matter became his stubbornness like a secret.

"Wanting to thank you is just one of the reasons..."

Xu Qizhen still chose to tell his true thoughts.

He didn't want the lie to cast a thin shadow over their rare meeting at this time.

"I didn't think about this when I was a kid."

How can a child think so carefully?

This chapter has been completed!
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