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Chapter 297 Failure, Cake and Heavy Rain

What happened today was inexplicably funny to Xiao Xiao.

I said before that I'm not acting in a TV series, so how can someone who is so exaggerated actually do something just because of a little jealousy?

Now it seems that maybe there really are such boring and cruel people.

After Xiao Xiao was amused, he was not without anger.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but there was a hint of coldness.

Even if the other party fails to succeed, once the thing is done, it is done. The occurrence of the thing cannot be canceled if the predetermined result is not achieved.



Feeling Xiao Xiao's emotions, Feifei couldn't help but tilted his head and rubbed Xiao Xiao's cheek.

The soft touch inexplicably made Xiao Xiao feel a lot better.

Xiao Xiao's eyes filled with a hint of sincere smile, "I'm fine."

It's just some diaphragm.


Taotie didn't care whether Xiao Xiao was in a bad mood or not. He stretched out his paw and tugged Xiao Xiao's hair. His cake!

Xiao Xiao:......

He flicked the restless monster on his head with his fingers, and after hearing Taotie's angry cry, he said leisurely: "I know."

However, after being interrupted by the two monsters, Xiao Xiao's mood had returned to calm.

"Let's go buy a cake."

Xiao Xiao didn't tell anyone about being blocked in the alley.

Pretend it never happened.

Anyway, it's not him who suffers.

I just don’t know how the other party will react after knowing this result?

If he was angry and angry, Xiao Xiao felt that he would be quite happy.


I wonder if there will be others to deal with him later?

Xiao Xiao was not satisfied, but he felt that an occasional fight could not only stretch his muscles and move his limbs, but also make him feel refreshed and happy. The effect was surprisingly good.

"Lao San, why are you laughing for no reason?"

Zhuge Yun accidentally caught a glimpse of the curve of the corner of Xiao Xiao's mouth and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Did I laugh?"

Xiao Xiao touched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little ashamed. He actually laughed as he thought about beating someone.

It's so embarrassing.

Moreover, he said that he had never realized that he was such a violent person.

"Nonsense, you laughed and you didn't know it?"

Zhuge Yun gave Xiao Xiao a big roll of his eyes.

"Oh, a joke just occurred to me."

Xiao Xiao gave a random reason.

Fortunately, Zhuge Yun and others were not interested in his jokes, otherwise he would have to rack his brains to think of a joke to fool them.


"Yes, Master."

"What's going on? What kind of rubbish are you looking for? Even a student like this can't handle it?"

"I'm sorry, Master."

"My subordinate made a mistake. The student named Xiao Xiao has extraordinary skills. He killed all seven gangsters by himself."

"Right now, those seven gangsters are still lying in the hospital. The one with the most serious injury suffered a comminuted fracture of his wrist."

"You can't defeat one of them seven? And you still get eaten by others?"

"Why don't they just die?"

"They are really a bunch of gangsters, useless at all!"


The phone screen suddenly lit up, and there was a text message: Classroom 502, Third Teaching Building.

"There's no one I can't teach a lesson to."

"Find something reliable this time, you know?"

"Yes, Master."

"You can fight, right? Humph, let's see how good you are at fighting!"

"Master, walk slowly."


Xiao Xiao went out to buy cakes again that day.

In order not to attract other people's attention, Xiao Xiao always bought cakes from different cake shops.

Xiao Xiao had already bought some from the nearby cake shop, so this time we went to a place a little further away.

Facing the surprised looks from the clerk and other customers, Xiao Xiao was completely calm and composed.

He found a remote place and let two monsters finish the cake.

He also ate some cake. He actually has a bit of a preference for sweets.

When he was a child, his favorite thing was the various exquisite and delicious pastries in Xiao's Teahouse, which varied with the seasons.

Children, who doesn’t like sweets?

Even boys.

Especially when paired with a pot of tea, the tea is so sweet that he can eat more cakes without any greasy taste.

Xiao Xiao threw the cake box into the trash can and walked to the station.

Suddenly I felt a bit of coolness fall on my face, and I couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Is this... raining?

Xiao Xiao raised his head, stretched out his right hand, palm facing up, and soon received a few rain stars in his palm.

The rain soon became heavy.

"Crackling" raindrops hit the ground, splashing water all over the ground.

The road was in chaos, and passers-by ran to nearby shops to take shelter from the rain.

Xiao Xiao was naturally not surprised either.

He quickly hid under the eaves outside a store.

After standing still, I smelled the sweet smell. Looking back, I saw that this was actually a cake shop.

Can't help but feel a little funny.

He looked around for a moment and found that the store where he bought the cake before was three stores away from this store.


As soon as Taotie smelled the aroma of cakes, his eyes opened suddenly. He saw the dazzling array of cakes inside through the glass wall, and the corners of his mouth split open and his saliva started to drip.


Taotie tugged on Xiao Xiao's hair impatiently. The veins on Xiao Xiao's forehead jumped, and he said in a suppressed voice: "You just finished eating the cake."

It’s still a 16-inch cake!

Anyway, it was raining heavily and loudly. The people next to him were either looking at their mobile phones or looking anxiously at the sky outside. They had no intention of paying attention to anything else. He was not worried about others hearing what he said.

Moreover, his voice was also soft. He knew that the hearing of monsters was not comparable to that of humans, and Taotie could hear what he said.


Taotie said that a little was not enough, he could still eat more!

Xiao Xiao decided to turn a deaf ear.

Besides, even if he went in and bought it now, this glutton wouldn't be able to eat it.

Nowadays, there are people inside and outside the cake shop. Is there any hidden place where this glutton can eat cake?


Taotie refused to give up and kept making noise there.


Feifei couldn't bear it and screamed, his soft voice carrying a bit of contempt and ridicule.


Taotie exploded immediately.

Next, the two monsters began to fight each other again.

Xiao Xiao:......

He pinched his eyebrows quite speechlessly.


Xiao Xiaoqing coughed, neither soft nor serious. The moment he made the sound, he was drowned in the sound of rain.

But it was like thunder exploding in the ears of the two monsters.

The two monsters immediately silenced themselves.

They knew that this was Xiao Xiao's warning.

Taotie grinned unwillingly, his sharp teeth shining with a cold white light.

The eyes under his armpits were staring at the cakes on the shelves in the cake shop, with a look of salivation on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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