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Chapter 2889 The last time

The girls with half-cropped buns were already prepared to hear the "sky-high price"...

She is still thinking about whether her savings over the years are enough...

I even thought about asking my parents to sponsor some...

Unexpectedly, she received a completely unexpected answer.

Whether it's a white snake or a fox...

This boy didn't buy any of them.

They were picked up or given as gifts by others.

It's like giving it all for free.


The girl was so shocked that she was speechless for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of envy almost filled her brain.


The girl with a half-cropped bun took a deep breath.

"You never bought a lottery ticket during that time?"

This luck...it will all be wasted if you don't buy a lottery ticket.

"Or have you already bought it and won the jackpot?"


Xiao Xiao shook his head.


"You should buy it."

The girl with the round hair is a little embarrassed.

Otherwise, it would be such a waste of good luck.

"I haven't had much luck in that area."

Xiao Xiao laughed.

He has basically never won any prizes since he was a child.

Thank you for your participation.

Occasionally, you may win a participation award, third prize, or the like.

He is very optimistic about his luck in winning the lottery.


The girl with a half-cropped bun was surprised.

"Are you out of luck?"

"how come?"

"I thought you were the kind of person who could pick up money just walking on the street..."

"...One second I just lost something, and the next second someone picked it up and asked whose thing it was..."


Xiao Xiao smiled.

"I have actually encountered the situation you mentioned later."

What did she say next?

The girl with a half-tied bun took a second to recall what she had said before...

"One second I just lost something, and the next second someone found it and asked whose thing it was?"


Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Very lucky."

That time, he really just realized that his meal card was missing when he heard from his classmates that they had picked up a meal card on the road.

He took it over and saw that it was indeed his meal card.

The girl with half-cropped hair:...

Are you just saying that you have bad luck?

So what kind of person is she who finds that she has lost something every time and looks for it along the way, but still finds nothing?

Possessed by a degenerate god?


"You are so annoying."

The girl with half-cropped hair curled her lips.

Xiao Xiao quirked his eyebrows.

"I've had my share of unlucky moments."

"But you don't have to remember bad things so hard."

“Wouldn’t it be better to remember some happy things?”


The girl with the round head nodded.

"I think so."

When you encounter something unfortunate, just complain a few words and the matter will be over.

It's not something meaningful...

Why keep remembering to make yourself depressed?

She likes to think of happy things, especially when she is not in a good mood.

Smiling is the most important thing.


If you smile often, everything will go smoothly and you will live a long life.

This is what grandma told her.

Although there is a strong subjective consciousness, it is not without some truth.


Just as she was thinking about keeping a happy mood at all times, the girl with her hair tied in a bun sighed in the next second.


"I know we're disturbing you."

"I'm just going to ask you one last time."

"It's really the last time."

The girl emphasized.

"Ajiu really can't lend it to us?"

"You can come together."

"If everything goes well, maybe-"

After thinking about it, the girl with half-tied hair still swallowed an hour back in her stomach.

One hour is really too short.

It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

It's wrong to lie to people.

Although it is understandable to say some vague words appropriately in order to achieve your own goals.

"long time."

"Maybe not even for half a day."

"Super fast."


"Are you really not thinking about it?"

The girl with her bun hair half-tied stared at the boy in front of her seriously.

There are sparkles like diamonds shining in her beautiful eyes.

It's hard to refuse.

Xiao Xiao tilted his head slightly.

"You guys are really persistent."

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the little white fox.

"There are a lot of foxes in the pet shop..."

Why bother just knocking Ah Jiu?


The girl with half-cropped hair didn't deny it.

"There are a lot of foxes in pet shops."

"But tell me, which fox among them is better than your Ah Jiu?"

"They are in front of Ah Jiu..."

"They're all scum."

The girl waved her hand.

As if echoing his own words.

The movements are very crisp and neat.

Quite a bit of a sassy atmosphere.


Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

That's right...that's right.

"In my eyes, Ah Jiu is the most beautiful fox."

He touched the little white fox's head again.

The soft and cool touch made the smile in his eyes deepen a little.

The little white fox's tail rubbed the back of Xiao Xiao's hand.

This action made the girl opposite her open her eyes again.

What a smart fox.

Are all foxes that smart?

Or is this fox particularly smart?

Is appearance directly proportional to intelligence?

The girl reached out and tapped her cheek.

The more beautiful you are, the smarter you are?


is that so?

However, the beautiful appearance of this fox and snake does appear to be full of aura.

The so-called aura is also intelligence in another sense, right?


The girl with a half-tied bun had a look of envy on her face.

"Your Ah Jiu and Ah Bai are both beautiful and smart."

"very nice."

How lucky does a person have to be to have both a fox and a snake?


"They are all very close to you."

The girl curled her mouth.

Forget about foxes.

But such a well-behaved snake...

It was really the first time she saw it in reality.


The girl wrinkled her facial features.

"I'm so envious."

"I want too."


The girl with a half-cropped bun struck with both hands.

"Classmate, don't worry about it."

"I'll just tell you."


"Let's get back to the point."

"This is really the last time."

"Don't bother me."


The girl blinked her eyes.

"Can't you really lend Ah Jiu to us?"

Xiao Xiao smiled helplessly.

"Ask Ah Jiu."

"If it is willing, I will certainly not object."


The girl with half-tied bun hair was a little stunned.

Ask Ah Jiu?


The girl's eyes lit up.

Isn't it easy?

She remembered her previous experience of teasing cats and dogs.

The girl with half-tied hair bowed slightly.

A bright smile on his face.


The little white fox lay in Xiao Xiao's arms.

No response.

The girl frowned in confusion.

Logically speaking, pets are very sensitive to their own names...

This chapter has been completed!
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