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Chapter 2982: Distributing Sugar

The colors are also different.


Is it different too?

Lu Duan was slightly startled.

But soon, it got a little funny.

Even if it is really different, it has no way of knowing.

Very few humans can see it.

There are even fewer humans who have such friendly contact with it.

Who should it get answers from?


Meeting Xiao Xiao was already a surprise.

Where are there so many people like Xiao Xiao?

Luduan ate the candy.


The taste is okay.

Luduan narrowed his eyes.

Somewhat like the taste of a fruit it has eaten.

Xiao Xiao touched his pocket.

He took out all the candy left in his pocket.

Not much.

Xiao Xiao glanced at it.

Five candies.


Xiao Xiao stretched out his hand.

"Pick two candies."

The last candy was still in your mouth, why did you give it another candy?

Luduan tilted his head.

But since it was given to it...

There is no reason for rejection.

The thin tail paused on Xiao Xiao's palm for a while, then rolled up two candies seemingly casually.

Say it's random...

The ends are also carefully selected.

It chose a different candy from the previous one and a color that it liked.

Xiao Xiao smiled.

He looked up.

"little monkey."

The little monkey looked away from Luduan.

In fact, it didn't know that Xiao Xiao was calling it.

He was just reacting to Xiao Xiao's suddenly raised voice.

It turns out...

It discovered somewhat unexpectedly that this human being was calling it.

"Catch it."

Two candies were thrown up from Xiao Xiao's hand one after another.

Go in the exact direction of the little monkey.


The little monkey quickly stretched out his hands.

Two candies fell accurately into its palm.

It took a few seconds for it to react.

It stared at the candy for a while.

Then he looked down at the humans under the tree.

Xiao Xiao arched his eyebrows.

"give you."

"Hope you like the taste of them."

The little monkey folds his palms.

His eyes were wandering.

Seems a little embarrassed.

It has been trying to find trouble with this human being before.

But this human being did not seek to settle a score with it.

I also gave it candy.

The little monkeys were a little moved.

Every one of its previous victims would be furious.

Then run after it.

It's actually quite interesting.

It's very fast.

Ordinary guys can't catch up with it.


It also rolls over sometimes.

The most critical time, fortunately, the weird guy saved it.

It was able to escape safely.


It settled down for a few days.

Then the fruit-breaking game started again.

It likes to play with this.


It will make it particularly exciting.

This human being is the only one who doesn't act with a joking mentality.

It just wants to see this human being crippled.

In the end, it was him who was embarrassed in the end.

However, all its irritation, anger, and anger seemed to be dispelled by the sweetness in its mouth.

It decides...

It stopped throwing fruit at this human being.

For the sake of giving it candy.

The little monkey raised a candy in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The beautiful sugar paper shines brightly in the sunlight that shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

The little monkey's eyes also seemed to be blooming.

It held up another candy and looked at it carefully.

The serious and excited look doesn't look like looking at a candy.

It's a diamond that's rare in the world.


Xiao Xiao fed the last candy to the little monster lying on his shoulder.

Among the monsters around him, the one who didn't fight over him the most was Philip.

Although there are some factors of strength involved.

Although neither Taotie, Ah Jiu nor Ah Bai were in a state where they could not exert their full strength.

Especially the little Taotie.

Most of his strength has been sealed away.

Even so, the intimidation of the great demon radiates from the very core.

Feifei will fight with Xiao Taotie.

But he won't really confront the little Taotie.

Among monsters, the strong are respected.

Not to mention Ah Jiu and Ah Bai.

Without their sealed strength, even if they are limited by ordinary bodies, they cannot exert 100% of their strength...


So far, they have never encountered an opponent that required them to exert 100% of their strength.

Their sharpness is such that even a conceited little glutton must stay away from them.

Therefore, in daily life, Feifei worries more than Ah Jiu, Ah Bai, and Xiao Taotie.

When it comes to eating, it can't even "robbing" them.

The strongest Ah Jiu and Ah Bai are already invincible.

The little glutton’s obsession with food should not be underestimated.

Only Feifei is slightly lacking in strength, and his obsession with food is not that great.


That's relatively speaking.

The little one likes tea most.

We will be more active in the "competition" for refreshments.

As long as he is here, Philip will not suffer any loss.


The little monster tilted his head and rubbed Xiao Xiao's cheek.

Silver-blue light flashed across the narrow eyes.


The little glutton curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

It also wants to eat sweets.


The little Taotie turned over.

Belly up.

It knows this is the last candy.

Otherwise, it will definitely make trouble for Xiao Xiao and give it a candy.

There is no such distinction.

It is a great demon glutton.

It is the one that is particularly cared for and favored.


Taotie snorted loudly again.

Xiao Xiao quirked his eyebrows.

Pretending not to hear Xiao Taotie's dissatisfaction.

Most of the candies on his body were bought by Little Taotie.

Candy is good.

Eating too much can cause tooth decay.


"Luduan, why are you following me?"

Now that he was face to face with Luduan, Xiao Xiao didn't mind asking directly.

Luduan's expression was startled.

It follows this human...

What's the reason...

There is none either.

It is just curious about this human being...


Xiao Xiao seemed to understand what Lu Duan was about to say but hesitated.

He raised the corners of his mouth.

"There's no particular reason, you're just curious about me, right?"

Luduan opened his eyes wide.

How does this human know this?!

It said?


"My guess."

Xiao Xiao smiled.

Luduan's thoughts are not difficult to guess.

Most monsters that are not malicious towards humans are curious about humans.

It's like humans being curious about monsters.

Luduan curled his lips.

Human beings just have a lot of thoughts.


Communicating with smart humans really saves a lot of trouble.

There are many things that it is too embarrassed to say out loud. It would be best if humans could understand them themselves.

Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth.

"You can continue to follow me."

"I do not mind."

"But now, I have to go on."

Because of the little monkey and Luduan, he spent a lot of time.

Everyone was watching from the side.

He felt that maybe many people had forgotten that they were climbing mountains now.

Although they came out early, if they want to climb to the top of the mountain and then go down again, if they continue to delay...

This chapter has been completed!
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