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Chapter 2999 Misstep

Grandpa Zou praised the little girl for growing up, becoming sensible, and knowing how to care for her mother.


Grandpa Zou sighed in his heart.

The baby's mother refuses to see a doctor, and no one can do anything about it.

Moreover, this kind of thing should not be said to such a young child.

A smile appeared on the old man's face.

He touched the child's head again.

It is said that as long as the child listens to the mother and be a good child, the mother will be very happy.

Then mom won’t cough?

The doll tilted its head.

However, she felt that she had already listened to her mother's words.

Besides going to the mountains to play...

Thinking of this, the doll felt a little guilty.

Grandpa Zou didn't see the little girl's little thoughts.

He smiled bitterly.


He knows that Doll is a good child.

This is already the greatest comfort to the baby's mother.


Grandpa Zou looked stunned.

He suddenly thought of something.

There is a medicinal herb in the mountains near the village, which is said to be miraculous in curing coughs.

But no one has discovered this herb for a long time.

I wonder if it is because of climate change that the environment in the mountains is no longer suitable for the growth of that medicinal herb?

Or was that herb so heavily picked in the past few years that the herb outside the mountain has become extinct?

Maybe there is still something inside the forest.

But in this day and age, no one is willing to spend so much effort looking for just a single herb.

Besides, folk remedies from the past may not necessarily apply now.

Nowadays, you still have to trust the medicines prescribed by professional doctors.


Grandpa Zou fumbled in his pocket for a long time and finally took out a candy with a slightly wrinkled wrapper.

He handed the candy to the doll.

Seeing the child's surprised smile, the old man's face also blossomed into a smile.

The old man waved his hands to the child and left.

The doll opened the candy wrapper and stuffed the candy into its mouth.

Although the appearance of the candy is not good-looking.

But the sweet taste has not changed.

The doll smiled and narrowed his eyes.

The figure running out showed a bit of briskness.

The doll came to the mountains again.

But this time, she's not here to play.

She was looking for medicinal herbs for her mother.

As long as she finds the medicinal herbs, mom will stop coughing.

Maybe once her mother is happy, she won't stop her from playing in the mountains in the future.

With such wonderful expectations, the doll ran into the mountains with full excitement and joy.

But I never expected...

She would be reduced to the miserable state she is in now.

The doll is very familiar with this mountain.

Originally, she was very confident that she could find the medicinal herbs Grandpa Zou mentioned.

She is very smart.

She also specifically asked Grandpa Zou what the medicinal herb looked like.

She repeated the characteristics of the herbs several times and remembered them firmly in her mind.

As time passed by, the brightness and confidence on the baby's face gradually faded.



There are no herbs anywhere that Grandpa Zou mentioned.

how come?

The doll wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The still cool weather made her sweat.

The doll bent down and beat his knees.

He squatted down again.

Her hands swept randomly from the grass on the edge.

She casually plucked the tips of the grass.


The doll yelled irritably.


A squirrel on a tree not far away was frightened and ran away suddenly.

The doll was stunned.

She was a little discouraged.

But the image of her mother coughing came to mind.

The doll clenched his fists.

come on.

The doll cheers itself up.

She can definitely find the herbs.

The doll started looking again.

She vaguely heard the noise coming from far away.

But she did not approach the direction from which the noise came.

She remembered her mother telling her not to disturb tourists.

She headed in a direction away from the hustle and bustle.

While the baby was searching intently, the sky gradually darkened.

Until a drop of rain fell on the baby's face, the baby looked up in confusion.

She touched her face.

Another drop of rain fell on her face.


It's raining.

The doll looked around.

She didn't panic.

She had encountered this situation several times before.

The weather was fine when we came out, but it rained again later.


There was a look of surprise on the doll's face.

She ran forward.

After much effort, I broke off a leaf.

This leaf is very big.

The doll struggled to hold the leaf above his head.

Listening to the crackling sound coming from the leaves, the doll's eyes curved into crescent shapes.


The leaves protected the doll from the rain.

The doll never stopped searching.


The doll exclaimed and raised his head in panic.

The leaves accumulated too much rain and gained a lot of weight.

The baby's strength can no longer hold up the leaves.

The leaves fall forward.


The rain falls slopingly.

A "waterfall" appeared in front of the doll's eyes.


The leaves are much lighter after the rain has drained them.

The doll can lift the leaves more easily again.

With this experience, the doll will tilt the leaves above its head to one side after a while and pour out the rainwater inside.

The doll found it very interesting.

The depression that I was feeling because I couldn't find any medicinal herbs was relieved a lot.

The doll cheered up again.


She encouraged herself.

She must find the medicinal herbs.

In fact, the doll was confused when it fell.

The leaves are too big.

Herbs grow on the ground.

So the doll's eyes are basically looking at the ground.

It stands to reason that such a doll should not slip and fall because it did not see the cliff ahead.

But it just happened.

The baby will pour the rainwater accumulated on the leaves every once in a while.

When it feels that the weight on its hands has increased to the point that it can no longer bear it, the doll will raise its head.

She will look above her head.

The leaves are not thick.

She could see the shadows of water on the leaves.

In such a short period of time, she missed the mark.

She doesn't stop when she pours water.

Because she is getting more and more anxious.

She doesn't have a watch.

There is no tool to tell the time.

But she felt like she had been out for a long time.

Mom may come back to see her in the afternoon.

Maybe not.

she does not know.

But her mother didn't see her, and if she couldn't explain clearly when she went back, her mother would definitely be very angry.

She doesn't want her mother to be angry.

I am also afraid that my mother will be angry.


She is hungry.

She didn't have time to show fear at the feeling of weightlessness.

She fell heavily to the ground.

Something flowed out of her body.

she does not know.

All she knew was that it hurt.

It really hurts.

Her tears instantly flowed out.

But it was instantly washed away by the rain.

She wanted to move.

She wanted to get up.

But soon, she found that she was in too much pain.

It hurts when I move even a little bit.

She didn't dare to move.


The rain hitting her body hurt so much.

Moreover, she was horrified to find that she couldn't move either.

She couldn't even block the rain with her hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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