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Chapter 314 Strange Children

Today is not a special day. The Chi family's parents suddenly invited him to dinner. He also expected that they must be asking for something.

"Master Xiao, please sit down."

Chi's father did not sit behind the desk, but sat on the single sofa next to the sofa where Xiao Xiao was sitting.

"Master Xiao, I won't mince words anymore."

"I invite you here this time because I have something to ask for."

Chi's father frowned. Even though he was restrained, he still showed a bit of boredom, confusion, and worry.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows and listened intently, "Uncle Chi, please tell me."

"Well, I actually don't know if this is a coincidence or not. I just wanted to let you take a look to put your mind at ease."

"I've been thinking about it all the time, so I finally invited you over."

Chi's father sighed a few words and then got to the point.

"The thing is like this..."

Chi’s father is the director of a tertiary hospital.

The doctors in this hospital are highly qualified, have excellent technical skills, and have always had a good reputation.

So it's always crowded.

What is commendable is that this hospital has not had any major medical accidents or doctor-patient disputes.

This is the reputation of the hospital. As a member of this hospital, everyone from the president to the chief physician, to the ordinary nurse volunteers and even the cleaning lady are proud of it.

However, recently, there have been some problems with the pediatric department of this hospital.

Although not many people have discovered it yet.

It's just that the doctor noticed something was wrong and reported it.

However, as time passed, they didn't take it seriously, thinking that the situation would get better soon, but instead it got worse.

At that time, people who thought that the doctor who reported the case was making a fuss out of a molehill also shut up and began to worry.

Speaking of which, this is also strange.

The child in the hospital didn't know what was going on. He suddenly became listless and always lay in bed.

Originally, many children were very noisy even when they were hospitalized.

The area where the pediatric ward is located always echoes with children's screams, cries, and laughter.

However, during this time, the children were inexplicably quiet.

Even some children who cried and fussed every time they got an injection stopped crying and fussing when they got the injection.

No, it can’t be said that they were neither crying nor making noises. Those children had wrinkled little faces, and their faces were pale, and some of their eyes were even green-black. Their limbs twitched during the injection. They were obviously extremely scared, but they squirmed.

His lips only made a weak, kitten-like sound, as if his energy had been exhausted.

The parents were very distressed.

They all asked the doctor what was going on?

Some even recalled that children were not like this without warning.

Since the past few days, the children have gradually calmed down, and their faces have become worse and worse. Although they have had enough sleep, their eyes have a tired blue-black look.

Parents didn't care at first.

I just thought it was because the child was not used to being hospitalized.

Some parents of children who have been hospitalized for several days also think that their children are tired of being in the hospital and are just in poor condition.

Parents either comforted or made promises, but did not take the child's abnormality seriously.

However, the apparently worsening situation finally made them realize something was wrong and the seriousness of the problem.

They started looking for nurses and doctors.

They began to panic.

Fortunately, the hospital where Chi's father worked had a good reputation, so the parents were calmed down by the doctors and did not get into trouble.

However, if the children's problems are never solved, it will only be a matter of time before the parents start a fight.

The hospital takes this issue very seriously.

In fact, before the parents discovered the problem, the doctor on duty had already noticed something was wrong and reported the situation.

The hospital has also been working hard to investigate the situation.

However, until the parents realized something was wrong and went to the doctors one after another, the hospital did not find anything wrong with these children.

There are so many children with similar symptoms and completely different symptoms. How come they all have the same symptoms?

Multiple experts and the chief doctor jointly conducted consultations, but still could not find out what the problem was.

They carefully examined each child's body and found that apart from their own symptoms, they did not have any additional symptoms and naturally did not have any common features.

So, what exactly is going on?

Several gray-haired old doctors frowned deeply, but they couldn't figure it out.

They also asked the children.

But the children don't know anything.

The doctors got no information.

Seeing their listless children, parents were extremely anxious.

The hospital was even more anxious.

Their pressure is increasing day by day.

You also have to pretend to be confident and comfort the panicked parents.

In fact, I was very upset and panicked.

If they knew the reason why the children were like this, they would have another direction to work towards.

But the problem is that they can't find out anything about the current situation of the children. This situation of having nowhere to work and nothing to do is simply disappointing.

As time went by, the doctors in the hospital were even prepared to be criticized.

Even if they are really frustrated and aggrieved.

They obviously didn't do anything.

They tried their best.

The only thing that comforted them was that the children seemed to be just listless and had no other worse symptoms.

Therefore, they also hold on to a glimmer of hope in their hearts. Maybe these children, just like they are inexplicably depressed now, will inexplicably return to normal after a while.

Some doctors even couldn't help but pray devoutly.

Chi's father was very worried about this incident during this period.

All possible examinations were done, and he also invited many pediatric experts for consultation based on his connections, but all to no avail.

Looking at the state of the children, he felt very heavy.

Although the children are fine now, who knows if this situation will have any irreversible consequences.

They can't take any chances.

They are doctors, and rigor is their professional attitude.


When all conventional means failed to solve the problem, Chi's father thought of Master Xiao.

Although the situation of the children is strange, it is not that strange.

They have no special symptoms, they are just listless and unmotivated.

However, under the unthinkable circumstances, Chi's father placed his last hope on Master Xiao.

Even if the condition of these children will not get worse, it will be a serious blow to the reputation of their hospital.

Some children were fine when they came in, but after a few days in the hospital, their condition actually looked worse?!

What does this make parents think?

It is almost obvious to doubt the quality of doctors and to have a bad feeling about their hospitals.

This chapter has been completed!
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