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Chapter 3119: Call the parents

The teacher glanced at the boy.

Nothing was said.

After the class, the boy regained his composure.

He comforted himself.

It doesn't matter.

It's not like he has never encountered similar situations.

It's just going through it again.

It doesn't matter if someone says a few words to you.

He ignored it.

After a while, this matter will naturally be forgotten by everyone.

The panic faded from the boy's face.

His pale complexion also turned normal rosy.

When he got home and saw his mother, the boy even forgot what happened in school.

The school is no longer happy.

Why should you bring the unhappiness at school home and make yourself unhappy at home?

The boy is happy when his mother is around.

It's just that the development of things was beyond the boy's expectation.


New rumors are spreading in the school.

The boy has a mental problem.

Can talk to the air by itself...

This still sounds good...

It sounds like there is something wrong with the boy's brain...the boy is mentally ill...the boy is mentally abnormal...

There are even students who are worried that boys will get sick...

The teacher also knew about this rumor.

Many students were asked to talk by their teachers.

The boy came to the psychology teacher's office.

The boy knew there was nothing wrong with him.

But crows are real.

Lying to the teacher inevitably made the boy flustered and nervous.

Where can young children hide themselves perfectly?

This unusual panic and nervousness was noticed by the teacher.

The boy stubbornly said that there was nothing wrong with him.

Even though multiple eyewitnesses testified that they saw the boy's strange behavior with their own eyes.

They also heard the boy scream several times.

The familiar name made the boy more and more confused, and the unprecedented experience made the boy overwhelmed and incoherent.

As a result, his statements were inconsistent.

He initially said he was alone in the park.

Later, under the aggression of several witnesses, he changed his story and said that he was playing house.

Crow Crow is his imaginary friend.

This was his flash of inspiration in an extremely oppressive environment.

Then he was surprised to find... This was indeed a good explanation.

The boy has a new idea.

He explained that he initially refused to admit it because he thought playing house was a game only played by girls.

Boys will be laughed at if they play.

Especially when you are playing alone.

Very embarrassing.

This statement seemed to be believed by the teacher.

The boy doesn't know.

He was so nervous that he felt like he would faint in the next second.

When the teacher asked him to go back to the classroom, he thought the matter was over.

He even had a feeling similar to the aftermath of a disaster.

His walking steps were a little brisk.

But I didn't expect...

The teacher called the parents.

After knowing that his mother came to school, his mind went blank for a moment.

If the teacher had told him in advance that parents would be invited to come to school...

He shamelessly begged and asked the teacher not to call his parents.

Thinking of what the teacher would say to his mother, his anxious eyes instantly turned red.

He only has his mother.

Many people told him that if he disobeyed, his mother would not want him.

He will become an orphan.

Alone and alone...

He doesn't want to be an orphan.

He will listen to his mother.

He won't cause trouble to his mother.

He will study hard.

The boy ran to the teacher's office.

This time is class time.

The corridor is very quiet.

He could clearly hear his breathing.

There were also the sounds of running footsteps.

"Do not run in the hallway."

A teacher came out of the classroom and scolded the boy with a straight face.

The boy didn't listen.

Soon his back disappeared around the corner.

The boy came to the door of the head teacher's office.

The door is ajar.

I could vaguely hear voices coming from inside.

He pursed his lips tightly.

So that the sound of my breathing will not be so obvious.

His chest rose and fell violently.

After a short journey, he felt as tired as if he had run 800 meters.

The boy unconsciously held his breath and listened.

He tried to catch the sound inside the door.

A door apart...

Mom is inside...

The boy suddenly became very frightened.

I was afraid that my mother would be called by the teacher and she would be angry with him.

He knows that his mother is very busy at work.

At this time, my mother should have been at work...

He caused trouble for his mother...

The boy's hand pinched tightly into the other's.

He... didn't dare to go in.

"Why are you standing here?"

The sudden sound behind him made the boy almost scream.

If his voice hadn't been stuck in his throat at the last moment, he would have become the target of everyone watching.

Although his voice was muted, the frightened expression on the boy's face was clear.

The pale complexion makes people wonder if this child will faint in the next second?

The young woman standing behind the boy couldn't help but take a step back.

The boy's expression frightened her a little.

Apology appeared on her face.

"Feel sorry."

"scared you."

The boy shook his head in panic.

He knows this teacher.

He is the new music teacher in the school.

Very nice people.

Everyone likes her very much.

So does he.

He likes to listen to this teacher's performance very much.

It will calm his mind.

It won’t be so painful and uncomfortable anymore.

"Don't you want to go in?"

The young music teacher didn't push the door in a hurry.

She looked at the boy and asked for his opinion.

The boy was stunned.

Go in...

Of course he has to go in.

Mom is inside.

He couldn't keep his mother waiting.

But just because his mother was inside, the boy felt as if his feet were filled with lead.

Good weight.

He couldn't move forward.

"Do you need me to push the door open for you?"

Music teacher smiles.

The eyebrows are gentle.

The boy nodded subconsciously.

His nose is a little sore.

The next second, he sniffed hard.


The music teacher put his hand on the door.

Just a second before the door was about to be pushed open, the music teacher stopped.

She turned her head.

"it does not matter."

She smiled reassuringly at the child.

"Don't be so nervous."

The music teacher comforted me warmly.

But there was a wry smile in my heart.

It's too obvious.

This student looked like he was called a parent.

Only children who have called their parents would be so embarrassed, nervous and flustered at the door of the teacher's office.

The boy opened his eyes wide.

The teacher...is comforting him...

The music teacher winked at the boy.

She opened the office door.

The conversation inside the door stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at the door that was pushed open.

"Teacher Lu..."

The music teacher smiled at everyone, and then walked towards a teacher sitting in his seat.

Her departure revealed the boy behind her.

"Song Xiaxuan."

The head teacher saw his students at a glance.

"You came."

This chapter has been completed!
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