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Chapter 3199 Zhu Yan

The man stalked after him.

The man once again stood beside Xiao Xiao and took a step back.

Xiao Xiao walked into the balcony.

The man couldn't bear it any longer.

When classmate Xiao visited the bedroom before, he didn't say anything.


It was also because he was immersed in his own thoughts.

But now that he saw Xiao Xiao walking into the balcony, he couldn't control his desire to speak.

The balcony of the man's house is... quite... "luxurious".

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Potted plants of various sizes are scattered in a well-proportioned manner.

Flowers of different shapes and colors are dazzling.

There is also a wooden frame set up on the balcony.

Green vines twine around it.

Small flowers with elegant colors are hidden among them.

Hiding in the corner of sight.

Become a little surprise.

The fragrant floral fragrance is mixed with the fresh herbal fragrance.

An increasingly intoxicating aroma brewed.

"Classmate Xiao."

There was uncontrollable pride on the man's face.

"How about it?"

"My balcony is great, isn't it?"

He has absolute confidence in his balcony.


"After all, space is limited."

"It won't be long."

The man had some unconcealable regrets.

"My Home……"

The man paused and said, "I mean my home in Benli."

"It's my parents' house."

"There is a quite big yard in front of my house."

"There are many more plants there than here."

"But this is pretty good."

The man gently touched the green leaf closest to him, with a smile on his face.

"The colors, shapes, and placement of these flowers are all very particular."


The man swallowed his next words.

Because he found classmate Xiao squatting down.

She didn't seem to hear what he just said.

He was a little unhappy.

This balcony can be called his proud work.

It is also his favorite work.

Every flower and grass on this balcony is taken care of carefully by him.

He hopes they will be loved by everyone who comes to visit.

But he was also a little curious.

What is classmate Xiao looking at?

He suppressed some dissatisfaction in his heart.

He looked in front of Classmate Xiao.

He recognized it quickly.

That was a perfectly opened pot of margarita.

This margarita is a rare buttercream frosting he discovered by chance.

The flower shape is somewhat like a miniature version of a sunflower.

The colors are also somewhat similar.

But as its name suggests, the buttercream frosting will be a little softer in color.

The man's dissatisfaction dissipated a lot.

Student Xiao thinks this pot of margarita is very beautiful, right?

A smile appeared on his face.

He felt so too.


He thinks all the flowers and plants on the balcony are beautiful.

Even a single leaf is exceptionally green and beautiful in his eyes.

The man also squatted next to classmate Xiao.

"Classmate Xiao-"

Xiao Xiao turned his head and made a silencing gesture to him.

The man was stunned.


But soon the man thought he understood.

He does this sometimes.

When he sees beautiful flowers, if he is concentrating on admiring them, he doesn't like others to disturb him.

That would affect his appreciation of flowers.

For this reason, he was even ridiculed by his bad friends.

I think he is very "pretentious".

He didn't expect...

It turns out that classmate Xiao will be like this too.

He just said.

As long as they are sensitive to beauty, people with higher appreciation will be able to appreciate beauty immersively more easily than the average person.

The man discovered that he had an impression of classmate Xiao other than a lifesaver.


It's a good impression.

The man consciously stood up and moved some distance away from classmate Xiao.

It gave classmate Xiao ample space to appreciate.

Xiao Xiao didn't know such a complicated psychological process in the man's heart.

The reason he asked the man to keep quiet was simple.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

He found...the culprit that kept the man so unlucky.

A fox-like creature crouched in the cracks of the potted plants.

The fins on the back are very eye-catching.

There is a beast, which looks like a fox and has fish wings.

His name is Zhu Yan.

Its sound corrects itself.

As if noticing the gaze that had been on him for too long, Zhu Yan slowly opened his closed eyes.

Narrow eyes similar to those of a fox.

There is a bit of sharpness at the end of the eyes.

Vertical pupils unique to beasts.


Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Pupils are not round.

But it is shaped like the flower in the pot in front of me.

What special eyes.

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised.

It's also a bit surprising.

Even the color is very similar to the color of the flower in front of me.

But there is no flower in front of me, as soft and sweet as if it is dipped in sugar.

On the contrary, it was translucent and cold, as if covered with a layer of frost.

However, this is more in line with the slightly cold appearance of this monster.

Whether it's the "fins" with a vaguely sharp edge flowing from the monster's back, or the sharp claws extending from the monster's thin limbs.

No one can feel the "warmth".

This monster looks like a sharp blade.

Especially the way she slowly straightened up and looked at him.

Like a sharp knife unsheathed.

Xiao Xiao slightly arched his eyebrows.

He seemed not to notice the sharp aura coming towards him.


He said softly.

Zhu Nu's hostility provoked Feifei's reaction.

The tired little monster opened his eyes.

His silver-blue eyes were icy.

It contains a biting cold air.

Zhu Yan, who was slightly startled by Xiao Xiao's greeting, suddenly became on guard.

The arched back outlines the rugged bones.

A dangerous roar was suppressed in his throat.


Xiao Xiao reached out and gently rubbed the little monster's head.



Feifei tilted his head and rubbed it into Xiao Xiao's palm.

The air-conditioning around me has calmed down a lot.

Xiao Xiao looked at Zhu Yan.

Hello again.


"Can we talk?"

Xiao Xiao made the request simply.

Because of Feifei's "quieting of flags and drums", Zhu Ni's tense nerves also relaxed a little.

It took a look at the monster with red stripes on a white background.

The other party looked at it quietly.

There is no disturbance in his eyes.

There is no hostility.

But it knows that once it reveals any bad intentions towards this human being, the other party will definitely suddenly become violent.

This human being...

Its gaze returned to the face of the human in front of it.

Humans who are surrounded by monsters can see it...

Then it's not surprising at all.

It is somewhat curious about the humans in front of it.

Although rarely...

It has encountered humans who can see monsters.

And among those humans who can see monsters, this human being is also special.


is the most special.


It raised its eyes.

Taotie raised his body slightly.

He looked at Zhu Yan with some interest.

Noticed that Zhu Yan was also looking at it.

It grinned at the corners of its armpits.

Showing sharp fangs.


Zhu Yan was startled.

He couldn't help but take a step back.

This chapter has been completed!
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