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Chapter 3254: Poor Tracking

Generally speaking, pets are not allowed in food stores.

This is for hygiene reasons.


At first, all the attention was attracted by the astonishing number of cakes on the checkout counter.

The revenue collector missed the initial opportunity to remind the other party.


There will be no suitable time later.

Now that everyone is leaving, what else is she reminding?


The cashier's eyes lingered on the little white fox.

There should be nothing wrong with this little white fox.

Visibly clean and beautiful.

Everyone should be like her.

They were all amazed by this little white fox.

It never occurred to me that this little guy shouldn't have entered the store.


Appearance is a killer.

Good looks are a privilege.

Xiao Xiao turned around and left the store.

"Dingling bell~"

The light and clear ringtone bid him farewell, gradually dissipating behind the closed door.

He curled his lips.

He turned his head and looked at the place where he saw the scar monster just now.

Somewhat unexpected.

It doesn’t seem that surprising...

The scar monster was still where he had seen it.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

He took steps.

Scar Monster heard the noise.

It didn't care.

When the human just went to the checkout counter, he couldn't be seen here because of the shelves inside.

It curled its lips.

He withdrew his gaze somewhat angrily.

The emptiness in front of him made the scar monster slightly stunned.

Then it remembered...

All these cakes were taken away by that human being.

The scar monster looked at the shelves on the side.

Then, it saw a familiar figure reflected in the window.


The scar monster opens his eyes wide.

The next second, the scar monster suddenly turned its head.

Xiao Xiao slightly arched his eyebrows.

It's like saying hello to the scar monster.

Scar monster:......

It suddenly discovered...

When facing this human being, it was fully alert and nervous, like a frightened bird.

This human being always has a "spring blossoms" expression.


Doesn't it seem particularly useless?

The scar on the scar monster's eye squirmed a few times.

I felt quite unhappy.


If you are unhappy, then you will be unhappy...

How should scar monsters be?

Even if it has not had a direct conflict with this human being.

But it tells it directly, don't be impulsive.

This human being...

very dangerous.

Scar Monster trusts his instincts.

learn from mistakes.

The last time it ignored its instincts, it left this scar on its eye.

This scar reminds it all the time...

Don't forget the shame of the past.

We should take this as a lesson.

He won't make the same mistake twice.

Xiao Xiao stopped beside the scar monster.

The scar monster, who had just relaxed a little because he felt that his reaction was a little too big, suddenly entered a state of full alert again.

too close.


It is unwilling to ask it to step back.

Why should it be returned?

Doesn't this human know to keep a distance from monsters?

The scar monster selectively ignored the other monsters on this human body.

The scar monster has very rich mental activities.

It wasn't until a car stopped in front of it that it suddenly came to its senses.

To be precise, the car was not parked in front of it.

But it's too close to this human being...

This car actually stopped in front of this human being.

Xiao Xiao bent down and got into the car.

He looked at the scarred monster who seemed a little confused, with a faint smile in his eyes.


The car quickly took the human and left.

By the time the scar monster reacted, it had already jumped onto the roof of the car where the human was sitting.

The strong wind caused by the speed of the car caused the scar monster's hair to dance wildly.

Scar monster:......

What is it doing?

Why does it jump up?

The scar monster fell into a tangled state of self-doubt.

Is there something wrong with his brain?

Xiao Xiao in the car looked towards the roof of the car.

The moment the car started, he felt a black shadow pass by the corner of his eye.


Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

There is one more passenger on the roof of the car.

Obviously wary of him...

What is this intended to do?

Xiao Xiao was a little curious.

He lowered his eyes.

Some are looking forward to what happens next.

The car stopped steadily at the entrance of the school dormitory area.

Xiao Xiao got off the car.

He walked towards the bedroom.

With so many things on hand, it is not suitable for him to go anywhere else.

Moreover, as soon as he returned to school, the little Taotie started to make a fuss.

Scar Monster jumped out of the car as soon as it started.

After realizing his actions, Scar Monster:...

It just gets off.

Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable to be blown by the wind on the roof of the car.

This is not a valley or wilderness.

The air is not that good.

The scar monster looked left and right.

Finally, he turned his attention to the humans who were gradually walking away.

Its face scrunched up.

The scars on the eyes became more and more prominent.

I realized that I could no longer see that human being...

The scar monster sneered.

The body has already escaped.

The scar monster kept a certain distance from the human.

It knows that human being should be very powerful.

It didn't want the human to find out that it was following him.

Taotie turned his head slightly.

The sneaky figure of a certain monster came into its field of vision.

Its eyes twitched.

With this little ability... what are you following?

Is this guy a fool?

Or is it just a joke?

Taotie looked at the scarred monster with some disbelief, thinking he was unaware of it.

Taotie looked away.

It had no eyes for that idiot.

It pulled Xiao Xiao's hair.


There's a fool following you.

It knew that this human being must have noticed it.

That's why it said it.

With that idiot's tracking skills, what he didn't notice... was...

Taotie tilted his head.





Taotie suddenly thought of a word he had heard on human television.

Although I don't quite understand what it means.

But judging from the context in which the word was heard at the time, it is quite consistent with the current situation.

As long as there is a slight possibility that this human being is not aware of it...

It won't even tell him.

Why tell?

Stupid guy meets stupid guy...

Isn't it great?

It is also happy to watch the fun on the side.

Taotie regrets that there is always excitement that has no fate with him.

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly.

"I know."

He said softly.

His eyebrows were slightly curved, showing a slight smile.


Taotie curled his lips without any surprise.

It knows that this human being already knows.


Taotie made a gurgling sound from his throat.

Then he turned over lazily.

This chapter has been completed!
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