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Chapter 3298: Telling the story

The man's memory goes as far as almost getting into a car accident.

After the car accident...


The man's head swelled even more.

He seems to have left the scene...


What happened then?

Why did he fall on the roadside?


The old lady shook her head.

"Drink less in the future."

The old lady is telling the same old story again.

"This time there are kind people who help..."

"But not every time you are so lucky to meet kind-hearted people."

"You'll probably have to lie out in the open for a long time."

"And it's still raining outside..."

The more he spoke, the more the old man frowned.

"I woke up the next day with the hangover and a runny nose from a cold..."

"It's you who suffers."

"Can't you be nicer to yourself?"

"Take more care of yourself?"

The old man spoke with sincerity and sincerity.

In response, the man could only change the topic again.

"Someone sent me back?"

Although it was to change the topic, the man was indeed surprised by this.


"How did he know I lived here?"


"Why did he send me to you?"



The old man helplessly interrupted the man, who was getting more and more excited as he spoke.

"Come one question at a time."

"You ask so many questions at once, and I can't answer them."

The man sneered.

He also realized that he was getting a little excited unconsciously.

Mainly, he was really confused.

He couldn't remember what happened after he ignored the driver behind him and left.

His memory is fragmented.

At once……

Very strange? Wonderful? Strange?

He couldn't describe exactly what it felt like.

He just wants to know what happened to him during that time?

"How did he know you were here..."

The old lady smiled and shook her head.

"You told him yourself."


"I actually know how to tell people my home address."

I still know I have to go home...

"I told him myself?"

The man was surprised.

"Why don't I have any impression at all..."

He hit his head with a fist.

Except for the driver...

Has he been in contact with anyone else?

"do not you remember?"

The old man is a little funny.

"Tell me what you remember?"

Isn’t it common for drunk people to not remember what happened while they were drunk?

This isn't the first time this kid has gotten drunk.

Why are you still wondering about this question?

The movement of the man's hand paused.



Does he think too highly of his drunken self?

Don't say he doesn't remember someone he spoke to -

The driver who almost hit him before seemed to have said a lot to him?

But his head was occupied by alcohol, and he actually didn't hear a word clearly what the other party said.

He just subconsciously rejected the pull of strangers on him.

Neither the rain nor the danger of a car accident could awaken his alcohol-paralyzed brain.

On the contrary, it's like adding fuel to the fire...

He felt that he was getting more and more drunk.

Seeing the man's silence, the old man sighed and shook his head.

"You, come to my place for a drink next time."

"I'll accompany you."

She had made this suggestion many times.

It's not a good idea to get drunk alone outside.

Like today, a man passed out drunk on the roadside...

Or encountered a petty theft...

Accidents are always hard to tell.

Before the accident like Xiao Li and others, who could have thought that Xiao Yan would lose his wife and children so early?

But every time her suggestion was ignored by the man.

She didn't give up either.

Although I don't have much hope.

I thought maybe after hearing her talk too much, one day Xiao Yan would really accept it...


Today the man still chose to ignore it.


Men are somewhat accustomed to the pain in their heads.

My thoughts gradually became clearer.

"Did he happen to meet you when he sent me back?"


The old lady followed the man's words and responded.

"At that time, he put you in front of your house."

"I just came back from shopping for groceries."

"Xiao Xiao-"

"That's the young man who sent you back."

The old lady explained.


You even asked for their names.

"He heard me going upstairs and smiled at me."

The old lady explained the situation at that time.

"When people smile at me, don't I have to smile back?"

It's a matter of courtesy.

"Then I noticed you."

"Because you lowered your head, I was a little unsure at first."

"I went up and took a closer look."

"I recognized it right now."

"Seeing the way you closed your eyes, I almost thought something happened to you..."

Thinking of her panic at that time, the old lady smiled.

"Later, Xiao Xiao told me that you were drunk."

"I just realized it."

"I smell alcohol on you too."

"I asked Xiao Xiao what's going on?"

"They said they found you drunk on the roadside."

"When he found you, you were still somewhat conscious."

"You told Xiao Xiao your home address."

"This made Xiao Xiao hesitate for a while, and finally he sent you back here."

"Otherwise, they will send you to the police station."

"Young people are kind-hearted."

The old lady was a little emotional.

"He feels that since you have told him your address, it seems not good to send you to the police station again."

"He thought, you would rather wake up and find yourself at home."

Hearing this, the man couldn't help but nodded.


Everyone wants to wake up drunk in their own home.

Even if it's not home...

At least……

Most people don't want to wake up and find themselves in a police station.

That was definitely shocking.

But in that case...

Maybe no matter how drunk you are, you will be frightened and wake up?

The man twitched his lips.

It's a little funny to think about it now.

But if I really encountered such a situation, it wouldn't be funny at all.

"He just sent you here."

"What a good boy."

The old lady had a good impression of Xiao Xiao because he helped Xiao Yan.

Later, they drank tea together again, and the old lady became a little closer to the child.

"It's your luck that you met him."

The man nodded silently.


He didn't want to wake up and find himself in a police station.

He doesn't like "surprises" like that.

"I asked Xiao Xiao to bring you to my house first."

"You are a big boy and I, an old woman, can't move it."

The old lady shook her head.

"Xiao Xiao helped me send you to this bed..."

When things came to this point, the man fully understood the ins and outs of his appearance here.

He smiled apologetically at the old man.

"Feel sorry."

"Troubling you."

This chapter has been completed!
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