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Chapter 3413 The Invisible Man


The young man opened his mouth.


It took a long time for the boy to spit out two syllables.

Xiao Xiao's expression did not change at all.

He is holding cocoa.

She calmly waited for the young man to talk.

The young man felt relaxed in his heart.

He took a big sip of the cocoa.

The smooth and fragrant cocoa slid into his mouth.

A comfortable warmth spread throughout his limbs.

The young man took a deep breath.

"Big brother."

"...are you free next?"

Xiao Xiao smiled.


The young man couldn't help but smile.


"It's a somewhat boring story..."

The young man looked out the window.

Because of the rain, the light outside the window was not bright.

Somewhat gloomy.

The rain hit the window glass, leaving water stains.

The interior is very bright.

If you don't look out the window, it almost feels like the weather is sunny outside the window.

"...I encountered something unpleasant..."

The boy's voice was very low.

As if talking to himself.

There is a hint of hoarseness.

"I came across..."


The young man touched his throat.

He found that he couldn't pronounce the name.

He now lives with his grandparents.

It's not because his parents are busy at work and have no time to take care of him.

It's not because something happened to his parents, so he can only depend on the old man.

just because of……

They don't want him.

To be honest…

To admit it...

It's really difficult.

As if he had admitted this, all his persistence, all his self-esteem, all his whitewashing... were all like glass falling to the ground...

It shattered violently.

The sharp and piercing sound opened deep wounds in his heart.

There was blood flowing out from the wound.

The reason they don't want him is simple.

He is not the fruit of their love.

It is an obstacle to their pursuit of freedom and happiness.

In his memory, he had never felt the so-called...family warmth for even one day.

Maybe when he was younger.

But he has forgotten.

For as long as he could remember... as far back as he could remember...

He is the one who is ignored... a dispensable existence.

The quarrels, cold wars, accusations between those two people...

It has nothing to do with him.

He wanted to get close...

He tried hard...

But he was always repelled by their indifferent expressions.

They didn't look at him like they were looking at their own children.

It's more like looking at an out-of-time...stranger.

They finally divorced when he entered junior high school.

He had never seen such relaxed and happy expressions on their faces.

His eyes were shining.

He is very cold.

He wanted to ask them...

They are all gone...

What should he do?

But he couldn't ask.


He couldn't be more clear...

No matter how carefully he searches...

He is not in their eyes.

Finally, his grandparents took him in.

Even though he later learned that his grandparents adopted him because he was their grandson.

Especially after a year later, the man who had a new family had a daughter.

As the only grandson, he is loved by his grandparents.

He was hurt by this fact.

His grandparents did not take him in because he was who he was.

What if he wasn't a boy, but a girl...

So where will he be now?

He may still live with his grandparents.

But grandparents may not treat him as well as they treat their grandson.

He should be grateful that he is a boy.

At least it didn't make him homeless.

At least he got the warmth of home from his grandparents.

He told himself not to think too much.

His grandparents are his only warmth.

After those two people divorced and he moved into his grandparents' house, he rarely saw them.

He probably will never see that woman again.

Realizing this, even though he never got any of the so-called... maternal love praised by everyone from that woman, he still felt lost and uncomfortable.

He was very upset with himself for being like this.

As for that man, I don't know if it was a coincidence or if he deliberately chose him to come to his grandparents' house when he was in school...

Except for reunion festivals, he had never seen that man at other times.

But on the reunion festival, the man had his own wife and his own daughter.

They are a happy family.

Who is he?

The man's tenderness towards his daughter was something he had never seen on the other person's face.

His face was expressionless.

But my heart was already twisting in discomfort.

But no one cares about his feelings.

Grandpa and grandma didn't notice anything strange about him.

He was very happy about this.

But it seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable.

He became increasingly silent and sensitive.

He curled up in his own world.

He didn't expect...

He actually met...that woman on the street.

Holding the hand of a strange man.

The expected picture...

But he still felt uncomfortable as if he had been hit by something.

They all have their own new homes.

Really...I can't go back...

He was completely...abandoned...

He subconsciously hid behind the tree.

Keep your head down.

The heart is like a beating drum.

He heard familiar voices getting closer.

Then gradually fade away.

He slowly raised his head.

The familiar back figure made the corners of his eyes heat up.

In fact, what he saw most was their backs.

The leaving figure.

Angry back view.

Leng Su's back...

But it seemed...he had never seen that woman's back look so brisk.

He suddenly tightened his clothes.

Should he be happy for her?

She's doing well.

They are all doing well.

It seems...no one has ever thought...how is he doing?

Did he do something wrong?

Is he really... so unpopular with them?

It even makes them feel annoying...

Obviously he didn't do anything...


Every time they quarreled, he wished he could become invisible.

He is afraid.

Afraid that they would take it out on him.

He was also afraid of what they would say to him when they were angry.

He will be very hurt.

Even if he pretends not to care.

Because it’s useless to care.

They won't apologize.

No compensation will be given.

They will only ignore him or become even more angry.

In fact...he cares a lot.

Who wouldn't care?

He is not a wooden person.

But he was too cowardly to reveal anything.

I would only hide under the quilt at night and cry secretly.

Now, he has truly become invisible.

Invisible people in their eyes.

He felt extremely uncomfortable.

He doesn't know if he is bad?

Seeing that woman so happy...

This chapter has been completed!
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