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Chapter 3447: Feel like old friends at first sight?

Why do you want to cry again now?

Don't cry.

The young man's fingernails dug tightly into the flesh of his palm.


There was still a cry in the young man's voice.

"Do you really dislike me that much?"

The young man didn't understand.

"She...is not mine..."


He actually asked the same question many times.

More often he asks himself.

But he couldn't give an answer himself.

He also asked his eldest sister.

The eldest sister touched his head.

Said he was very good.

The eldest brother was the second person he asked.


In fact, what he was more upset about was...

He actually still cares about this issue?

Does the answer to this question make sense?

he does not know.

He felt it was meaningless.

But he couldn't help but ask again and again.

Especially what happened today...

This makes this question even more meaningless.


That woman's attitude couldn't be clearer.

she wants-


She has started a new life.

He is the past abandoned by her.

It is an existence that is not recognized by her.


What are you still struggling with?

Xiao Xiao looked at the young man quietly.

The young man didn't need him to say anything at this time.

And, what can he say?

He doesn't understand anything.

Just comfort for the sake of comfort?

There are reasons why the boy's mother loves him...

But the young man's description just now made these words seem particularly pale.

Tell the young man not to care about his mother.

His mother made her own choice and had a new life...

His mother let go.

It's time for him to let go...

The young man may not know these words.

But knowing is one thing, being able to do it is another.

The boy sniffed.

Pretending to wipe the corners of his eyes casually.

"I miss my eldest sister..."

The boy blurted out.

After saying this, the young man was a little stunned.

He just wanted to change the subject.

He felt too uncomfortable just now...

His mother's neglect of him... was a huge blow to him...

I accidentally met an acquaintance, or an acquaintance who had been the person I confided in...

He couldn't help but say a lot of things that were in his heart.

Actually, he didn't want to say this.

He didn't want to show that he cared so much.

Very embarrassing.

It also makes things difficult for the other party.

On the road, I suddenly met a person who was not that familiar to me...and suddenly confided in me...

Most people's reaction would be to feel embarrassed.

He knows...

But he just couldn't control himself.

He wanted to say something else...

Something more relaxed...

A topic that everyone finds easier...

I didn't expect that this was what he blurted out.

I miss my big sister...


He misses his big sister...

His eldest sister is the most special to him.

Even more special than the mushroom-headed boy.

Because the eldest sister was the first person to show kindness to him, a stranger, and stayed with him for a long time.

He never told his eldest sister...


When he is hurt by that woman, he will seek healing from his elder sister.

He... Although he is very shy to express his words... but he occasionally thinks...

If only that woman was like my big sister...

She will smile tenderly at him.

Will patiently listen to everything he says.

I would specially prepare a surprise to make him happy...

If only the eldest sister... was his mother...

He would feel particularly embarrassed every time he had such thoughts.

I will also feel sorry.


Mom is mom.

Big sister is big sister.


The young man felt very confused.

he does not know……

He gave up thinking.

Such thoughts often flashed through his mind.

Why think about things that are destined to be impossible?

Forget it.

Big sister is missing from behind...

He really felt like he was hopeless.

His mother abandoned him and left.

The eldest sister also abandoned him and left.

He really...

Is it so unlikable?

Every time he thought about this, he felt like he had angina.

A feeling of suffocation that makes you unable to breathe.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

But the appearance of his big brother really made him feel a lot better.

Let him know...


He's not that unlikeable.

There are still people who are willing to show kindness to him like this.

The young man lowered his head.

purse your lips.

The sweetness of the candy in my mouth has faded.

He really misses his eldest sister...

Even he was very angry at his eldest sister for leaving without saying goodbye.

He can also find a reason for the mushroom-headed boy to disappear.

But big sister...

He really couldn't find a particularly valid reason.


In fact, he can find it...

But he didn't want to believe it.

He doesn't want to even think about it.

Big sister is doing well.

Nothing will happen to big sister.


big sister……

Can you come back and see him?

Even if it's just to say a final goodbye...

"Xiao Xiao."

Xiao Xiao said suddenly.


The unexpected words made the young man raise his head subconsciously.


"We have met three times."

Xiao Xiao smiled.

"You haven't introduced yourself yet, have you?"


The young man blinked his eyes blankly.

Okay, it seems so?

He tried hard to recall the scene of their previous meeting.

The first time was just a rush.

He bumped into his eldest brother's friend.

Because of fear and panic, he did not stop to apologize, but instead sped up and fled the scene.

the second time……

He didn't bring an umbrella.

There was no shelter from the rain.

I walked slowly, letting the rain soak me.

The eldest brother held an umbrella for him.

I took him to the library to take shelter from the rain.

Treated him to hot cocoa, black forest and mango pancake.

I listened to him talk a lot about the past and his messy thoughts.

It turns out that time...even though they stayed together for a long time and talked so much-


Mainly he is talking.

so amazing.

One day, when getting along with others, he was the one who spoke more?

The young man would always feel a little weird when he thought about the conversation in the library rest area afterwards.

Now, he discovered something even more incredible.

They didn't even introduce themselves that time?

Without even knowing the other person's name, he almost told the other person all about his net worth and background.

And the other party also became the best listener patiently and gently without even knowing his name.

It's incredible.

The young man was amazed.

This is called……

Did you feel like old friends at first sight?

It seems not?

This is not the first time he and his eldest brother have met.

It's the second time.


But maybe it doesn’t count if it’s short the first time?

"We really haven't introduced ourselves..."

After the young man tried hard to search through his memory, he said with a bit of surprise and uncertainty.

This chapter has been completed!
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