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Chapter 357 Sorry, good luck

"Master Xiao."

Chi Xiuchuan saw Xiao Xiao coming out from behind the opened curtain, and couldn't help but take a step forward and shouted.

Awakened by Chi Xiuchuan's cry, Wen Shaoyang's absent-minded eyes suddenly lit up and focused on the child behind Master Xiao.

The child was well-behaved and led out by Master Xiao.

The burning eyes made him raise his head in confusion, and looked over according to his feeling, "Brother!"

A big smile appeared on the child's face.

Xiao Xiao took advantage of the situation and let go of the child's hand.

The child happily ran towards his brother.

"elder brother!"


Because the child showed initiative and enthusiasm for the first time in a while, Wen Shaoyang was a little overwhelmed.

Even though there was some confusion and disbelief on his face, his hands had already spontaneously caught the child who was rushing towards him.

"Brother, I'm sorry."

The child grabbed his brother's clothes, and the sudden apology once again made Wen Shaoyang stunned.


Wen Shaoyang, who was silent for a long time and had a complicated expression, made the child a little scared and at a loss.

In fact, he didn't quite understand what he had done during this period. He just recognized an imaginary friend, but it seemed to have caused a lot of trouble to his father, mother, and brother.

Now thinking of his father's frown, his mother's red eyes, and his brother's increasingly anxious face, the child knew that he seemed to have caused them a lot of worry.

He is sorry.


My previous self didn't know what was going on, and was stubborn and refused to make any concessions or introspections.

He just blames his closest family members.

Maybe it's because he knows that he is loved by them that he is so unscrupulous.

Vent without any scruples or even amplify your negative emotions.

Moreover, he always thought that he had been wronged before, and he was self-willed and justified because of his family's distrust of him, which was natural.

There is even a bit of anger in it.

"elder brother?"

The child couldn't help but scream again, looking up at Wen Shaoyang pitifully with his little face.


Only then did Wen Shaoyang react. Seeing the child in front of him looking increasingly uneasy, he reached out and touched the child's soft hair, "Xiaoyuan, you?"

For a moment, he seemed to have a lot to ask. Thousands of words were stuck in his throat but nothing could come out.

Wen Shaoyang pursed his lips, reached out to hold the child's shoulders, pushed the child slightly away from his arms, squatted down, and looked straight into the child's dark eyes, "Xiaoyuan, why are you apologizing?"

The child felt a weight on his shoulder, and there was a scorching temperature that almost gave him the illusion of being burned.

The child stared blankly into the eyes of his brother who was very close at hand. There seemed to be a deep emotion rolling inside, and a ray of light was about to penetrate under the thick dark clouds.


Wen Shaoyang couldn't help but increase the strength on his hands.

The child frowned, but it was not because of the strength on his shoulders, even though he did feel a slight pain.

"I... made my father, mother, and brother sad."

Even though his voice was waxy, his tone was affirmative.

The child suddenly remembered the warmth of Mother Wen hugging him. It was very warm. However, thinking about it now, the temperature of the water droplets falling on his neck was so hot that it made his heart feel a dull pain.

He had never seen Mother Wen cry.

Mother Wen likes to laugh and has a very gentle temper. It seems that nothing ever bothers her.

However, he made Wen's mother cry.

The child bit his lip tightly, feeling annoyed and at a loss.

He didn't mean it, he didn't want Mother Wen to cry.

The child's two hands were entangled together, the fingertips in the gloves turned white, and there was a suffocating feeling in his heart.

"Xiaoyuan, we will only feel sad if you are sad."

"Father, mother, and I don't blame you."

Wen Shaoyang let go of the child's shoulders and surrounded the child's small hands with his broad, thick hands.

Gently, yet irresistibly, she separated the child's tightly entwined hands.

The child only felt that the palms held by his brother were warm. Even through the gloves, this warmth spread into his heart, making his anxious heart suddenly calm down.

"elder brother."

The child gave a weak cry, trembling slightly with a sense of grievance and coquettishness. His little hand curled up in his brother's hand, showing a bit of attachment.

Xiao Xiao and Chi Xiuchuan stood aside and watched the warm scene of their brothers getting along without disturbing them.

Chi Xiuchuan raised his lips slightly. Even though he believed Master Xiao, he still couldn't help turning his head to look at Master Xiao, "Master Xiao, has the problem been solved?"


Xiao Xiao's jaw.

"Master Xiao, thank you."

Even though it was an expected answer, Chi Xiuchuan completely let go of his slight mention when he really got the confirmation from Master Xiao.

Xiao Xiao just curled the corners of his mouth.

This time it was just a coincidence.

This child really fell into a hallucination, but fortunately it was not serious.

And because he knew that monsters were real, he pretended to look more like them and gained the children's trust so easily.

After all, when most people face children, no matter how much they tell themselves that little monsters exist and are children's friends, their rationality will remind them again and again that this is false.

The little monster is an existence imagined by children.

And children are extremely sensitive, and he will notice even the slightest bit of unnaturalness in an adult's expression.

Even though he didn't know why, he subconsciously felt wary because of this unnaturalness.

Xiao Xiao has no worries about this at all.

His demeanor was natural, without any reluctance or stiffness.

The child therefore trusted him.

Therefore, when he later denied the existence of the little demon, he finally made the child believe his words.

Xiao Xiao knew that it was just good luck this time.

After all, this matter is just in the name of a monster, and actually has nothing to do with monsters.

He is not a professional.

At that time, as long as the child showed the slightest sign of something wrong, he would immediately stop his layman's attempts.

Fortunately, his luck seems to be good.

Children are also very lucky.


Wen Shaoyang wanted to ask something, but he hesitated.

It had been a long time since he had seen his brother who was so dependent on him and acted coquettishly towards him.

He was afraid that his questions would break the current peace and warmth.


The child looked at his brother in confusion, wondering why there was nothing more to say.

Are you going to ask him something?


Wen Shaoyang finally shook his head. This kind of brother is very good. As time goes by, the younger brother will always understand his previous assumptions.

There was no need for him to force him now.

This is also the consensus between Wen's father, Wen's mother and him.

This chapter has been completed!
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