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Chapter 3633 Sisi

So, to solve this illusory problem...

They can only fight magic with magic.

Maybe it's useless, but at least it can give them some psychological comfort.

At least let them actually do something.

Rather than just "sit back and wait for death".


Although I didn’t believe it would really work at first…

But after discovering that it really had no effect, they were disappointed.

After repeated disappointments...

Xiaoying rebelled.

She doesn't want to go to the temple anymore.

I think that's silly.


She knelt down in front of Buddha so devoutly...

Pray again and again.

What did you get in exchange?

Just disappointed again and again.

Xiaoying became a little angry.

If it's useless, why should she waste her efforts?

It's just adding to the worry.

Sisi is very clear about the change in her friend's mentality.

Therefore, after she learned about this new temple before, she had been hesitant to tell her friends.

She was worried about making her friends unhappy.

I am also worried about being rejected by my friends.

In her opinion, although it may be another useless effort.

But what if?

What if the temple works this time?

Several failures cannot explain the problem.


Didn’t they just go to the temple to worship with the idea of ​​doing something?

I had no hope at all.

How to talk about disappointment?

Does she think it's unreasonable for her friend to be so disappointed?

But these thoughts can only be thought in my mind.

Wouldn't it stimulate your friends to say it?

My friend didn’t even want to hear the word temple.

But the accident just now made her mention it smoothly.

My friend's misfortune continues.

Then their efforts need to continue.

Although I don’t know if their efforts have any effect...

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they should do it.

Isn't it?


Sisi pretended not to see her friend's dark face.

"Then it's settled."

"Let's go there tomorrow morning."

"I'll wake you up tomorrow."

Xiaoying opened her mouth.

She felt angry for a moment.

But the second before her voice came out of her throat...

The owner is stuck.

She made no sound.

After such a delay, she pursed her lips.

I really swallowed what I said before.

She just reminded herself...

She didn't want to get angry with Sisi.

She needs to remind herself of this from time to time.

Because many times, negative emotions such as depression, boredom, and anger will suppress her reason.

It will make her behave out of control.

She never likes to lose control.

But during this time, she deeply realized that the so-called terrible thing about losing control is...

Even though she repeatedly told herself to be sensible, she would still speak harshly, speak sharply, and be full of indiscriminate aggression.

The whole person is like a firecracker, going off at the drop of a hat.

Where is the restraint at all?

She originally thought that she had made some progress in the past few days and that she could control her violent temper a little.

But the scene just now poured a lot of cold water on her.

In the past, it was just a slight bump from someone...

Still a girl who is petite than her...

She won't care at all.

Just look at the other person and continue walking your own way.

She is not a porcelain doll.

What happened if I hit it?

Besides, they didn’t do it on purpose.

But she just now...

Her face became increasingly ugly.

She suddenly covered her face.


Sisi looked at her friend with some confusion and worry.


Xiaoying's somewhat hoarse voice came out from behind the palms covering her face.

It became a little more dull.

"I hate myself like this..."

"I lose my temper easily..."

"Getting angry over trivial things..."

"Talking harshly to others."



These are the things she once was -


It's a trait that she hates very much now.

She never thought that one day...

She will become the person she hates the most.

This is so ridiculous.


It's so sad.


Sisi held her friend's hand.

"Will not."

"You won't become someone you hate as long as you don't want to."

"Besides, you are now more and more able to control your temper."

"Where is it?"

Xiaoying frowned fiercely, "I just did it because..."

"But you didn't yell at me."

Sisi smiled and said, "You still listened to my words and shut up."

"Isn't this progress?"

"...I've never yelled at you, right?"

After a few seconds of silence, Xiaoying was confused.


Sisi raised her finger and shook it.

"Do you forget it?"

"That time you were very fierce and asked me to stay out of my own business... saying that I'm not your parent... saying why should I point fingers at you..."

"He also said that even your parents can't control you so casually..."

Sisi paused, "Anyway, you said a lot."

That time, she turned her friend's anger onto herself.


Xiaoying was stunned.

"Are these what I said?"

"Did I say these things?"

Did she say these words to Sisi?


Xiaoying's face stiffened.

Sisi smiled knowingly.

"I remembered?"

"It's not that far away."

After all, Xiaoying's bad luck happened just this month.

A month...

Speaking of which, this month is a very long month for Xiaoying, right?

Same for her.

Thinking of other people saying she was patient and good-tempered, she couldn't help but have a wry smile on her face.

She doesn't know how long she can hold on?

Practicing dance is very hard.

As a result, when she had a rare break, people around her were always spreading negative emotions, making her feel even more tired.


Xiaoying did not give up on herself.

She is trying to control her temper.


There are also some.

This gave her the motivation to keep going.

Xiaoying pursed her lips hard.

Eyes drooping.


She remembered.

In fact, she couldn't remember exactly what made Sisi angry.

After all, there were too many unfortunate things during this period. If she kept every single thing in mind, wouldn't she be depressed to death?

So she almost forgot about the incident when she was angry with Sisi.

But when Sisi mentioned it...

She quickly remembered.

She... was indeed angry with Sisi.

She remembers...

That was the time when she was most emotionally unstable.

It seems to be the same as today.

It's a little different.

Today, someone else bumped into her.

That day, she bumped into someone else.

Even so, she acted that day...as if someone not only bumped into her, but also did something extremely excessive to her...

She cursed loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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