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Chapter 3850 'Confrontation'

The child suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Hua Ziyun also opened his eyes wide.


What does Master Xiao mean by this?!

What Master Xiao means is...

This kid's little bear...is really special?!

And not just an ordinary little bear...

The child opened his mouth.

She unconsciously tightened her grip on Xiao Xiao's clothes.

"...little bear..."

"Tell me……"




The child repeated with great difficulty.

Her eyes quickly turned red.

It was obvious that her expression was still blank.



"I didn't hear it."

"Little Bear..."

"I'm going to find the little bear!"

This sentence is the smoothest thing a child can say.

As soon as he finished speaking, the child released his grip on Xiao Xiao's clothes, turned around and ran towards the door.


Hua Ziyun subconsciously blocked the door.


Xiao Xiao still made no move.

He looked at the child.

"The little bear has left."

"You can't find it."

"It says goodbye to you."


The child suddenly reacted loudly and screamed.


Once again, the woman approaching the child's house heard the child screaming.

She was almost horrified.

What's wrong!?

Why are you shouting so loudly all of a sudden?


The woman's face was full of anxiety.

"Bang bang!"

The woman knocked hard on the door.

"Open the door!"

the woman yelled.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?!"


The man strode over.

"What's wrong?"

He was just sitting on the sofa watching the news.

The child's cry was not heard.

"It's not like giving them some time-"

He knew that the woman used going to the bathroom or kitchen as an excuse to come and linger at the child's door several times.

Although he felt a little helpless, he went with his wife.

This was the first time he heard a woman yell.

His heart skipped a beat.

Don't understand what's going on?

Why did my wife react so suddenly?

"I heard a child screaming!"

The woman is emotional.

"The child was screaming just now!"


The man was stunned.

"I come."

He motioned for the woman to get out of the way.

He believed the woman's words.

He held the door handle.

Suddenly, I found that the door was locked!?

The door was not locked when they came just now.

It was because the child's parents knocked on the door once that Hua Ziyun locked the door.

I'm afraid that next time they will just "break in".

Man knocks on the door.

"We just heard the child's cry."

"What happened?"

"We want to see the child."

"...Master Xiao?"

Hua Ziyun was somewhat caught off guard by the continuous movements.

He looked around in panic.

Here, the child stared at Master Xiao with red eyes.

Over there, the child's parents heard the child's scream just now and were worried about what happened...

As time goes by, knocking on the door gradually turns into banging on the door.

"Open the door for them."

Xiao Xiao smiled.


Hua Ziyun opened his mouth in surprise.



"Can you get them to stop banging on the door?"

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

The word "smash" is still used.


Hua Ziyun smiled bitterly.

He can't do it.

In the past, I asked the children's parents to give them more time, but he succeeded by talking hard and cheating.

At that time, the child's parents only imagined the child's condition.

You can let him be vague.


When the child's parents heard the child's scream and were thinking wildly...

How does he convince parents who are worried about their children that their children are fine?

too difficult.

Hua Ziyun shook his head.


Then just do what Master Xiao said...

Go and open the door for the child's parents.


He has to doubt...

The child's parents tried to break down the child's door and rushed in.


The man withdrew his fist that almost hit classmate Hua.

Hua Ziyun's heartbeat accelerated for a moment.

He subconsciously stepped back.

The man retracted his hand with a smile.

He didn't expect that classmate Hua suddenly opened the door.

"You didn't say anything before opening the door..."

Hua Ziyun:……

How did he say?

He yelled through the door: Is he going to open the door?

The man also realized that what he said was a bit funny.

He touched his neck and coughed twice.


"It didn't say goodbye to me!"

The child's voice echoed in the air again.


The woman pushed the man away and quickly walked into the house.

Hua Ziyun gave way.

The scene in the room suddenly appeared in the vision of the woman and the man.

The child frowned and stared at classmate Hua's friend.

Classmate Hua’s friend sat on a chair and looked at the child.

The emotions of the two people formed a sharp contrast.

An anxious person's eyes are red.

One of them looked calm.

The woman's heart skipped a beat.

This picture is too easy for people to think that adults are bullying children...

She's about to step forward-

"……Step aside."

The woman's eyebrows twitched fiercely.

Hua Ziyun shook his head.

He did not move his hand blocking the woman's body.

"Feel sorry."

"I shouldn't have let you in."

"But you are making too much noise..."

Out of helplessness, he opened the door and let the woman and man into the house.

Even so, this does not mean that he will let women and men disturb Master Xiao.

"Please wait here for a while."

Hua Ziyun looked serious.


"Almost over."

The woman looked stiff.

She stared at classmate Hua for a while.

Then he looked at the child who was just a few steps away from him.

The child is fine.

Except that the child was a little excited.

This gave her a big sigh of relief.

She turned to look at the man.

There was a questioning look in his eyes.

The man's face turned slightly grim.

Noticing the woman's gaze, he hesitated for a moment.

Then nodded.

"Let's wait aside for a while."

Anyway, they all came in.

The child is right under their noses.

In this case, what reason do they have to interrupt the "confrontation" between classmate Hua's friends and their children?



The scene in front of him of the child glaring at classmate Hua's friend sitting on the chair reminded the man of the word confrontation.


It's not as tense as a confrontation.

But it is indeed somewhat confrontational.

He was very curious, classmate Hua's friend... what did Master Xiao say?

Why did the child show such a confrontational attitude?


She finally nodded.

All right.

She took a step back slightly.

expressed his attitude.

Hua Ziyun took back his hand.


But they didn't move out of the way of the figure blocking their way.

This chapter has been completed!
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