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Chapter 413 Follow me

Xiao Yuan took Xiao Xiao and others to a shelf.

The broken branches and leaves were wrapped around the anti-corrosion wood, and there was a thin layer of snow on it.

A bit desolate and desolate.

However, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but laugh.

Wisteria trellis.

Yanda also has it.

There was also such a wisteria trellis in the elementary school he went to.

When it's blooming, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are bright, and it's very beautiful.

Even in the current season, when all the flowers have fallen out and there are not many leaves left, only long dry vines are left, there is no such thing as a sparse and lonely beauty.

Not to mention the bonus of white snow.

"Master Xiao, brother, brother Xiuchuan, please wait for me, I will call Guo Shan over."

As soon as Xiao Yuan finished speaking, the clear and melodious ringtone of "ding bell bell~" suddenly broke the silence of the campus, and the noise suddenly broke out.

"Oh, get out of class is over, I'm leaving first."

Xiaoyuan ran away in a hurry.

Guo Shan didn't know where he went every time he took a lunch break. He never ate in the school cafeteria and always brought his own lunch box. It wasn't until class was about to start that he could barely walk into the classroom with the bell ringing.

Therefore, if he arrives late, he won't be able to catch anyone.

"This kid."

Looking at the back of his younger brother Feng Feng Huo Huo, Wen Shaoyang shook his head in amusement.

Xiaoyuan ran all the way.

But when he arrived at the classroom, most of the students inside had already left.

When the remaining students saw Xiao Yuan, they all said hello, "Wen Shaoyuan, you are here."

Xiaoyuan responded with a smile, but his eyes wandered around the corner of the classroom with a bit of eagerness.

Ah, found it!

Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, waved goodbye to several classmates who were going to eat, and strode towards Guo Shan, who was writing something with his head down.

Guo Shan finally sorted out his notes for class, and he couldn't help but reveal a faint smile. However, when he raised his head, he met Xiao Yuan's straight gaze, and he couldn't help but froze.


Wen Shaoyuan and him were from two different worlds.

He envied and even somewhat respected Wen Shaoyuan.

Wen Shaoyuan is the monitor.

The whole class and the teacher all like him and believe in him.

Moreover, in this highly competitive school, Wen Shaoyuan's grades have always been among the best, and he has never fallen out of the top three in the class.

Not only that, Wen Shaoyuan also plays basketball very well and runs very fast.

She can even sing very well and play the violin.

Guo Shan sometimes cannot control his jealousy and has some dark thoughts.

This jealousy made him very ashamed.

He knew what he was doing was wrong.

Fortunately, it was just a coincidence. Most of the time, he regarded Wen Shaoyuan as the goal of his efforts.

Even though I am still far behind now.

No one in the class likes him. It was obviously not like this in the beginning. It was obvious that some classmates would joke with him in the beginning. It was obvious in the beginning...

But now, everything before seems to be just his illusion.

Because all he saw was the indifference and disgust of his classmates.

He didn't even dare to get close.

Even the teacher sometimes freezes when his name is called.

He moved his lips and reminded the teacher of his name, but no one heard it because the sound was too soft.

The classmates were laughing and the teacher was scolding.

Then, his name was skipped as a matter of course.

However, everyone smiled when they called Wen Shaoyuan's name.

He envied Wen Shaoyuan so much that he was even jealous that he didn't want to admit.

Wen Shaoyuan had never spoken to him in private unless necessary, since he was the monitor after all.

Even when he saw him being bullied, he didn't say a word, and there was even a bit of dissatisfaction and contempt for him in his eyes.

He didn't understand why at first.

Later he found out that Wen Shaoyuan thought he was too cowardly.

However, not all people can be so brave.

Guo Shan lowered his head, his expression blocked by his long bangs.

Originally, their relationship had always been just like this.

However, during this period of time, for some unknown reason, Wen Shaoyuan seemed to pay special attention to him.

He had never been sure of this.

Because, he always felt that such an idea seemed too pretentious.


Until that day, Wen Shaoyuan walked up to him and asked him: "Who are you talking to?"

He was stunned, and for a moment he felt his heart had stopped beating, and all the color drained from his face.

He was really frightened.

He no longer remembers what his reaction was at that time, and how he tried to deal with it.

He knew that his performance must be very bad.

He is not such a smart person who can adapt to changes.

He knew that Wen Shaoyuan must have suspected something.

However, Wen Shaoyuan is a much smarter person than him.

he knows……

He knew all of this, but he only dared to hide away day after day with the idea of ​​luck.

Wen Shaoyuan didn't come to class this morning, and he really felt relieved.

He really didn't know how he would answer that question if Wen Shaoyuan insisted on him.

But, still can’t escape?

Looking at Wen Shaoyuan standing in front of his desk, Guo Shan looked panicked, but there was numbness and exhaustion in his brows.

He really held on for too long.

He thought about asking for help, but he couldn't afford the risk of failure.

He was afraid, but he was even more afraid of the consequences of resistance.

Only his family is his untouchable enemy.

Seeing that Guo Shan looked "lifeless" since seeing him, Xiaoyuan couldn't help but frown.

He really still didn't like this guy.


"follow me."

Xiao Yuan said something domineering and walked out of the classroom first.

Guo Shan was stunned, then hesitantly followed Xiao Yuan.

The long-term bullying made him accustomed to obedience, and he also forgot to refuse and resist.

"Master Xiao!"

When I walked near the wisteria trellis, I saw the looming figure under the trellis. Xiaoyuan, who was a little impatient and became more and more unruly, suddenly laughed and shouted out.

He waved his arms and ran to Xiao Xiao's side happily.


"You brat, I just saw Master Xiao."

Wen Shaoyang slapped Xiao Yuan on the back, very angry at his brother's "rebellion".

Xiao Yuan almost staggered, turned around and glared at Wen Shaoyang angrily, "Smelly brother, what are you doing?"

"Okay, you two."

Seeing the two brothers staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, Chi Xiuchuan comforted them somewhat helplessly.

The relationship between the two brothers was so good that Ayang almost adopted Xiaoyuan as his son, and Xiaoyuan admired Ayang most closely.

However, the two of them obviously have such a good relationship, but they always like to "get into trouble" over trivial matters.

However, this is probably their unique way of getting along, right?

Chi Xiuchuan couldn't help but have a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

This chapter has been completed!
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