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Chapter 420 Cancer

Can't see it?

Xiao Xiao didn't have any regrets, he just sighed a little. This child was like Xiaojin, who could only see certain monsters.

Just when he was about to say something, he noticed the child's eyes suddenly widening.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows, swallowed what he was about to say, and looked at the child with some interest in his eyes.

This is...did you see it?

Guo Shan rubbed his somewhat blurred eyes with his hands.

In the clearer picture, the two touches of silver and blue are clearly distinguishable.

Just above the shoulder that Master Xiao pointed at before.

What's this?

The child blinked a few times, and then blinked a few more times.

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve again.

Isn't this really an illusion?

He seemed to see a vague shadow?

"Did you see anything?"

Xiao Xiao looked at the shocked and puzzled look on the child's face. He couldn't help but put his hand on his chin, winked at the child mischievously, and asked in a somewhat mysterious tone.

The child also blinked subconsciously.

Seemingly infected by Xiao Xiao's tone, or perhaps because his discovery surprised him too much, Guo Shanye replied in a low voice, with a feeling of being a joint member of the underground party, "I saw two points of silver-blue light."


The child hesitated a little, closed his eyes hard, opened them, closed his eyes hard again, opened them again, and repeated this cycle several times.


Xiao Xiao asked with a bit of curiosity and his voice was low.

There is a somewhat imperceptible smile in his eyes.

"Also, there seems to be something, about this big." Guo Shan stretched out his hand and gestured, with a serious and solemn expression, "Here it is."

Guo Shan pointed at Xiao Xiao's shoulder.

"Is this the shape?"

The child sketched out what he saw with his hands with some uncertainty. From time to time he stopped what he was doing, opened his eyes and drew closer to trace carefully.

After all, in his eyes, this is just something with blurred lines, so faint that it almost makes people think it is an illusion.

Xiao Xiao turned his head and looked at his shoulder.

Feifei stared at the child's small hands gesturing around him with some displeasure, a cold glint in his eyes.

Although the child's hand didn't touch it, it was almost the same.

This kind of touchless feeling is very uncomfortable.

It wanted to slap the child's hand away with its paw.

Sensing Xiao Xiao's gaze, Feifei looked at Xiao Xiao aggrievedly.

There was a faint smile in Xiao Xiao's eyes.

He silently comforted Feifei, who was a little restless and impatient, and told him not to scare the child.

Philip blinked in frustration.


Taotie's eyes under his armpits narrowed, and his face opened into a wide grin.

The expression of schadenfreude couldn't be more obvious.

As if he was afraid that Feifei wouldn't be able to see its expression at this time, Taotie leaned down, stretched out his paws and touched his chin, staring with interest at the "embarrassment" caused by a human cub.

” of Philip.

Feifei swung the knife in the eye, and it was biting and cold.

Then he closed his eyes and couldn't see anything.

However, Guo Shan didn't gesture for long before he withdrew his hand somewhat sarcastically.

Looking at Master Xiao, who had been watching his movements with a smile, there was a slight flush on his pale cheeks.

Guo Shan mixed his hands together vigorously, "That, that, I really... saw it."

"That's my friend."

Xiao Xiao suddenly said.


Guo Shan was a little confused.

"What you see is my friend."

Xiao Xiao blinked at Guo Shan.

Guo Shan opened his mouth to speak, but was suddenly stuck.


Then he was not dazzled, nor did he see wrongly. There was indeed something on Master Xiao's shoulder.

However, he couldn't see it clearly, he only felt an illusion of mirror-like flowers and moonlight.

He suddenly thought of something, and the blush that had just appeared on his face faded away in an instant, revealing a frightening paleness.

"That's a monster?"

Guo Shan's voice was soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

But he was extremely hoarse and his voice was a little trembling.


Xiao Xiao suppressed the smile on his lips, took a deep look at Guo Shan, and without hesitation, he told the truth.

He knew that after what happened with the parasitic vine monster, Guo Shan hated and feared monsters deeply.

The monster represented by the parasitic vine monster has become a cancer in Guo Shan's heart.

It cannot be touched or removed.

It's just that such a cancer is too heavy for a child.

Any child can have something he hates, he can hate eating green peppers, he can hate eating radishes, he can act up and even cry about it.

However, children should not have hatred in their hearts.

"Guo Shan."

The expression on Xiao Xiao's face was serious and gentle, "Don't be afraid."

"I will protect you."


I will protect you.

These words kept echoing in Guo Shan's mind.

He was a little at a loss, but his heart, filled with uneasiness and fear, gradually calmed down.

The inexplicable grievance made the corners of his eyes wet again.

In fact, he had always wanted to ask for help. He didn't want to be so strong. The child, who had never complained about his single-parent family, longed for his father's existence for the first time.


He was extremely scared, but no one gave him protection.

No one saw his frightened and helpless eyes, and no one heard his increasingly hoarse and desperate cry.

He watched helplessly as he became weaker and weaker day by day, and watched as he fell into an "isolated and helpless" situation, but could do nothing.

He could only let himself be slowly devoured by the monster on his body.


Even as a child, he understood what hate was.

He hates this monster!


How could he not hate this monster?

It destroyed everything for him and used his family to threaten him into submission.

It's just that he is weak and can only bury this hatred deep in his heart, allowing it to accumulate over time and penetrate deep into his bones.


He originally thought that this hatred would only rot in the bottom of his heart.

This hatred will follow him until his death.


However, the parasitic vine monster died.

He watched the parasitic vine monster fall apart, the smelly juice splashing everywhere, and even a few dark red spots fell on his clothes.

He wanted to laugh, but cried again.

Is this the end of his hatred?!


No, when he saw something similar to a monster again, and when he confirmed the identity of the other monster from Master Xiao's mouth, the hatred in his heart began to boil again.

Damn monster!

Damn monster!

All monsters deserve to die!


Probably I have really hated him for too long and too deeply.

Even if the target of hatred is dead, the hatred has been soaked in his heart for too long, mixed with his blood, flowed through his limbs and bones, and became a cancer in his heart.

For a while, he couldn't eradicate it completely.

This chapter has been completed!
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