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Chapter 4103 Whose voice is it?

Someone really told the woman the location of her missing child.


"Why didn't we hear it?"

The man was puzzled by this.

"We are obviously together..."

The man frowned and thought.

"I really didn't even hear any similar sounds..."

"Where are the police comrades?"

He looked at the police officer.

The police officer shook his head.

"I didn't hear anything either."

The man looks at the woman.

That's the look on his face.

The woman was puzzled.

"how come……"

"I really heard it..."

"Otherwise, why would we know to come here to look for children..."

"...Could it be that only you can hear that voice?"

After struggling for a long time, the man said half-jokingly.

"How can it be?"

The woman retorted subconsciously.

How could such a situation exist?

Thinking of filming a TV series?

How could such a mysterious thing happen in reality?


Same location…

Only she heard the sound.

Neither the men around her nor the police comrades heard...

How to explain this?

Too strange……

The woman couldn't help but feel a little strange feeling in her heart.


The woman thought about her daughter's words.

I almost went off topic and forgot the source of the topic.

She looked at her daughter.

"How do you know that Bai Bai knows that your father and I are up there?"


"How does Bai Bai know that we are your parents?"

"Or am I just telling you there's someone up there?"

After saying this, the woman herself felt a little annoyed at first.

She seemed to be speaking in a roundabout way.

I wonder if the child understood her question?

The little girl tilted her head.

"Just tell me there's someone up there."

"I can't see it."

The child is too small.

The distance is far.

In addition, the visibility is even worse on rainy days...

The child couldn't see clearly whether there was anyone up there.

"I asked Bai Bai if they were his parents?"

"Bai Bai nodded to me."

Thinking of the scene at that time, the little girl grinned.

"I was really sad because I was gone for nothing."

"I'm also afraid that I will be left alone."

"I miss my parents so much..."

Special thoughts...

"But I came back in vain."

"You also told me that my parents are here too."

"Right up there."

"I started calling mom and dad."

"Mom and dad are really here."

The little girl smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"I heard my parents calling me."

"I am so happy."

"Then my uncle came to pick me up."


The woman, the man and the police comrades looked at each other, and the child heard what he said...

It seemed like they were brought here by the little fox named Bai Bai...


An idea flashed in the woman's mind.

She made a bold guess.

Very bold.

Even a little ridiculous.

"Could it be..."

The woman murmured, "The sound I heard was in vain..."

"How can it be?!"

This time the man blurted out his rejection.


The woman was slightly startled.

Did she express her thoughts?

But now that I’ve said it…

The woman's heart actually felt a little calmer.


This is a very incredible conjecture.


"How else can I explain the voices I heard and the child's words?"

The woman pursed her lips.

"If you really asked me to come here in vain..."

"Then it all makes sense."

Bai Bai left, the voice she heard...the time they arrived here coincided with the time Bai Bai came back...

The man smiled incredulously.

He looked at the woman.

"Are you serious?"

"Where does the explanation make sense?"

"Isn't the biggest problem that Bai Bai is a fox?"

"And foxes can't speak human language."

"Unless you can overturn this major premise..."

"Otherwise, all your subsequent guesses will be unfounded."

"It's all nonsense."

The man lowered his voice.

He was a little offended by the woman's whims.

How could he not know that his wife turned out to be such a "childlike" person?

They all believe that foxes can talk such ridiculous things...


The woman blinked.


She even thought she was funny.

She actually forgot such an important point...

Foxes can't talk.

She takes things too naturally.

All ignored the actual situation...


Lifting it to the throat in one breath...

The man smiled helplessly.

The breath in my throat also disappeared.


The man shook his head slightly.

"Then how do I explain the noise I heard?"

The woman "revisited old things".

"How come you didn't hear it?"

"Too strange……."

The woman didi gurgled.

Talking and talking.

It's really weird.

The woman was puzzled.

There was a dull pain in her head.

The woman reached out and hit her head.

The feeling of not being able to figure it out is really uncomfortable.

The man could not answer the woman's question.

He feels the same way as a woman.

Too strange……

How did you do it?

Only one of the three people present heard the sound.

The other two people didn't notice anything at all.

Can this be done?

The man looked at the police officer.

"Comrade police, you are well-informed."

"Do you know what this is about?"

"Is it possible?"

The police officer frowned.

He looked at the woman.

"Are you wearing headphones or something?"


Although she was sure of this answer, the woman still touched her ears subconsciously.


No headphones.

The policeman's brows furrowed even more.

In fact, he had no hope for the answer to this question.

I just asked as I thought of it.

The expected answer still made him feel a little disappointed.


He shook his head.

"I don't know either."

He also thought of other possibilities.

But it was quickly rejected by himself.

Don't ask impossible questions.

Otherwise, he will look stupid.


I don’t know if it’s stupid to ask a few innocuous and obvious questions?

Or would it be more disappointing to just say you don't know?

The police officer chose to tell the truth frankly.

"I don't know how to do this..."

"Did you hear the sound clearly?"

The police officer thought of another question.


The woman said without hesitation.

"very clear."

"It's a girl's voice."

“It sounds very nice.”

"You can tell he is a beautiful child as soon as you hear it."

"Baibai is beautiful."

The child who had been listening in confusion finally said something.

The woman was stunned.

Then, she smiled and nodded.


"He is a fox after all."

Among all creative works, the appearance of the fox is worthy of praise.

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