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Chapter 4114 'Obsessed'

"Why are you back so late?"

Zhuge Yun remembered that Zhang Bo sent them a message for help a few hours ago.


Zhuge Yun looked shocked.

"Is that so difficult for you?"

"You're just solving it now?"

He looked at Xiao Xiao in surprise.

Is it so difficult for the third child?

What is going on?


Zhang Bo rolled his eyes again.

"As soon as the third child comes over, my matter will be solved quickly."

"The reason why we are going back to school now..."

"It's because we came back on foot."

"It took a lot of time on the road."


"oh oh."

After a moment of doubt, Zhuge Yun nodded.

What he said...


He twitched his lips slightly and said, "You are really interested."

"On a rainy day, I still walk back to school."

The rain was not very light either.

Why not take a walk in the rain?

Zhang Bo shrugged his shoulders.

He was also a little surprised.

He originally thought they would take a taxi from behind.

As a result, it wasn't until they saw the school that they realized they had actually walked back to school.

No one mentioned taking a taxi.

"Who did you just say still believes in the existence of monsters?"

Zhuge Yun returned to the original question.


Zhang Bo motioned to Zhuge Yun to look at the boy under the tree over there.

"it's him."

"Just now……"

Zhang Bo described to Zhuge Yun what happened before.


Zhuge Yun stared at the boy for a while.

"What is he doing?"

"who knows?"

Zhang Bo shook his head.

"Why don't you go ask him?"

he joked.

"Just ask."

Zhuge Yun really walked towards the boy.

Zhang Bo was stunned.

He looked at Xiao Xiao.



Zhang Bo stuttered, "Is he really going?!"

Xiao Xiao was also a little surprised.

He smiled.

"Looks like it."


Zhang Bo also took steps forward.

At the same time, he did not forget to greet Xiao Xiao, "Third brother, let's go over and take a look."

"Let's see what that guy wants to ask people?"

Xiao Xiao smiled slightly and shook his head.

I followed him.

Zhuge Yun stopped beside the boy who looked up at the tree.


Zhuge Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

did not hear it?

So attentive?

Zhuge Yun took a deep breath.


He raised his voice.

The boy who looked up suddenly turned his head, and the violent movement almost caused the boy to stumble.


Zhuge Yun quickly supported the boy with quick eyes and hands.

"Are you okay?"

After seeing the boy stand firm, Zhuge Yun let go of his hand.

An apologetic smile appeared on his face.

"Excuse me."

"I scared you."

"no no……"

The boys were still a little frightened and did not react quickly to the development of the situation.

Who is this person?


It was the person who spoke just now.

He was also the one who helped him and didn't let him fall.

The boy panicked and smiled.

"Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Zhuge Yun shook his head.

"I made a sound that scared you and almost caused you to fall..."

"Feel sorry."


The boys were a little clumsy and at a loss.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhuge Yun changed the topic thoughtfully.


Zhuge Yun is straightforward.

The boy was stunned.



The boy suddenly became excited.

"Did you see a monster!?"


"where is it?!"

"tell me!"

Now it was Zhuge Yun's turn to be frightened.

Including Zhang Bo, who was watching not far away, was also a little frightened.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.


Zhuge Yun reacted quickly.

"Don't get excited yet."

"you misunderstood."

At this time, how can the boy still look shy at first?

"……I misunderstood?"

The boy, who took a moment to realize what the other party meant, was stunned.


Zhuge Yun smiled.

"I just heard you talking about monsters..."

"Later I saw you staring at the big tree, so I guessed you were looking..."


Zhuge Yun said these two words very softly, but very clearly.

It took the boy a few seconds to understand what the other person meant.

A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face.

"You didn't see the monster..."

"Didn't you see a monster?"

Zhuge Yun knew it well.

have to.

It seems that this person is an ordinary person who cannot see monsters.

He was still wondering just now, is this person able to see monsters, so why is he so obsessed with monsters?

Or just being interested in monsters, not being able to see monsters...

Judging from the short exchange just now, this boy is obviously the latter.


The boy looked confused.

"I didn't see any monsters."

"Then why did you scream monster just now?"

Zhuge Yun was curious.

The boy blinked.


The boy's voice was low, "I thought I saw a monster..."

"I just……"

The boy's voice suddenly became excited again, "I really saw a strange figure just now..."

"Scurrying past the girl just now."


Zhuge Yun suddenly realized, "No wonder you pointed at the girl and called her a monster..."

This is too ambiguous.

Although this boy didn't mean it.

But that girl doesn’t know either.

The boy behind didn't explain either.

You deserve to be scolded.


Confusion appeared on the boy's face again.

"I didn't point at girls and call them monsters..."

"How can a girl be a monster..."

Zhuge Yun:......

This guy is really a bit "obsessed".

"You may not have noticed just now..."

Zhuge Yun explained to the boy, "There happened to be a girl in the direction you pointed at when you shouted about the monster."

"Didn't you get scolded by her?"

Don’t remember this?

No way.

What happened just a while ago...


The boy finally looked astonished.

"I asked why she scolded me..."

Zhuge Yun:......

He couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Since you didn't know it at the time, isn't it strange?"

Aren't you angry?

Why don't you find that girl and ask her clearly?

As long as the boy talks to the girl a few more words at that time, the misunderstanding between him and the girl will be resolved.

I'm afraid that girl is still angry and depressed now, right?

I was walking on the road, and for no apparent reason, I was pointed at by a stranger and called a monster...

To the uninformed ear it sounds...

It's really like swearing.

"I didn't care."

The boy answered naturally.

At that time, all his attention was on the monsters. Where could he have any extra energy to think about other things?

Zhuge Yun took a deep breath.

What a good reason.

Didn't care...

"You really didn't see the monster?"

Boys don’t give up.

Ask again the boy who came to him to ask about the monster.

next chapter

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