Turn off the lights
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Chapter 429 Awakening

This frog god was brought back by Xiao Xiao with the intention of saving him from the fire and water.

How can we let Taotie eat it?

So is he doing bad things with good intentions? Or is he helping others do evil?

No matter what happened, Xiao Xiao stretched out his fingers and pressed Taotie's head as a warning.

The golden glow in his eyes disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared at all.


Taotie lay on the bed with a "pop" sound, and his small body sank into the soft quilt.

However, a certain monster surprisingly did not struggle. Although the inexplicable aura before had disappeared, it still had lingering fears.

It felt a little depressed and wanted to scratch the wall.

Unfortunately, the wall is a little far away from it.

The quilt does.

Just when Taotie was about to reach out his "sinful claws" to the quilt, a cold air suddenly appeared and swept through his body.

Although he was in a warm room, Taotie suddenly felt like his blood was freezing.

Taotie wanted to lift his body up, but the soft quilt made it feel slippery with nowhere to exert any force.

He glanced up carefully and met Xiao Xiao's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


Xiao Xiao gently touched Taotie's head with a gentle movement and a smile on his lips, which made the already stiff monster shrink even more.

"Little Taotie, you scratched my quilt. You can sleep on the balcony today."

The silent threat made a certain monster shake subconsciously.

Who says monsters are not afraid of the cold?

It also depends on how low the temperature is.

Although Taotie has rough skin and thick flesh that can withstand the general cold, most of its demonic power has been sealed away after all. If it is allowed to sleep outside in the cold weather for a night, it does not think that it will have a good rest.

Besides, Taotie has fallen in love with the soft bed since he slept on it once, and he doesn't want to sleep on the cold, hard floor.

The form was stronger than the demon. Taotie lay on the quilt very sleepily and had no interest in seeing the frog god anymore.

If you can't eat it, what's so good about such a little monster?

Taotie grinded his teeth bitterly, but opened his mouth when Xiao Xiao glanced over at him.

Although he despised his lack of moral integrity in his heart, his upturned face looked very well-behaved.


However, probably because this certain monster doesn't smile often, this smile looks a bit stiff and unnatural.

Moreover, it is also very weird to have a wide and raised mouth on a face without eyes.

This is not so much a smiling face as it is a scary grimace.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and looked away unbearably.

He's already being eaten by other monsters, but this frog god shows no signs of regaining consciousness?

Xiao Xiao was inexplicably impressed.

It seems like he really suffered serious internal injuries?

He had just turned the Frog God over and looked at it. There was no trace of scars on the snow-white belly, only traces of stained soil.

Xiao Xiao thought for a moment and touched the frog god's body lightly with his fingertips.

It's cool and a bit creamy to the touch.

A trace of spiritual power was slowly introduced into the body of the frog god.

The frog god's limbs trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiao became more and more cautious.

He guided his spiritual power to circle around the frog god's body.

He was a little surprised to find that this monster had no internal injuries at all, neither external nor internal injuries, so why was it unconscious?

He still fell into a deep coma, was stepped on several times, and was almost swallowed by other monsters, but he still remained motionless and closed his eyes.

Breathing is shallow, weak and inaudible.

Wait, if it weren't for the injury...

This monster is not unconscious at all, but just sleeping, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao looked at the frog god carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more he looked like him.

Isn’t this frog god just sleeping?!

For a moment, Xiao Xiao really couldn't laugh or cry.

It turned out that I was overthinking it.

Xiao Xiao tugged at the green skin of the frog god.

However, this person's sleep skills are so great, and he has obviously reached the highest state of sleep: completely undisturbed by the outside world, and completely untouched by external objects.

However, since he was sleeping, why did he sleep in the middle of the road in Yanda?

Didn't this monster suddenly fall asleep on the way?

Since the monster was not injured and was just sleeping, Xiao Xiao left it alone for the time being.

When the lights were turned off at night, Xiao Xiao looked at the frog god, still looking like he was sleeping soundly and "unconscious", so he put the monster on the desk under the bed and went to sleep.

It was three o'clock in the morning, the night was as thick as a pool of ink, and the moonlight was light, like a thin layer of water covering it, giving off a dark luster.

There was silence on campus.

Everything fell into a deep sleep.

However, a certain monster that was supposed to be sleeping soundly suddenly made some movement.

On the desk under Xiao Xiao's bed, his limbs were spread out, and the monster's body, which had been unresponsive, began to rise and fall slightly.

After trembling several times, his closed eyes opened with a hint of weariness.

A vertical stripe of black among the scarlet.

His eyes were quiet and quiet, and he seemed to be extremely awake. If you look closely, you will find that there is actually a bit of confusion and mist in his eyes that seems to be awake but not awake.

The frog god blinked blankly and moved his eyes around. The unfamiliar environment made him tilt his head in confusion.

It remembered...it seemed to be too sleepy and fell asleep on the road?

Why is it that when I open my eyes again, the scene in my last impression is no longer the same?

After thinking for a while, Frog God found nothing, so he stopped worrying about this problem.

It slowly climbed up from the table and paused involuntarily. Why did it feel a dull pain everywhere on its body?

Did you sleep for too long?

The Frog God raised his arms and kicked his legs. Apart from some dirt on his body, he didn't find any injuries.

So the Frog God decided that he had slept for too long.

It did a few stretches and moved its limbs seriously with a straight face.

And, it's so warm here.

The Frog God narrowed his eyes slightly in comfort, and the trace of unhappiness caused by the unknown pain in his body dissipated.

It has been a long time since it felt such a warm and cozy temperature.

so comfortable.

Although the environment was unfamiliar, the frog god didn't leave in a hurry.

It looked around the entire bedroom curiously.

The dim light didn't bother the frog god much.

There seemed to be a faint red light flowing in its eyes.

Then, it smelled a familiar scent.

It's the same taste.

Are there other monsters here?

As soon as the frog god's eyes lit up, he followed the smell of evil spirit and quickly climbed onto Xiao Xiao's bed with a few jumps.

The flexible and vigorous one is completely different from the dull state after it wakes up.

This chapter has been completed!
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