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Chapter 431 Persuasion

Then, the frog god really found the trace of the friend he longed for.

The frog god is very happy.

Having said this, the frog god suddenly couldn't wait any longer and wanted to find his friend.

It wants to see its friends.

"Wait a moment."

Xiao Xiao was a little helpless towards this little monster who said wind is rain.

He reached out and grabbed the back of a certain little monster's neck.

"It's so late, it's time for your friend to rest.

"Now that I've found it, I'm not in a hurry."

Noticing that the slight struggle in his hands gradually disappeared, Xiao Xiao knew that the little monster had listened to his words, and he slowly loosened his fingers.

"Let's go find your friends tomorrow morning."


The frog god sat back down again.

The momentary excitement passed and the frog god calmed down.

It knew that it was too anxious.

After all, it took me so long to finally find my friend.

Except for that time when it found out that its friend had left without saying goodbye, it hadn't had such a big emotional ups and downs for a long time.

It actually ignored the current time.

You know, that friend's schedule is very regular.

At this time, my friend has definitely rested.

Even though he really wanted to know the reason for his friend's sudden departure, he was not anxious enough to disturb his friend's sleep.

However, the secret worries that the Frog God had always had in his heart finally dissipated completely.

Before it set off to find its friend, it waited at the friend's residence for a long time.

Later, I couldn't suppress the feeling of anxiety and uneasiness in my heart, so I finally decided to embark on a journey to find my friend.

But on the way, it kept worrying whether its friends would have gone back?

Then wouldn’t it be that it was separated from its friends?

However, since it has decided to go out to look for friends, it will not go back until it is satisfied and feels that it is time to give up.

Now it seems that its persistence was correct.

Fortunately it never gave up.

My friend didn't go back.

And he finally found his friend after a long search.

The frog god couldn't help but smile with joy.


The initial sadness was gone, and all that was left were doubts and worries.

In fact, if Shen thinks about it, based on his friend's personality, he would never do such an extreme thing.

It's a little worried that its friends are in trouble?

I hope it is just overthinking and nothing happened to my friend.

Just thinking about it, the Frog God finally became a little unable to sit still.

Looking at the worried little frog, Xiao Xiao was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say to comfort the worried little monster.

After all, its conjecture is not impossible.

If its friend's character is as gentle and kind as it said, then it is very likely that he encountered something, not necessarily danger, but definitely trouble, so he suddenly disappeared without even leaving a few words.

However, "Ahem~" Xiao Xiao coughed a few times and swallowed the smile that was about to escape his throat. The painting style of a kneeling frog with a worried face was really weird and funny.

Forgive him for not being able to empathize too much.

The Frog God was immersed in his own thoughts and did not notice Xiao Xiao's abnormality.

Its body was half raised, looking hesitant as to whether to leave.

If my friend really encounters any danger...

"You've been looking for your friend for a long time, haven't you?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly said softly. Although it was a question, it was in an affirmative tone.


The Frog God was stunned by Xiao Xiao's sudden question, and then nodded in confusion.

"Then, if your friend left because he was in danger, it's too late for you no matter how anxious you are now."

"If something had happened, your friend would have been in trouble long ago."

Xiao Xiao whispered softly, but the words he said made the frog god suddenly stiffen.

"But if your friend leaves just because of trouble or accident, it doesn't matter if you find him later."

The stiff body of the frog god slowly softened.

It admitted that the human being in front of it was right.

It's been so long, there's no point in being anxious anymore.

The Frog God sat down silently again.

"Then, little frog, you can do whatever you want."

Xiao Xiao lay down again.

"Just don't disturb my sleep."


The Frog God didn't react at all to Xiao Xiao's address. After gently responding to Xiao Xiao, he knelt down quietly.

Until dawn.

The faint sunlight shone in through the gaps in the curtains.

There was a slight brightness in the dark interior.

The frog god slowly opened his closed eyes, but his eyes were not blurry.

Xiao Xiao opened his eyes, turned his head and saw the frog god in the same posture as the one he saw before going to sleep yesterday.

The little monster nodded slightly to him, "Gua~"

"Good morning, little frog."

Xiao Xiao stood up and said, "Good morning, Feifei, little Taotie."


Feifei arched his body and stretched, then lightly jumped on Xiao Xiao's shoulder, rubbing Xiao Xiao's cheek like a baby, his silver-blue eyes shining brightly in the dim room.

Taotie turned over his body that was lying on his back and let out a lazy cry.

The eyes under the armpits are half open and half closed, looking a little lazy.

Xiao Xiao climbed out of bed.

"Lao San, are you going out again?"

Zhuge Yun's sleepy and muffled voice came from the bed opposite.


Xiao Xiao curled his lips slightly, feeling slightly helpless at the word "again".

However, I have to say that after listening to Frog God's story, he was a little curious about Frog God's friends. It was the first time he saw a pair of monsters with such a deep friendship.

The monsters he had met before, except for the catfish, were all solitary.

Moreover, since he "picked up" this little monster yesterday and came back, he inevitably wants to see the end of the matter.

I just don’t know if it’s a happy ending where friends reunite happily? Or...after all this time, the frog god is too late?

Xiao Xiao found that he always had greater interest and enthusiasm for things related to monsters.

They are also more willing to "meddle in other people's business".

But this is also human nature.

How could his ability to see monsters be wasted?

Or is he also a law enforcer?

Walking out of the dormitory, the dim corridor was silent.

He placed the frog god on his other shoulder.

This little monster seems to like the kneeling position.

At this time, she was kneeling on his shoulders in this difficult posture.

Xiao Xiao looked at the frog god who was sitting motionless and looking like a master with a bit of surprise and wonder.

You must know that the shoulders are not fixed. He already finds it difficult to lie down, let alone kneeling.

Especially since this monster is so small.

It seemed as if a slight vibration could knock it away.

This chapter has been completed!
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