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Chapter 4206 Reaching a Consensus

"But not too much."

Otherwise, it will still attract people's attention.


"This is……"

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "If you still want to stay in this school, I would like to suggest you."

"If you want to leave..."

"I personally think you are better suited to go to a place where there are not too many humans."

"For example, places like suburbs, valleys, and forests."

"You could be more comfortable."

"Not likely to get into trouble."

"It won't cause trouble to others."

This will cause trouble for yourself.

In the final analysis, it means not causing trouble for yourself.

Lili's ears moved slightly.


Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


"To put it simply, if you continue to stay in this school..."

"Just don't make dirtbags."

In view of the limited understanding of this monster, Xiao Xiao didn't say much to it.

Just cut it with one knife.

"do you understand?"


Li Li nodded.

It gets it.

But I don’t quite understand.


Why can't we get out the soil bag?


Xiao Xiao was a little confused. He didn't know if the monster he was talking about next could understand it?

"I don't know if you've seen it..."

"Some students tripped over the earth bags you raised... and some students fell into the holes under the earth bags..."


This is actually not surprising -

At least most of the responsibility is not on Li Li.

Some students were curious about the earth bag and pushed it down to look at the potholes underneath.

As a result, my curiosity was satisfied.

It won't end.

Let the potholes be exposed there.

Let uninformed students accidentally "step on thunder".

But when it comes to the cause, the source still lies in the soil bag created by Li Li.

If there were no dirtbags appearing inexplicably all over the school, these things would not happen.

"Moreover, your dirtbags have also had some impact on the aesthetics of the school."

"In summary……"

Xiao Xiao smiled.

"You'd better not make dirtbags in school."


Lili's throat hummed a few times unconsciously.

It didn't quite understand what this human said...

Although this human being said a lot.

But it nodded.

This human being makes it invisible.


The monster on the human's shoulder kept staring at it.

Always felt……

If it doesn't agree to the human's request, the monster will rush over and bite it.

This made him feel a little nervous all the time.

Moreover, it was originally going to leave here.

So why not agree to this human being's words?

It doesn't know if this human being has any ill intentions towards it...

It's not sure.

To be on the safe side, it felt that it should stay away from this human being.

Staying away from all possible dangers has always been its rule of life.

"Then we've reached an agreement."

Xiao Xiao's eyebrows are slightly curved.

"Sorry, I deprived you of your hobby."

"But this place is really not suitable for your hobbies."

"I hope you can find a place that suits your hobbies later."

Li Li blinked his eyes.

Does it require a nod?

Before it could finish hesitating...

It discovered that the other party had moved.

Moving faster than his brain, Lili's whole body jumped back just like before.

Xiao Xiao stood up and was slightly startled.

Then the smile on his lips spread to his curved eyebrows.

Lili is like a popping candy.

The exaggerated movements give people the illusion that the cartoon characters have entered reality.

Xiao Xiao lowered his eyes and smiled at Li Li.

What he saw out of the corner of his eye suddenly dawned on him.


He squatted down again.

"Almost forgot……"

Xiao Xiao took out a pancake fruit from the bag in his hand.

He handed it to Lili.

"This is pancake fruit."

"Want to try it?"

“It tastes pretty good.”


As soon as he saw Master Xiao Xiao sharing food with the monsters across from him, the little Taotie had no choice but to remain silent.

It turned over and stood up.

Its pancake fruit!

Li Li was startled by the sudden appearance of the little Taotie.

Where did this monster come from?

There is more than one monster around this human?!

Li Li was shocked.

"Your pancakes are here."

Xiao Xiao comforted a certain monster who was anxious for food.


"take it."

The little Taotie turned over and fell down.

It fell on a nearby rock.

Holding a pancake fruit in his paws.

Xiao Xiao smiled.

"Ajiu, Abai, Feifei."

"You all can take it too."

Soon, there was only one pancake fruit left in Xiao Xiao's bag.

That's his own.

There is another one in his hand.

That's for Lili.


Xiao Xiao raised the corners of his mouth.

"They all like pancakes."

"I think you will also like it."

"Don't you want to try it?"

"This is my meeting gift to you."

"Hope you like it."

Lili's whole body tensed up.

Its two eyes are round and round.

It's full of vigilance.


Li Li sniffed slightly.

It smells so good...

After confirming that this human was just squatting there as before and had no intention of getting closer, Lili slowly looked at the other monsters.

The little glutton is no longer as voracious as he was before.

Knowing that it only had this pancake fruit, the little Taotie learned to bite the pancake fruit in two bites.

"Bah, bah, bah~"

"Bah, bah, bah~"


The little glutton stuffed the remaining half of the pancake fruit into his mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah~"

"Bah, bah, bah~"


Compared with Xiao Taotie, Ajiu, Abai and Feifei all eat much more elegantly.

But it's elegant and fast.

Lili was a little stunned.


They all looked delicious...

It couldn't help but move its gaze to the pancake fruit that the human stretched out in front of it.

This is……

For it?

It raised its eyes and looked hard at this human being.

What do you want to see...

As for what to see?

It doesn't know it itself.

The faint smile in the other person's eyes made him startled.

It lowered its eyes.

After a few seconds, Lili slowly took a step forward...

One more step...

Xiao Xiao didn't move.

He didn't stretch his hand any longer.

He waited patiently.

Waiting for Li Li to approach him step by step.


Lili tilted his head and bit the pancake fruit in his hand.

Xiao Xiao let go of his hand.

Li Li bit the pancake fruit and quickly took a few steps back.

Back to where we started.

Xiao Xiao smiled.

He picked up the remaining pancakes in the bag.

He also started eating.

Li Li bit the pancake fruit into his mouth little by little.

Its cheeks puffed up.


Lili narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's the first time it eats human food.

Special taste.

good smell.

Very delicious too.

This chapter has been completed!
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