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Chapter 442 The right choice

Guo Shan is not indifferent to what her brother has suffered.

However, on the other hand, this child would rather endure the inner suffering than extend a helping hand to her brother, even a hug or a word of encouragement.

So what is the point of such pain?

The person who can make her feel less miserable is obviously by her side.

But she was immersed in her own world, tasting her own bitterness.

Little did she know that her closest relatives were struggling in the endless abyss of pain every minute and every second.

No, it’s not that I don’t know, I’m pretending not to know.

Also, why does this child come to him now?

If it were the first time, he would definitely say that he came to express his gratitude for saving her brother.

However, now, he is not sure whether the girl's purpose of coming here is more to express gratitude, or to gain inner forgiveness?

Don't you dare to confess to your brother?

So she needs to find him as a relevant person to listen to her confession and apologize to her on her brother's behalf?

Xiao Xiao smiled inexplicably.

This kid always seems to be talking to himself.

When her brother was suffering, as a sister, she did not stand up.

Now that the problem has been solved, this little sister who was held in the palm of her brother's hand still doesn't have the guts to stand up.

This child, she flinched once and tasted the bitter fruit of shrinking.

The bitterness that soaked into the bone marrow had been tormenting her.

However, when faced with a choice for the second time, the child still chose to retreat.

Once again, I cower and try to deceive myself and others.

Maybe he is really spoiled, right?

However, in a sense, Guo Shan can be regarded as bringing it upon himself?

If you spoil your sister, you will always have to bear the consequences.


Guo Shan pursed her lips and still let out a few intermittent sobs.

Unlike the hysterical wailing before, Guo Shan now cries in a suppressed and careful manner.

His expression showed a bit of stubbornness.

Guo Shan's eyes were red and swollen from crying, her cheeks were unusually flushed, and her lips were already a bit chapped.

Xiao Xiao looked at it silently for a while, and finally sighed.

He reached out and gently touched the top of the child's hair.


Guo Shan's body shook violently, and the next second she tightly covered her mouth with both hands.

Big tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, causing a burning sensation that almost burned his skin.

Looking at Guo Shan who suddenly burst into tears again, Xiao Xiao paused and still put his hand on the child's head, stroking it gently.

Just a child.

In those two years, it was clear that only Guo Shan was entangled by monsters, but both brothers Guo Shan and Guo Shan fell into such painful situations.

Guo Shan's previous concealment has become a foregone conclusion.

Since you've already done this from the beginning, let's hide it until the end.

Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and thought lightly.

This may be better for Guo Shan and Guo Shan.

The matter with the parasitic vine monster is over.

No need to create any more branches.

It is self-evident how painful Guo Shan's confession will be.

Even if you understand rationally that your sister is hiding something like this because she is too scared, it is difficult for even an adult to achieve such rationality, let alone such a young child?

Maybe Guo Shan would feel relieved later because she was his sister by blood after all, but at least not when he knew the truth right away.

It won't be just a few days.

This will be a long journey.

Before Guo Shan truly feels relieved, the relationship between the two brothers and sister is bound to be affected.

Even if Xiao Xiao knew that Guo Shan, that kid, even though he cared deeply in his heart, he would pretend to be nothing.

I also want to solve the problem by myself.

I want to understand myself.

I don’t want my sister to think too much.

However, it is different after all.

Even if the child tells himself over and over again not to care, things have passed, but he still cares.

The once close brother-sister relationship inevitably developed a crack.

What a sad change this would be for Guo Shan, who was willing to sacrifice his life for his sister.

Sometimes, let the past go.

Sometimes, appropriate concealment is necessary.

Guo Shan's only support during those two years was his mother and sister.

If one of the pillars was broken, it would be too cruel for that child.

Breaking away from the initial grievance for Guo Shan, Xiao Xiao thought about everything calmly and rationally.

He found that Guo Shan made the right choice by coming to him.

"Guo Shan."

Xiao Xiao finally spoke.

Guo Shan trembled subconsciously.

She knew that she had made Master Xiao unhappy.

Yes, even she finds this kind of self disgusting.

She was so cunning that she wanted to eliminate her regret for her brother through others' forgiveness.

She is really so bad.

Is Master Xiao going to scold her?

There were still big tears rolling down from the corners of Guo Shan's eyes. She lowered her head slightly, feeling the temperature on top of her head, but her heart became more and more uncomfortable.

"It's good that you came to me."

The unexpected words made Guo Shan raise her head suddenly.

Xiao Xiao's hand was raised just before the child made any move.

He slowly took back his hand and said, "That matter is over."

"There's no need to make your brother sad."

"Your brother has endured too much pain."

So much pain is far beyond what a child should bear.

Living in the shadow of death all the time, isolated and alone, wouldn't that child be so pitiful if even his closest family members were deceiving him?

There is no need for that child to bear the pain of being "betrayed" by his family.


His mouth, which was still covered with his hand, squirmed several times and finally made a vague and slight sound.

She knows.

In fact, the main reason why I came to see Master Xiao instead of confessing to my brother was that I was afraid of being disliked by my brother, so I made a somewhat evasive choice.

But it was also because of the cheerful smile on her brother's face that she hadn't seen for two years, without any gloom, that she couldn't bear to break.

Even though she was still young and didn't understand many things, she also vaguely knew that her previous deception had caused great harm to her brother.

As for how big it was, she didn't know and didn't dare to think about it.

Like an ostrich, she just wants to "put things to rest".

"Guo Shan."

Xiao Xiao's expression was indifferent, but strangely serious.

Guo Shan subconsciously put down the hand covering her mouth and stood up straighter.

The tears have almost stopped, and the corners of my eyes are dry and painful.

There was also a faint pain on my lips.

Throat is dry and sticky.

She had difficulty swallowing.

But the little girl seemed unaware, her red and swollen eyes fixed on Xiao Xiao.

This chapter has been completed!
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