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Chapter 4550 Rat

Tiger Dragon shook his head.

never mind.

It would be a little awkward for it to jump into the umbrella at this time.

There is no transition or preface, Hu Jiao goes directly to the topic.

It can be regarded as relieving one's own embarrassment and helplessness.

The tiger dragon comes to find this powerful master...

Actually it was for Wang Hao.

Wang Hao?

After being stunned for a short time, Xiao Xiao quickly remembered this boy.

He was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the reason why Tiger Dragon came to him was Wang Hao.

He was also surprised that Tiger Dragon would come to him for Wang Hao.

It seems they get along well.

Xiao Xiao smiled slightly.

At least, they are good playmates.

That's right.

The chasing game between monsters and boys continues.

After all, it is rare for a tiger dragon to meet a human being who can see it and play with it like this.

As for Wang Haojue, who is always embarrassed every time, it’s hard to say if he doesn’t think this is a game...

However, after Xiao Xiao and Wang Hao's explanation, Wang Hao understood a little more about the tiger dragon.

Knowing that the other party is playing with me...

Although he more often felt that the other party was playing tricks on him.

Knowing that the other party will not disappear...

Wang Hao occasionally cheated.

The first time I did this I found Wumeng-

This is the name Wang Hao gave to the strange fish.

He asked the strange fish for his opinion.

The strange fish showed no objection.

He took it as if the other party accepted the name.

He can't just call the other party a weird fish, right?

That's so rude.

If he didn't know that the strange fish had no ill intentions towards him and was just playing with him, he would still be calling him that.

After knowing that the other party was playing with him, he didn't want to call the other party a weird fish directly.

He didn't know if the other party had a name -

I forgot to ask Brother Xiao last time.

He also couldn't understand what the strange fish said.

In this case...

He would just give the strange fish a name.

He thought for a long time before he came up with the name.

He thought it sounded good.

Weird fish also like this name.

He was even happier.

He felt more connected to the monster.

When he realizes that he is cheating and doesn't chase him anymore, Wumeng will stop and look at him.

Wang Hao was very happy.

He began to tell Wumeng some of his own things during the break.

No need for Wumeng to respond.

As long as Wumeng was by his side looking at him, he felt very excited.

He knew that Wumeng understood what he said.

it is a pity.

He couldn't understand Wumeng's words.

On this day, Wumeng smelled the scent of other monsters on Wang Hao's body.

Not strong.

It should just be passing by.

Wumeng didn't pay too much attention.

Who knew that Wang Hao would tell it something later...

A girl in Wang Hao's class asked for leave from physical education class and stayed in the classroom.

Everyone else went to physical education class.

There is only one girl in the classroom.

After class, other students returned to the classroom and did not see the girl.

No one else has noticed anything wrong yet.

When the bell rang for the next class, the girl's seat was still empty.

The other students were surprised: Huh? Where are the girls?

It was the head teacher who solved their doubts.

A girl saw a mouse in class and was frightened.

On the way out, I accidentally fell down the stairs...

A passing teacher accidentally spotted the girl yelling on the ground.

The teacher was frightened.

Come and check it out immediately.

I finally managed to calm the girl down and stop yelling.

Only then did I ask the reason why the girl appeared here.

A mouse is chasing her...

In order to get rid of the mouse, she accidentally fell down the stairs without looking at the road...

Speaking of mice, the girl immediately became excited again.

The teacher hurriedly told the girl that the mouse had run away.

No trace.

Let girls not be afraid.

The teacher wanted to help the girl up first, but the girl immediately turned pale and cried out in pain.

By this time, the teacher and the girl-

That's right.

It was only then that the girls discovered...

It turned out that I sprained my foot when I fell down the stairs.

I didn't feel it before when I was sitting on the ground.

I was about to get up, and there was a sharp pain in my ankle...

The girl suddenly sat back on the ground.

Tears appeared in his eyes again.

The teacher immediately called the emergency phone.

Then I contacted the girl’s head teacher.

The girl’s head teacher contacted the girl’s parents.

After the chaos, the girl's class teacher followed the girl to the hospital in an ambulance.

The teacher who discovered the girl watched the ambulance disappear outside the school and shook his head slightly.

She touched her chest.

The heart inside is still beating very fast.

The girl really scared her.

During class, a girl's shouting came from the stairwell that was supposed to be quiet...

This in itself is a frightening thing.

She has to admit it.

At that time, she hesitated for a few seconds between asking someone to come over and going over to take a look herself.

Later, when she looked at the sunshine outside the teaching building, she laughed at her random thoughts.

She hurried towards the direction from which the sound came.

When she saw a female student sitting on the ground, she felt relieved at first...

Then he hung up.

Wearing school uniform, he is a student of our school who is supposed to be in class...

Why are you sitting here in such a mess?

When the girl saw the teacher who suddenly appeared, her voice suddenly stopped.

But the next second, the girl screamed again.

The teacher was so frightened that he almost screamed.

After knowing that the reason why the girl appeared here... was because of a mouse...

The teacher was speechless for a few seconds.

All right.

She can understand girls' fear of mice.


Most girls' reactions to the presence of rats and cockroaches are indeed exaggerated.


The teacher turned around and looked around.

Are there rats in the school?

This was the first time she heard of it...

And he happened to be hit by a girl who was so afraid of mice...

She needs to report it to the school.

It would be bad if other students were scared later.

Thinking of this, the teacher took a step forward.

The figure left in a hurry.

Films were taken of girls' feet.

There is a slight sprain.

The bones are fine.

Just rest for a while.

After hearing what the doctor said, the head teacher breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl's parents arrived.

Although the problem was not serious, the head teacher still asked the girl's parents to take the girl home to rest.

"...Just rest at home today."

The head teacher said considerately.

"don’t worry."

The head teacher told the students with a smile.

"There's nothing wrong with her."

"I'll come back to class after I have a good rest."


There was a lot of discussion in the class.

A few boys even started rummaging around in a decent manner.

"Is there a mouse in the class?"


"I've never seen a rat in school."

"Me too."

"What are you doing?"

Some girls who were timid and afraid of mice screamed in dissatisfaction.

I just heard that the girls were scared by the mice and ran out of the classroom. They felt the same and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

"We are helping you catch mice."

The boys spoke plausibly.

"If the mouse is actually still in the classroom..."

This chapter has been completed!
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