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Chapter 4746 White Kitten Balloon

"The boy named Xiao Xiao is right."



The girl is confused.

She was surprised that after listening to her story, the first person they mentioned was Xiao Xiao.

"Didn't he say he would deal with the monster?"

"So you can relax."


The girl was a little confused.

Is that what she told them?

She couldn't remember clearly.

She was a little excited when she was talking just now.

It seems that I have talked a lot, but in fact it seems that I have not thought about it...

I don't know what's going on in my mind.


"Does the monster stop appearing now?"

"This shows that the monster was killed by the boy named Xiao Xiao."


The girl didn't believe...the matter was solved so easily.

She explained, "Similar situations have happened before."

"The monster appeared again a few days later."

"It's not just a few days this time."

"long time."

"Besides, no one told you before that he would solve it, so you don't have to worry."

The girl's lips moved.

That's right to say...




"Don't think too much about it."

"Wouldn't it be nice if the monster didn't show up?"

"Stop thinking about monsters."

"Otherwise, you will have thoughts every day and dreams at night."

"Didn't you say that you always have nightmares about being chased by monsters?"

"It's because you think too much."

"Forget it."

"This topic ends here."

"We are not allowed to mention monsters again."

"Lest we talk about it again."

"Yes or no?"

The girl suddenly reacted.


Her friends actually didn’t believe what she said, right?

She felt inexplicably...

At this time, what her friends said was similar to what her family said...

It's just that friends speak more tactfully than family members.

More considerate of her mood.

It seems that he is responding to her...

actually not.

What they said...

What kind of monster did she tell her family? It was just her nightmare... If she didn't want to, it wouldn't appear... These words...

There doesn't seem to be much difference.

It is impossible for a girl not to be disappointed.

There is a feeling that this is indeed the case.

Moreover, it is considerate that her friend is willing to follow her advice.

This is all her family members do.

How could she demand more from her friends?


The girl tried her best to smile naturally.


"do not think too much about it……"

The girl's disappointment at not being understood was quickly dispelled by the fact that the monster might not appear after all.

That day, on the street, the girl saw an old man holding a lot of balloons.

Her heart moved.

After a long absence, I walked up and wanted to buy a balloon.

When she grew up, except at amusement parks, she had not bought balloons on the street for a long time.

Even at the amusement park, she doesn't buy balloons very often.


She hasn't been to an amusement park for a long time.

She pursed her lips.

He raised his head and carefully selected a balloon that caught his eye the most.

It's a white kitten's balloon.

The curled up movement looks like sleeping.

Moreover, this is the only balloon for the white kitten.


The old man pulled out the white kitten balloon and handed it to the girl.

The girl was about to reach out to pick it up-

"Mom, I want this cat balloon~"

The clear voice of the child reached the girl's ears.

The girl lowers her head.

A child didn't know when she ran in front of her, raising her head and staring unblinkingly at the white kitten balloon she had just selected.

A look of fondness.

The old man suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"This big sister chose this balloon first."

The old man bent down and looked at the child, with a kind face and a gentle voice.

"How about you pick something else, doll?"


"This puppy is also very cute."

"don't want."

The child pouted.

"I want this!"

The child stood on tiptoes to reach for the white kitten balloon in the old man's hand.


The old man was about to avoid the child's hand.

I saw the child's hand being beaten off by a woman.


The woman who walked over quickly lightly slapped the child's outstretched arm.

Then he pushed down the child's raised arms.

"Didn't you hear what grandpa said?"

"That balloon has been chosen by the eldest sister first."

"It belongs to eldest sister."

"You pick someone else."

"Mom will buy it for you."

The woman smiled sheepishly at the girl next to her.


A wise daughter is better than a mother.

After hearing the beginning, the woman knew that the child was still determined. She immediately said, "If there are no other balloons I like, I won't buy it."

"Let's go look elsewhere."

"There are many places selling balloons."

"It's not like this is the only one."

The woman puts her hands on the child's shoulders.

Make a gesture to turn the child around.


The child yelled.

The eyebrows are aggrieved.

"Then let's go look elsewhere."

The woman seemed not to understand what the child said at all.

The strength in her hands increased.

The child's body was pushed away uncontrollably.


Seeing that the child's eyes were a little red, the girl hurriedly spoke out.

"Give him this balloon."


The woman was stunned.

Then he shook his head very apologetically.


"Need not."

"This child has forgotten everything the teacher taught him."

"A gentleman does not take away what others like."

"Did the teacher teach you in class?"

"Do you remember what it means?"

The child's body resisted leaving for a moment.


The girl smiled.

"I really don't want this balloon that much."

"If the child likes it, just leave it to her."

She just wanted to buy a balloon on a whim and chose this one.

Obviously, the child liked the balloon more than she did.

She was "ashamed of herself".

I think it would be better to give the child the balloon.

The woman looked at the girl for a while.

She smiled.

No more rejection.


She looked down at the child.

"Thank you, big sister."

"Sister gave the balloon to Niu Niu."

The child's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you, big sister."


The child stood on tiptoes to get the balloon again.

The old man looked at the girl.

The girl nodded.

Just a balloon.

If the child likes it, let it go to the child.

The old man grinned.

"Good-hearted girl doll."


The old man handed the white kitten balloon in his hand to the eager child.

"This balloon is yours."

"Thank you, grandpa~"

The child smiled sweetly.

She pulled down the balloon and held it face to face with herself.

"Cat, are you sleeping..."

The child made a babyish sound and talked to the balloon.

A smile appeared on the woman's face.

"How much?"

This chapter has been completed!
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