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Chapter 48 The sleeping girl

 Xiao Xiao put his hands into his coat pockets, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at the particularly well-behaved eared rat sitting three steps away from him.

"Tsk~" Monsters will be well-behaved and so on. Did he not sleep enough last night?

By the way, even if you want to pretend to be well-behaved, at least restrain your penetrating eyes. Xiao Xiao couldn't help but complain in his heart, but the lines on his face became tighter.

Obviously, instead of making Xiao Xiao feel relaxed, Er Mouse's actions made him more alert.

It is definitely a big trouble for a monster that has been so arrogant that it doesn't take anyone seriously from the first time they meet to "compromise" something that even it finds difficult. Xiao Xiao has always been very self-aware.

, I really feel that I can’t be of much help.

But everyone is here, why don’t you just turn around and leave?

Besides, if this eared rat keeps following him relentlessly, he will be very troubled.

Therefore, when Xiao Xiao found that he had no choice, after a moment of silence, he quickly picked up his spirits and decided to make a quick decision.

"Do you need my help with anything?"

The ear rat's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded his head a little reservedly.

What a arrogant person. Xiao Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. He dared to be so arrogant when asking for help.

"What's the matter?" After saying this, Xiao Xiao felt that he was stupid. The eared rat is not a mandarin duck, and it can't speak human language. The problem is, he doesn't understand monster language either.

Just when Xiao Xiao was struggling with himself, the ear rat stood up and came to Xiao Xiao's side. It wrapped its fluffy and soft tail around Xiao Xiao's calf and pulled it, signaling Xiao Xiao to follow it.

Well, Xiao Xiao hesitated for a moment and decided to go and have a look.

In fact, he was still a little, no, very curious about what could actually make this monster come to ask for help.

Even though he still doesn't know much about monsters, he still knows how difficult it is to make a monster bow to a human and make such an act of weakness or even flattery.

That matter should be extremely important to the eared mouse, right?

Xiao Xiao made random guesses while following the Ear Mouse through the campus.

The eared rat was obviously taking care of his speed, and would look back from time to time to confirm whether Xiao Xiao was still following it properly.

It was only then that the eared mouse showed some impatience.

Since Xiao Xiao decided to go and have a look, he would not waste time setting up the score. Seeing this, he quickened his pace and even started to run slightly.


Huh? Xiao Xiao was surprised to find that he was actually with the lost-eared rat.

But he doesn't care, the eared rat will come to him anyway.

Of course, it would be better not to come, and he would just pretend it was nothing.

Where is this? Xiao Xiao looked around and raised his eyebrows in surprise. It was really a familiar place.

At the beginning of the school year, when Xiao Xiao and the others were walking around the campus, they came across this place by chance.

But because the door was locked, they could only admire the colorful flowers inside through the glass.

After that, they never came again. After all, they were not little girls and they liked these flowers and plants.

That's right, this is a glass greenhouse.

It is still as beautiful as the first time he saw it, and the colorful colors inside are even more valuable in this ice and snow. It is like a paradise, a world of its own, unaffected by the wind, frost, rain and snow outside.

"Click~" In the silent environment, this sound had a deafening effect. Xiao Xiao turned his head suddenly and found with some horror that the glass door of the greenhouse opened by itself?!

It wasn't until the Ear Mouse came to his feet and nudged him a few times that he suddenly realized that the Ear Mouse had opened the door.


Xiao Xiao followed Ershu and stepped into the door of the flower house.

There is an inexplicable sense of unreasonable tension.

Noticing that his heartbeat was gradually accelerating, Xiao Xiao lamented that he was still too young and felt a little uneasy about such a small thing.

Xiao Xiao pursed his lips and looked at the inside of the greenhouse.

Compared with looking at it from the outside, you can naturally appreciate the beauty of the flowers more when you enter it in person.

Clusters and clusters of brightly colored flowers, plump and delicate, obviously well-raised.

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath and was filled with the fragrant floral fragrance. It was not overpowering and cloying, but elegant and refreshing.

This is really a good place to relax.

The expression on Xiao Xiao's face softened slightly.

At the end of the greenhouse, the eared mouse stopped.

Xiao Xiao withdrew his gaze from the flowers around him, looked forward, and was stunned.


A young girl is sleeping on the recliner in front of her, with her hands clasped on her abdomen and a colorful blanket covering her waist.

The fluffy and natural wavy hair is scattered around the body, showing a slight chestnut color.

The thin cheeks make the girl more delicate, exuding a cold temperament, but very charming.

The girl's dark eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her long eyelashes were like butterfly wings, trembling slightly and casting a shallow shadow.

The straight nose bridge and light lip color seem to imply that the girl's body is not very good.

But no matter what, she is really an elf-like girl.


Xiao Xiao quietly admired the beautiful scenery in front of him for a while. After all, everyone has a love for beauty.

Xiao Xiao, who has not peeped at other girls' self-consciousness at all, did not forget to express his emotion: It is really beautiful and delicious.

But, the elf girl in the flower room? What kind of development is this?

Xiao Xiao reluctantly looked away, and finally thought of business.

As soon as his eyes turned, he saw Ear Mouse squatting beside the recliner, and he instantly understood that this girl was the person behind Ear Mouse's request for help.

However, this girl was sleeping so soundly that the stranger showed no signs of waking up after so long.

Maybe it’s because we know that the door to the greenhouse is locked? After all, not everyone can be like Xiao Xiao and have a monster come to help open the door.


Since this girl is the key, Xiao Xiao's eyes fell on the girl again, but this time, it was not pure appreciation, but a bit of scrutiny and consideration.

Xiao Xiao quietly took a few steps forward and bent down. Even at such a close distance, the girl's face was still flawless, as warm and translucent as the finest mutton-fat white jade. The only shortcoming was that it was missing a little bit.

Blood color.

Hmm? Xiao Xiao moved his nose and got a little closer.

The smell on the girl's body is cool and elegant, like lotus and orchid, clean and ethereal.

However, there seems to be some other flavor mixed in.

This taste...

Xiao Xiao instantly understood that it was evil spirit.

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised, but then felt that it was natural.

Of course it's monster energy. Obviously, the Ear Mouse asked him for help with something related to monsters. He had had a vague guess about this before, and now, it has been confirmed.

However, this demonic smell actually made him feel... a little familiar? Xiao Xiao's brows furrowed a bit.

Could it be the monster he had seen?


Now that things have developed, everything seems to be coming to light. The disharmonious smell in the girl is demonic.

And it’s the evil spirit of the monster that Xiao Xiao knows.

Of course, Xiao Xiao wouldn't have made such a low-level mistake if he wasn't an eared mouse.

So, which monster will it be?

Xiao Xiao carefully recalled the monsters he had seen and their evil spirits.

Anchovy? No.

Qinyuan? No.

Spotted owl? Ghost owl? Obviously not.

It’s even more impossible.

Gu eagle? Impossible, right? Wasn’t it eaten by a gu eagle? Is there another one?

This possibility is not impossible, but it is very small.

Monsters are all born with little sense of community, and they have a strong sense of territory. Logically speaking, it is unlikely that there will be two monsters of the same type in the same place.

So, what other monsters has he seen?

Xiao Xiao was thinking hard, scratching his head and head in his heart, but his face looked calm and thoughtful.

There was just a deep crease between his eyebrows, revealing a hint of doubt.


Wait, there’s another one!

This chapter has been completed!
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