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Chapter 485 Plum Girl and White Plum

Plum Girl stretched out her wrists as white as snow from her wide and soft sleeves.

The jade hands are slender, with a hazy light covering them.

It is obvious that Mei Nu's entire figure has a vague sense of reality and reality, but the outstretched hand is so clear and even delicate, as if it is carefully carved from the finest mutton-fat white jade.


The plum girl gently stroked the trunk of the white plum tree, pursed her lips in a happy arc.

It turned to look at Xiao Xiao, the expression on its face was like that of a child who got a toy that he longed for, showing a bit of innocence and joyful satisfaction.

This caused Mei Nu's body to lose some of its original coldness, making her look bright and moving.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but laugh too,

It seemed that Plum Girl liked the white plum tree in his yard very much, so he felt relieved.

Since he invites people to live in his home, he always hopes to satisfy the "tenants".

This is probably the owner’s consciousness?

Mei Nu nodded to Xiao Xiao, then turned her head, looking at the plum tree in front of her with gentle eyebrows.

It stretched out another hand.

Two slender and soft plain hands were placed on the tree trunk, and a shallow halo of light spread around the plum girl's body.

The light became stronger and stronger, almost completely hiding the figure of Plum Girl.

Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, such light could not block his probing gaze.


Xiao Xiao's eyes suddenly opened wide, and a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes.

First there were those white and delicate hands, then the wide cuffs, slightly bent elbows, and slender arms. But in a short time, Mei Nu's figure disappeared.

It should have entered Baimei's body?

It seems that the smooth and hard tree trunk is just a blindfold, so monsters can be allowed to enter at will.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but blinked.

He took a few steps forward and reached out to touch the trunk of the white plum tree. The hard texture was undeniable and real.


Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows and naturally took a few steps back.

His eyes never left the white plum blossoms in front of him.

Bai Mei, who seemed unchanged, gave him a different feeling.

Is it because of the faint demonic aura that I didn’t have before?

It seems to make this white plum blossom more and more vibrant.

Xiao Xiao moved his eyes upward and found that the miserable plum blossoms that had been damaged by the wind and rain had spread out their tender petals, no longer clinging to the branches awkwardly, and no longer swaying from side to side, looking pitiful and about to fall.


The violent rain suddenly became warm and tender.

He could even see the crystal clear water drops rolling on the delicate snow-white petals.

The white plum blossoms appear more and more pure and graceful, not stained by fine dust.

The plum girl emerged from the trunk of the tree.

Quietly, the behavior that should be abrupt seems natural.

Mei Nu folded her hands on her abdomen and bowed deeply to Xiao Xiao.

Green hair is like a waterfall, sliding down from both sides of Mei Nu's delicate shoulders.

A faint scent of plum blossoms hits my face.

"no need to thank me."

"I'm glad you want to live here."

Xiao Xiao did not help Mei Nu up.

Mei Nu's temperament and her clothes are very classic.

He was a little worried that his actions would offend the beautiful woman.

After a long time, just when Xiao Xiao couldn't help but ask Mei Nu to stand up, Mei Nu finally straightened up slowly.

The figure is still illusory, and the aura around him is still fluctuating as before.

But it wasn't the uneasiness I felt then, but the joy I felt now.

A lot of things really happened during this time.

It finally succeeded in cultivation and ushered in the thunder catastrophe of transformation that it had dreamed of.

However, even though it had prepared as much as possible, the power of the thunder calamity still exceeded its expectations.

Just a little bit, it would end up in ashes.

From now on it no longer exists in heaven and earth.

But, it worked!

Although the demon's power was greatly damaged, only a branch was left in its body.

Looking at her human body, Mei Nu was overjoyed, and the weakness and pain all over her body were completely ignored by her.

Anyway, it's still alive.

And, it worked!

Later, it actually met a human being who could see it?!

But the initial shock was dissipated by the other party's panic that threatened to break his own body.

It summoned all its energy to deal with the humans in front of it.

It had survived such a powerful and terrifying thunder tribulation, how could it die in the hands of the human in front of it?!

However, it discovered that the strange human being had no ill intentions toward it.

He even invited it to his home and provided it with the white plum it needed most.

It also saw many other monsters in strange human homes.

It seems like it would be fun to live here?

Mei Nu looked at the human in front of her, with a vague but exceptionally bright smile on her face.

In fact, its luck has always been good.

Xiao Xiao walked to the gate and couldn't help but turn his head and look at the white plum tree in the corner of the yard.

As if aware of his gaze, the plum girl appeared on the branches of the white plum. Her slender body was as light as boneless, and she landed on the slender branches like a feather.

Mei Nu's eyebrows were slightly curved, and her smile was so lifeless in the heavy rain.

Xiao Xiao was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

He waved to Mei Nu and was about to turn around and leave, but he noticed that Mei Nu also waved to him, her jade-white palms glowing brightly under the dim sky.

The smile on his lips couldn't help but deepen a bit.

Just as he arrived quietly, Xiao Xiao gently locked the door of the courtyard, turned around and held an umbrella and walked into the pouring rain. Soon, his slender back was obscured by the thick water vapor, making it difficult to see clearly.

Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a little funny. He was obviously going back to his home, but why did he feel a little guilty as a thief?

Even though it has been raining for a long time, the rain has not slowed down at all.

The raindrops hitting the umbrella surface were quite hard, making a low but somewhat crisp sound.

Walking out of the narrow and winding alley, Xiao Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up. Although the sky was still dark, it was still a bit brighter and more spacious than in the alley.

A few steps further, the hustle and bustle of the city hits you.

The sound of rain, the roar of car engines, the sound of horns, and the sharp sound of braking on the ground broke through the layers of rain curtains and reached the ears of pedestrians on the roadside.

Occasionally, curious pedestrians raised the edge of their umbrellas and looked around. They found that there were no ordinary vehicles, so they lost interest and continued walking forward.

By the time Xiao Xiao knocked on the door of the dormitory again, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

The rain outside has also become sparse.

"Lao San, you are back."

Zhang Bo opened the door and let Xiao Xiao in.

This chapter has been completed!
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