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Chapter 4978: Overtime


It's not unexpected.

But Grandma Yu, Grandpa Yu and the others don't want to think about it.

I always feel that once I think about it seriously, maybe things will come true.

This is a result they absolutely do not want to see.


It’s true that the more you are afraid of something, the more likely it is.

There is indeed something wrong with the child's spirit.

"Do you remember when it started?"

the doctor asked softly.

Even before the doctor asked, Grandma Yu asked herself this question and came up with the answer.

But after hearing the doctor's inquiry, Grandma Yu thought about it seriously again.

The result of thinking is the same.

She shook her head, "I don't remember."

She looked at Grandpa Yu, "Old man, what about you?"


Grandpa Yu shook his head, "I didn't even realize what you were talking about..."

How do you know when the child started to behave like this?

Grandma Yu couldn't help but give Grandpa Yu a rolling look.

This bad old man didn't find anything...

He was staring at the child in vain...

Grandpa Yu was a little embarrassed.

He also felt that he was careless.

The old lady is still attentive.

"Then do you think he'll be like this for a long time?"

The doctor changed the question.

But there are some similar problems.

Grandma Yu frowned and thought for a while.

After a few seconds, she nodded uncertainly, "It's definitely not like this from the past few days."

"It should have been a while."

The doctor nodded thoughtfully.

Grandma Yu was a little uneasy.

"Doctor, did we discover it too late?"

Even if she doesn't know much, she knows that the longer the problem is discovered, the bigger the problem will be.

The more troublesome it becomes to solve.

Grandma Yu felt a little annoyed with herself.

It's all because she still has the old man's ostrich mentality.

Let’s hope that time will solve the problem naturally…

I can’t bear to embarrass my children too much…

As a result, the situation became as bad as it is now.

It's their fault.

The doctor was silent.

It is better to discover and resolve everything as early as possible.

some problems……

At first it was just superficial...

As time goes by, it slowly penetrates into the bone marrow and blood...

If you want to remove it again, you will have to go beyond knocking on the bone and sucking out the marrow...

Grandma Yu guessed the doctor's response.

She lowered her head.

Her heart was tightly tangled together, giving her an uncomfortable feeling of shortness of breath.

Grandpa Yu gently patted Grandma Yu on the shoulder.

Grandma Yu looked at Grandpa Yu.

"do not think too much."

Grandpa Yu whispered, "It's never too late."


Grandma Yu nodded.

She exhaled slowly.


It's never too late.


Will she give up her grandson?


Since it's impossible.

Just don't think about hypothetical things.

What they are going to do...

Just do your best.

The child ate this meal a little absent-mindedly.

Not only the children, but also Grandma Yu, Grandpa Yu and the doctor all ate a little absent-mindedly.

The adults tacitly did not expose the child's abnormal behavior.

In their hearts, they are actually looking forward to their children telling them: Mom and Dad are back.

What would that be like?

They are a bit unimaginable.


Until the end of the dinner, the parents mentioned by the child did not appear.

The child pursed his lips.

There was some confusion and unhappiness on his face.


The doctor looked at the child and said, "Your parents haven't come back."

The child said nothing.

"Didn't they tell you ahead of time?"

The doctor pretended not to see the unhappiness on the child's face.

The child puffed up his cheeks.

The answer is obvious.

"...They worked overtime."

The child said.

The doctor smiled and said, "When do they usually come back from working overtime?"

The child shook his head.


"Sometimes I come back quickly."

"Sometimes I don't come back even after I fall asleep."

That's it...

The doctor was a little emotional.

This kid's answers to questions about his parents are really spot-on.

It makes people feel...

The parents this child talks about are real.


How could a child make such logically smooth fabrications?


is fake.

The parents in the child's mouth do not exist.

There is no doubt about this.

"Lele is such a smart child."

The doctor looked at the two old men.

She has encountered children who had hallucinations before.

Most of their rhetoric is very simple.

Respond to her inquiries by repetition, garbled replies, or silence.

Their cognition is more obvious and makes people feel that they are children who are trying to be brave.

There is a kind of fierce and fierce person who is showing his teeth and claws.

But Yu Lele is different.

Even if you ask Yu Lele some detailed questions, Yu Lele can answer them fluently.

Although there are times when I yell.

But more often than not, Yu Lele behaves...too normal.

Compared with other children who have hallucinations.

But this is what makes her most prepared.

The more normal Yu Lele behaves, the harder it is for her illusions to be broken from the outside.

Her core is too firm.

The two old men were briefly stunned.

They nodded subconsciously.

Anyway, if you praise your children, they all agree.

Then he realized, why did the doctor suddenly praise the child for being smart?

The doctor smiled.

"You didn't notice..."

She whispered, "Lele was not asked by me even once."

"No matter what I ask, he can give me an answer."

No hesitation.

No confusion.

The two old men looked at the children.

Yes, it is.

After the doctor said this, after thinking about it for a while, the two old people realized that the doctor was right.

"This child..."

Grandma Yu enjoys her hardships, "Maybe she has the talent to be a writer..."

The doctor curled his lips.


"Do you mind if I stay a little later?"

The doctor smiled at the two old men.

Come all come...

Doctors don't want to leave empty-handed.

"Of course I don't mind."

Grandma Yu immediately shook her head, "You can stay here tonight."

The two elderly people were really grateful for the doctor's responsibility.

The doctor raised his lips slightly.


She was lucky enough tonight...

The parents Yu Lele said can come back.

Just let her see...

Yu Lele’s parents.

The two old men went to the kitchen to pour water, cut fruit and brought it to the living room.

The children ran to the balcony from time to time.

Then he ran to the entrance and opened the door.

Every time I leave excitedly and come back disappointed.

The child got up excitedly and ran out for the first time. Grandpa Yu, Grandma Yu, and the doctor also got up suddenly.

They thought...

Their hearts beat faster instantly.

They followed the child.


I have experienced two more "crying wolf" situations...

This chapter has been completed!
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