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Chapter 5664: Look down on

"You are welcome."

"These are all yours."

Zhang Bo grinned.

"Not enough yet-"

Zhang Bo stopped abruptly, "Well, we've almost finished eating these. If we eat more, we won't be able to eat dinner."

That's not good.

Children should eat three meals on time.

Especially if this child wants to grow taller, he must eat on time and eat more.


The child holds a water glass in both hands and drinks a drink.

The child reached for the snack.

Like a little hamster, with bulging cheeks.

Zhang Bo smiled and watched the child eat.

There is no rush to urge the child to answer his questions.

Zhang Bo's smile gradually faded.

He noticed something was wrong.

"If you can't eat it, don't eat it."

Zhang Bo took the child's hand and stuffed snacks into his mouth.

Zhang Bo frowned.

Then he relaxed his eyebrows and said, "You don't have to eat it all at once if you like it."

"You can take these home if you like."

"You can also ask the policeman to bring you some more snacks."

"Cough cough~ cough cough~"

The child lowered his head and coughed.

Zhang Bo immediately reached out and patted the child's back.

After the child's coughing stopped, Zhang Bo handed the water glass to the child and said, "Drink some water."


The child drank the entire drink in one go.


The child let out a breath.

He reached out and patted his chest.

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

"Are you feeling better?"

Zhang Bo observed the child's face.

The child nodded.

He coughed twice more intermittently.

He made a fan with his hands and fanned himself.

The cough just now made the child's face turn red.

It's also very hot.

The child put the water glass against his cheek.

So that you can feel better.


Zhang Bo reached out and rubbed the child's head.

The child looked up at Zhang Bo blankly.

Zhang Bo's heart skipped a beat.

He took back his hand.

"Sorry, don't you like having your head touched?"

He was a little annoyed.

He didn't think too much.

Naturally, I reached out.

As a result, I forgot...

little boy-

Well, it’s not just little boys either. Boys don’t like having their heads touched.

"Feel sorry."

Zhang Bo apologized again.

The child seemed to have just reacted and shook his head.

He raised his hand and touched his head.

That's where Zhang Bo touched just now.

"...I like you to touch my head."

The child muttered.


Zhang Bo didn't hear clearly.

He moved slightly closer to the child.

The child pursed his lips and shook his head.

"I want to grow taller..."

Perhaps in order to change the subject, the child anxiously said what he was looking forward to most.


Zhang Bo did not force his children.

If the child doesn't want to say anything, forget it.

Moreover, the child himself took the initiative to talk about this again...

The topic came back again.

He took the opportunity to ask, "Why?"

The child lowered his head.

He pinched his fingers.


Zhang Bo tilted his head and leaned closer.


"This way, my mother and sister can..."

"…Know that I am very powerful."

"I'm super powerful."

The child raised his head.

His eyes were wide open and his facial features were tense.

Zhang Bo was stunned.


It seems to have something to do with what they guessed before?

It seems like they all guessed wrong...


Zhang Bo organized his words, "Mom, did my sister tell you to work hard to grow taller and become more powerful?"

"That way they won't look down on me!"

The child's expression made Zhang Bo feel slightly uncomfortable.

Depressing and intense.



Is the wording too serious?

But children.

Sometimes I like to use exaggerated words.

Zhang Bo slightly curved his lips and said, "Xu He, mom, my sister doesn't look down on you."

"They're just encouraging you."

"Encourage you to grow up well."

"They just look down on me!"

The child finally shouted.

His whole body was trembling slightly.


"They keep saying I'm useless..."

"My sister always beats me and scolds me..."

"Mom always scolds me...hits me..."

"Said I'm not as powerful as my sister."

"My grades are not as good as my sister's, I don't have any special skills..."

"I can't run away from my sister..."

"...I'm still shorter than my sister..."

"Shorter than mom..."

"When I grow up to be taller than my sister and my mother..."

"They don't dare to hit me or scold me..."

"They also want to praise me for my awesomeness..."

The child spoke intermittently.

The articulation is sometimes light and sometimes heavy.

Occasionally there are some prefaces that don’t match the subtitles.

It's hard for those who listen.

Zhang Bo tried hard to prick up his ears.


I feel like I probably understand what the child said.

It was the parents’ long-term unfair treatment of the two children that led to one of the children being dissatisfied, and the grievances accumulated over time...

Gradually it turned into resentment and anger.

Zhang Bo said nothing.

He listened patiently to the child's venting.

He even felt relieved at the child's venting at this time.

The child needs to vent.

This will allow you to feel relieved.


It will only keep consuming yourself internally.

Let yourself become more and more overwhelmed.

Such a young child...

Zhang Bo is somewhat dissatisfied with the child's mother and sister.


He wonders if the child's opinion is the whole truth?

Many times, it is easy for information gaps to occur between children and their families.


The child's pain at this time is real.

He looked at...

Somewhat uncomfortable.

The child's voice gradually became weaker.

The child lowered his head.

Having said so much...

The child later felt embarrassed and vaguely regretful.

He is not powerful at all...


The child felt a slight weight on his head.

Before he could have any thoughts...

A hot tear fell.

Falling on the back of the child's hand.

So hot.

The child's hand flinched.

The child raised his face.

He looked at Zhang Bo with blank eyes.

Zhang Bo rubbed the child's head.

He only realized later that this child liked him to touch his head.

"Xu He."

Zhang Bo looked at the child very seriously.

The child froze.

"You're going to be great."

The corners of Zhang Bo's mouth raised, "You are very powerful now."

"But you will become even more powerful in the future."

"You have to believe in yourself."

"I trust you."

"Don't you think I'm awesome?"

The child nodded subconsciously.

Zhang Bo is the tallest big brother he has ever seen.

Really awesome.

"Then you don't believe me?"

Zhang Bo grinned, "I said you are very powerful."

"You have to believe in yourself."

"you're good."


The child's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

This chapter has been completed!
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