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Chapter 520 Teahouse Conversation

After the meal, everyone else consciously left because they knew that Master Jiang had something to talk to Xiao Xiao.

"Master Jiang, I really want to thank you this time."

Grandma Luo's face was filled with gratitude.

At the beginning, she thought it was ridiculous to ask a master.

Especially when it's so expensive.

Although the Man family has a decent family background, most of the older generation are not people who like to be extravagant and wasteful.

If Juanzi and the Li family's daughter-in-law hadn't said that it was really difficult to hire this master, and she was really worried about Little Gypsophila, she might not have made up her mind.

Moreover, although Grandpa Man didn't say anything, she knew that he disapproved of it and even disapproved of it.

For a moment, she really wavered.

Even the second after I agreed, I felt regretful.

However, now, she really feels that the money was well spent.

No loss at all.

The whole family stepped forward to thank the master one after another. Grandma Li, Mother Li, Li Yan, Zhang Bo and others stood behind.

They waited until the whole family had finished speaking before they stepped forward to say goodbye to the master.

Because Xiao Xiao didn't know how long he would chat with Mr. Jiang, it might only last a few minutes, or it might take a long time, so he asked Zhang Bo and the others to go back to school first without waiting for him.

"Then Third Brother, let's go first."

"See you."


Soon, only Mr. Jiang and Xiao Xiao were left in front of the restaurant.

"Little friend Xiao Xiao, let's sit in a teahouse for a while?"

Thinking that young people might not like such boring places, Mr. Jiang immediately said, "Maybe a cafe would be fine."


"I like teahouses."

Xiao Xiao curled his lips and smiled.

The two of them didn't waste time on the road and took a taxi directly to the nearest teahouse.

As soon as I arrived at the door, a rich aroma of tea hit my nostrils. There was no sweet taste at all, with a light astringency, but a sweet aftertaste.

Under the welcome of the waiter, Xiao Xiao and Mr. Jiang went up to the second floor and chose a seat by the window to sit down.

After the waiter left, there was a silence between Xiao Xiao and Mr. Jiang.

The faces of the two people were calm, and they both looked a little relaxed, as if they were waiting for the other to speak first.

Originally, in Mr. Jiang's view, young people have impetuous temperaments. Although the somewhat mysterious young man in front of him is powerful and looks quite calm, at his age, in terms of patience, he is naturally better than

Not as good as your own.

Unfortunately, as time passed by, until the waiter brought them the tea and refreshments they ordered, Xiao Xiao sat quietly in his seat, with neither arrogance nor impatience on his face, and no intention of speaking first.

, Mr. Jiang had to admit with a wry smile that he had miscalculated.

Mr. Jiang raised his glass and took a sip of tea.

The taste is certainly much better than the tea in the restaurant before.

However, Mr. Jiang frowned for a moment without any trace, and then let go. The taste of the tea in the teahouse he found was not satisfactory after all.

However, he didn't come to drink tea originally.

Old Jiang gently stroked the pattern on the tea cup with his fingers and considered his question.

Xiao Xiao also took a sip of tea and then put down the tea cup.

Of course, in Mr. Jiang's opinion, this is just because young people don't like the taste of tea.

For most young people, the taste of tea is a bit bitter after all.

Before walking into this teahouse until the tea was served, Xiao Xiao had vague expectations for this teahouse that he had never been to before, wondering if it would give him a surprise.

As a result, the surprise was not unexpected.

Xiao Xiao was not disappointed either.

Although the tea was not satisfactory, the aroma of tea filling the room made him very relaxed.

The familiar smell was wafting in the air. Xiao Xiao lowered his eyelids and looked at the light yellow tea in the celadon tea cup, with a slight sense of comfort between his brows.

"Little friend Xiao Xiao."

Mr. Jiang said with a bit of resignation, "I'm so patient."

Xiao Xiao just raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a polite smile.


Mr. Jiang couldn't help but laugh a few times.

"Okay, I won't waste Xiao Xiao's time anymore."

"Little friend Xiao Xiao, have you been able to see monsters since you were a child?"

Mr. Jiang turned to the topic, and there was a bit of solemnity between his brows.


"I suddenly became able to see it about a year ago."

Xiao Xiao told his situation very frankly.


Mr. Jiang looked shocked, "I just saw it more than a year ago?"

I just saw the monster more than a year ago, but it is so strong?

You must know that the ability to "see" is given by God, and strength or weakness is determined from the beginning.

Moreover, if most people can see, it is only when they are young. It is rare that Xiao Xiao is in a situation like this. He is invisible at first, but then suddenly sees it when he grows up.

This is strange.

However, things about monsters are absurd and bizarre, and even after studying them all his life, he still knows very little about monsters. Therefore, maybe it's not that Xiao Xiao's situation is strange, but that he just doesn't know about it.

After a moment of shock, Mr. Jiang slowly calmed down.

"Well, I saw it out of nowhere."

If the Yao Jian had been obtained before he saw it, then he could definitely think that his sudden sight was the function of the Yao Jian.

However, the Yao Jian was obtained after he saw it, so he didn't know why he suddenly saw it.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's doubts, Mr. Jiang shook his head, "So far, we haven't come to an accurate conclusion as to why some people can see monsters."

"We can only regard it as a gift from heaven."

"A gift from heaven?"

Xiao Xiao murmured to himself, and then he felt that other than this statement, what other answer could there be?

However, in fact, he didn't care too much about the answer. He just took advantage of the situation to express his doubts.

To this day, it no longer matters why he suddenly saw monsters.

He doesn't hate this ability.

In this case, wouldn't it be good to happily accept God's gift?

Moreover, with the existence of Yao Jian, he does not have to worry too much about this ability disappearing as suddenly as it arrived.

The corners of Xiao Xiao's mouth curved slightly.

"Little friend Xiao Xiao, can you see the complete monster?"

Although he had asked before, Mr. Jiang couldn't help but confirm again, "It's the monster's full appearance, including its hair, skeleton, and facial features. Can you see all the details clearly?"


Xiao Xiao nodded.

After getting the affirmative answer again, Mr. Jiang was still a little embarrassed.

"Little friend Xiao Xiao, you are very capable."

"China has such a large population. Although there are not many people who can see monsters, they are not that few."

"But most of them can only see part of the monster's claws."

"That kind of ability can only be said to be useless."

This chapter has been completed!
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