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Chapter 73 Strange Girl

 Xiao Xiao and Su Youjin walked towards the door.

It happened that a group of people opened the door and walked in. There were men and women, laughing and playing with each other.

Although Xiao Xiao and Su Youjin deliberately avoided each other, the other party only focused on talking, and eventually one of the girls bumped into Su Youjin's shoulder.

Before the bumped Su Youjin could say anything, the bumper had already started to speak, and the sharp soprano broke the peace and warmth in the store.

"Hey, how do you walk? You don't have eyes?"

This is a girl who is dressed in a trendy and avant-garde style, with exaggerated smoky makeup and a heavily painted face. At this time, she looks a bit ferocious because of her anger.

The curse words that came out of his mouth also made other diners frown.

Su Youjin's eyes were cold. She didn't want to care about it at first. People came and went, and accidental brushing and bumping were unintentional actions. How could there be any need to be aggressive?

However, she didn't want to care about being hit, and the one who hit her started to beat her up first.

However, Su Youjin had never encountered such a situation when she was growing up. Even though it was unpleasant, she didn’t know how to deal with it. She couldn’t scold her back, right?


Xiao Xiao felt the growing coldness on Su Youjin beside him, and naturally knew that she was angry, and quite angry.

The eared rat, which had been lying lazily on Su Youjin's shoulder, also stood up, its scarlet blood pupils showing a ferocious coldness.

The girl who hit someone was still cursing, with a look of impatience and anger on her face.

"Shut up!" Su Youjin really couldn't bear to listen anymore. Has she ever been scolded in such an unclean manner by someone pointing her nose at her before?!

Su Youjin's voice was originally clear and cold, but when it was lowered like this, it was as if it was covered in ice slag, which made the person feel cold and painful.

The girl opposite and her companions who were trying to stay calm suddenly felt like they were being swept by a cold wave, and their whole bodies couldn't help but tremble.

The girl's companions were a little scared. After all, even though Su Youjin was completely covered, her demeanor didn't look like an ordinary person. At this time, the waiter happened to come with the lobby manager.

The lobby manager was polite and did not say whose fault it was. He just smiled kindly and said some kind words.

In fact, at this time, everyone took a step back and the matter was resolved.

Unfortunately, a scream broke the realization of this happy ending.

"What apology? It's not my fault, it's her fault, her fault, it's all this bitch's fault!"

"Yes, it was her who hit me. It hurts so much."


The voice of the girl with smoky make-up was high-pitched and harsh at one time, and soft as if whispering to herself at another time. Her expression was unpredictable, ranging from joy to anger, and her eyes were even brighter and piercing.

"Isn't this an illness?"

I don’t know who said this, but it was recognized by many people.

Because the girl's condition does not look normal.

The companions around the girl looked helpless and forbearing, but no one came forward to persuade and comfort her.

What's going on?

Xiao Xiao frowned, looked at the girl, and then at her companion.

"It's okay, I'll be fine in a minute." Seeing the lobby manager's hesitant expression, one of the cockscombs said.

However, the situation is escalating.

I don’t know what’s going on with the girl with smoky makeup? She’s getting more and more angry. She curses and feels like it’s not enough. She stretches out her hand to push Su Youjin, but Xiao Xiao quickly grabs the hand of the girl with smoky makeup.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xiao's voice was filled with anger.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" The girl's voice became louder and louder, and she struggled almost madly. Her other hand grabbed Xiao Xiao hard and unceremoniously.

Xiao Xiao didn't pay attention for a moment, and several blood marks were found on the back of his hand.

Xiao Xiao was angry, not because the angry girl had scratched her, but because of his physical mutation, such an injury would soon recover as before. Now in full public view, what if someone discovered his abnormality?

The hidden worry that flashed through his mind instantly made Xiao Xiao's face look dangerous.

Xiao Xiao threw the girl's hand away. Under the huge force, the girl staggered back. If her companion hadn't supported her in time, she would have probably fallen to the ground.

The girl was so angry that she felt like her ears were buzzing so much that her head was about to burst. The severe tinnitus made her somewhat unconscious, and she couldn't distinguish between illusion and reality. She broke away from the hand of the person behind her who was holding her.

, the accessories on his body made a series of crisp sounds of "ding, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong".

The girl pointed at Xiao Xiao and was about to step forward to make some noise, but she suddenly bumped into Xiao Xiao's cold eyes. They were cold and indifferent, as if there was a wisp of blue flame burning quietly, but it was not burning.

Instead of heat, there was a sharp chill, which invaded the spinal cord, and a bone-chilling chill hit her heart. The girl shivered greatly, and her whole body froze there, in a dilemma.

However, there was always the voice of the devil in her ears, tempting her, instigating her, and inciting him. The girl collapsed and suddenly squatted down and covered her ears with her hands, "Stop talking! Stop talking!"

Hysterical, like crazy.

People around her didn't dare to come forward for a while. The girl's exaggerated makeup face became more and more eye-catching due to the extreme distortion. Her bulging eyes and ferocious bloodshot eyes made anyone who happened to meet those eyes couldn't help but feel their hearts skip a beat.

He looked away with a frightened expression.

Someone is already calling 120. Before, it was just a few people speculating, but now many people believe that the girl is indeed sick.

Others muttered, "How can such a person run around outside? How dangerous!"

The girl's screams stopped abruptly, and she suddenly turned her head and glared at the people who were whispering. Her bloodshot eyes, which looked a little crazy, looked even more sinister and turbid because of the girl's sudden emotional settlement.

Those who were stared at were shocked, and some even subconsciously looked away and took a few steps back.

However, the girl quickly withdrew her gaze and glanced at Xiao Xiao perversely, then quickly pulled it back as if she had been stung by a needle, with a bit of panic.

In the end, the girl just snorted, turned around, pushed away the person blocking her, and slammed the door out.

The sound of ambulance sirens could be heard faintly in the distance.




Because of such an episode, my originally good mood was inevitably a little affected.

Especially Su Youjin, who was hit and scolded for no reason. Even though she had a good upbringing, she was neither angry nor angry, nor did she vent indiscriminately or speak indiscriminately. Su Youjin only had cold eyes and cold expression on her face.

Hidden anger.

Her pursed lips, pale skin, and icy cold air all over her body made her even more unattainable and repulsive to others.

In this regard, Xiao Xiao was also a little helpless. For Su Youjin, this incident was simply an unforeseen disaster.

How did you meet such a bad-tempered and strange girl?

Yes, it's strange. Xiao Xiao always felt that the girl gave her a strange feeling. Whether it was her sudden madness or some incomprehensible behavior, could it really be the cause of the disease?


The girl left, and the crowd of spectators dispersed.

But the ambulance that rushed in couldn't find the person to pick up, so it was up to the restaurant's lobby manager to explain.

This chapter has been completed!
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