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Chapter 83: Childhood Chronicles, New Year

Auntie quickly took off her coat, put on an apron, and joined Xiao's mother and Xiao's grandmother in working in the kitchen.

The uncle went to the front to find Father Xiao, and the grandfather of the Xiao family went there.

As for the twins, it was naturally Xiao Xiao who came to entertain them.

They are a brother and sister twins, the elder brother Xiao Qi and the younger sister Xiao Lin.

He is three years younger than Xiao Xiao. His elder brother is cheerful and his younger sister is heroic. He has been a child king since he was a child, and he is extremely naughty.

But he really listened to his brother Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao once thought before, was it because he had been cruel to them when he was a child, and that was why they were so well-behaved in front of him?

Now, because of the mysterious energy in his body, Xiao Xiao could even recall things from his own infancy, and he understood why the twins listened to him so much.

There are really some ridiculous reasons.

It turns out that it wasn’t me who killed them, but it was me who saved them.

However, the problem is that I didn't mean to save them at that time, it was just an accident.

That was when Xiao Xiao was nine years old. Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin came to his house to play.

However, after only a few days of stay, the six-year-old Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin were already cheering and cheering each other, becoming the naughty ghosts that caused headaches for this generation of residents.

One day, they provoked a big yellow dog for some unknown reason. The children dispersed in a hurry, and the big yellow dog kept chasing Xiao Qi, Xiao Lin, and the two brothers.

The two brothers and sisters were so frightened that they couldn't stop because of their huge fear, even if someone kept telling them to stop.

All they knew was running as hard as they could.

But he also ran towards Xiao Xiao's house with a clear goal.

Xiao Xiao was squatting in the yard at that time, watering a pot of mint carefully for his summer homework.

Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin ran over like a gust of wind, but he didn't pay attention. He was already used to the turmoil between the two younger brothers and sisters.

As a result, before he could react, "Bang~" the big yellow dog that followed him knocked over his flower pot. He looked at the broken flower pot, the soil scattered on the ground, and the crushed dark green flowers.

Xiao Xiao was angry.

He carefully took care of it for so many days, and finally raised the mint to the mid-to-late stage when it was about to mature. When his mint cake was about to be ready, it was stepped on by a dog that appeared out of nowhere?!

Xiao Xiao might have been a little angry at that time, so without thinking, he grabbed the tail of the dog that was about to run past him.

The big yellow dog is very powerful, but the power of a naughty child, especially a stubborn naughty child, cannot be underestimated.

Xiao Xiao was dragged forward and staggered a few steps, and the other hand was also pulled up, holding the big yellow dog tightly with both hands.

"Woof~" the big yellow dog roared angrily, but it clearly showed some obvious pain.

The big yellow dog turned its head and bared its teeth, its eyes fierce, and the thunderous roar coming from its throat was both a threat and a warning.

Xiao Xiao could even smell the fishy smell of saliva flowing from the corner of the big yellow dog's mouth.

However, maybe the power of anger is huge, maybe the children at that time didn't know how to retreat even when faced with difficulties?

The little Xiao Xiao glared at the big yellow dog angrily without giving in. His eyes were no less ferocious than the big yellow dog.

This stalemate lasted for a while, and the big yellow dog's tail was scratched very painfully.

The big yellow dog began to have some fear in its eyes, and its body began to slowly retreat involuntarily.

Xiao Xiao, however, had no intention of letting the big yellow dog go. He tried his best to suck the big yellow dog and pulled the big yellow dog back with all his strength.

"Woof woof woof!" The big yellow dog barked pitifully.

At this time, the adults in the room had just finished listening to Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin's explanation, and rushed out in a hurry.

As a result, I saw such a speechless and funny scene.

The little child grabbed the tail of the big yellow dog that was about the same height as him and dragged it back with a stubborn and angry look on his face.

The big yellow dog that was supposed to be majestic kept making miserable screams and ran forward desperately, trying to escape the clutches of the child behind it.

Why do you suddenly feel sorry for the big yellow dog?

The adults were stunned for a while, then they suppressed their laughter and stepped forward to separate the children's hands.

"Woo~" the big yellow dog whimpered and ran away with his tail between his legs.


Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin on the other side were shocked. The big yellow dog they had chased before had no way to go to the sky and no way to the ground. It turned out to be so frightened and cowardly when facing Brother Xiao Xiao. Their little

I immediately looked up to Xiao Xiao in my heart and admired him greatly.

This respect continues to this day.

Thinking of all this, Xiao Xiao really didn't know what expression to put on.

In fact, if you ask him to tell you, that incident is actually black history, right?

Isn't it too embarrassing to explode the universe for mint cake?

Is that why he subconsciously forgot about it?

After knowing that incident, I was teased and teased by my family for the entire summer vacation!

Haha, thinking about this and seeing how calm the two brothers and sisters were in front of him, Xiao Xiao's mood was a little hard to express.

"Ah, plum blossom!" Xiao Lin said with surprise on his face.

"so beautiful!"

"Well, it's Bai Mei." Xiao Qi also approached.

“It smells so good.”

Xiao Xiao accompanied Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin for a snowball fight all afternoon. Afterwards, Xiao Qi and Xiao Lin were in a state of embarrassment, but Xiao Xiao felt refreshed.

The brother and sister looked at the clean Xiao Xiao with resentful faces.

"Brother, can't you just let us smash it?"

Xiao Xiao expressed helplessness in this regard.

With his current senses and reaction capabilities, how could a snowball hit him?

Besides, how can you let yourself go while playing games? It’s so boring.

Xiao Xiao didn't admit that he was very happy to see the two brothers and sisters in such embarrassment.

He is a good brother.

The sky gradually darkened, and the street lamps on the street lit up one by one, and the dim yellow light poured out. There was no loneliness at all, but a faint warmth.

The snow is still falling, but it is getting gentler.

It landed quietly in the hearts of every wanderer returning home, causing a palpitation.

Thousands of houses were lit with lights, and the laughter of the lively New Year's Eve party could be heard from the TV, drifting outside along the cracks in the windows.

"Bang~" A branch was overwhelmed, and the thick snow covering it fell off, falling to the snow layer on the ground, spreading out in a "puff", splashing overflowing snow.

The annual New Year's Eve and the annual New Year's Eve dinner cannot be overemphasized.

A large table of sumptuous dishes is the result of a busy day's work by Xiao's mother and others.

Everyone exchanged cups and cups, smiling happily.

Even though there were not many people, there was still a lively atmosphere.

As time went by, the sound of firecrackers outside became more and more intense, and the countdown sound also came from the TV.

The Xiao family all came to the yard. The cold fragrance of white plum blossoms floated in the corner, the white snow fluttered leisurely, and the lights in the house cast a faint red light through the red window grilles.

"five four three two one!"

"Chi~chi~" sharp sounds of breaking through the air sounded one after another, "Peng~Peng~Peng~", the gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the night sky, lighting up the dim sky, echoing the lights of thousands of houses below, shining brightly,

Too beautiful to behold.

"Happy New Year!"


Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders, and turned his head to meet Feifei's shining silver-blue eyes, "Coffee~"

Feifei bowed his head with both paws, which was a bit nondescript, but very funny and cute.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but smile, "Happy New Year!" Feifei.

This chapter has been completed!
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