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Chapter 952 Wasp invasion?!

Xiao Xiao walked to the remote path.

The campus is always a little quieter than usual on weekends.

Not too much hustle and bustle.

The branches and leaves above the head are criss-crossed, shining sparse sunlight, and a blur of light and shadow changes in front of the eyes.

Occasionally, the wind blows, and you can hear the slight sound of leaves swaying.



Xiao Xiao walked on the mottled tree shadows, "You fox demons seem to like getting close to humans very much."

No matter whether this closeness is with good intentions or bad intentions.

He thought of the two-tailed fox demon and Hu Yingying he met first.

Unlike other monsters, they are keen to appear in front of humans.


The little white fox did not open its eyes, but lazily flicked its tail, "Don't confuse me with them."

The tone was lazy, showing a natural arrogance.

"...Hi, hi."

Xiao Xiao chuckled and responded, "Ajiu is a nine-tailed fox, so naturally he cannot be compared to ordinary fox demons."

The little white fox raised his eyes half-way, turned his head and glanced sideways at Xiao Xiao above him, and then withdrew his gaze with a hint of satisfaction, "Most humans are boring."

"But there are also some humans who are interesting."

"Moreover, the cultivation of most fox demons requires contact with humans."

"That's true."

Xiao Xiao smiled and walked out of the woods, and the library appeared in his sight.

The library is very quiet, and there is an old and good smell of books floating in the air.

Bright sunlight shines through the large glass window, and Xiao Xiao can see the tiny dust particles rising and falling like light spots.

He ran up several floors and found a seat by the window with a lot of effort and sat down.

Reading time always flies by.

Xiao Xiao looked at his watch, it was time to have lunch.

He put the book back where it belonged and walked to the elevator.

There are many students around him who are following the same direction as him.


A boy exclaimed, breaking the quiet space, and everyone looked at him.

"Hey, why are you shouting so loudly all of a sudden?"

"Keep your voice down."

The companions around the boy spoke out and whispered to the boy.

"Ah, sorry, sorry."

The boy smiled sheepishly, then turned the screen of his phone to his two companions, with excitement on his face, "Look."

“The forum was blown up.”

"It's said that something strange happened on campus."

"One student did something for some reason. He probably stirred up a hornet's nest, right? Tsk, tsk, how brave he is."

"But the consequences are also tragic. He is being chased by a large swarm of wasps all over the campus."

"Look, there are photos."

"So miserable?"

"This guy is really brave, even a wasp dares to offend him."

Hearing what the boys said, other people waiting for the elevator around them couldn't help but start browsing the campus forum.

As soon as you enter, the whole screen is filled with this matter.

The forum is abuzz

Even though many people present did not know each other, they couldn't help but talk about this matter.

"There is simply no way to heaven and no way to earth."

"Why did this guy provoke these evil stars?"

"But this guy is good at sports, and he has never been caught up."

"Is this a life-and-death moment when your potential is unleashed?"

"Did you call the police?"

"Someone needs to be found quickly to save this poor guy."

"It was said that the police were called, and the school was alerted."

"But other than waiting for the police to come, there is nothing anyone else can do."

"After all, that guy has been running as fast as he can, and he can hardly hear what others are saying."


The elevator came and everyone rushed in.

I can't wait to go down and see the scene.

"How long has he been running?"

"It must have been a while. How long has it been since the police were called? If the police don't come, I think this guy may not be able to run away."

"Why didn't he run to the lake?"

"If he jumps into the water, the wasps won't be able to do anything to him, right?"


"Maybe I was too nervous and didn't think about it for a while?"

"I have been chased by a dog before, and people around me told me to stop, saying that the dog would not chase me. I actually knew this, but where could I stop at that time?"

"Even if you know that if I stop, the dog won't chase me."

"But the dog was chasing me so fiercely..."


"Hey, look, the latest news!"

"The guy jumped into the lake!"

"That's good."

"Have you finally come to your senses?"

"The wasps will fly away soon, right?"


The elevator reached the first floor, and everyone swarmed out of the elevator. The quiet air coming in from outside made them subconsciously close their mouths during the heated discussion.


Suddenly someone shouted, "People at the scene said that the wasps have been hovering over the lake and refused to leave."

"As long as the boy who jumped into the lake showed his head a little bit, the wasps would rush up."

Everyone was in an uproar, "Wouldn't this mean that I can't even breathe anymore?"

"Yeah, if that's the case, that boy won't be able to hold on for long."

"What's going on? Logically speaking, the wasp should leave, right? Isn't that how it is written in TV series and novels?"

The already hurried pace of the crowd sped up a bit.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but follow the flow of people to the lake mentioned in the forum.

From a distance, everyone saw students gathered in twos and threes around the lake.

I also saw teachers and school leaders.

There are also uniformed security guards.

The ostentation was huge, but when their eyes moved to the lake, they all felt that it was so natural.

Although I had seen it in the photos uploaded on the forum, the scene I saw with my own eyes still made the students who came after me take a breath.

The lake is huge.

This is the largest artificial lake in Yanda, and its beautiful scenery has always attracted many students.

Unexpectedly, today because of such an unexpected incident, it became the focus of the entire school.

The reason why the lake is said to be huge is to more clearly express the shock that everyone felt when they saw the swarm of wasps that almost covered the entire lake.

Everyone was speechless and dumbfounded.

For a long time, "I'm lying in a big trough, is this a wasp invasion?!"

Some students murmured.

The silence was broken.

"Oh my God!"

The girls let out a low cry and couldn't help but take a few steps back, "It's so scary!"

"I have goosebumps all over my body."

The boys also looked stiff, "What's going on? Why are there so many wasps?"

"Who says it isn't?"

A student who arrived early answered, "Fortunately, these wasps focused on one target and gathered on the lake without running around. Otherwise, there would have been a big commotion in Yanda today."

"It's just...that student is really unlucky."

His face was full of sympathy.

Another person had a look of fear on his face, "I saw him being chased and jumped into the lake with my own eyes."

This chapter has been completed!
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