Turn off the lights
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Chapter 106 Falling into a Misunderstanding

 Late at night, two flashlights were hung in the gas station to serve as electric lighting. Several players did not take a break, sitting or standing, glancing at Wang Chaoqing from time to time.

Xu Huo patted his pants and walked outside. Gu Yu quickly stopped him, "Where are you going?"

"Have a cigarette." Xu Huo didn't go far and went to the opposite street.

After a while, Shen Yi came over, gave him a bottle of water, and asked him to borrow a fire.

The two squatted on the roadside and smoked.

"That kick you just gave me was pretty hard." Shen Yi touched his ribs. Seeing Xu Huo turn his head, he added with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to blame you."

"The game is a place of life and death struggle. It's not surprising that you will do anything to survive. Your original intention is good, and you don't really want to harm us. On the contrary, if you follow Lin Pei, we might follow in Wu Qiuyi's footsteps."

Xu Huo paused with his fingers and looked at the lounge opposite. He had cut the lounge in half, and Gu Yu had already carried Wu Qiuyi out.

"Why bother." He whispered.

Shen Yi heard his soliloquy and laughed at himself: "For us, this is a kind of comfort."

"Before coming to this dungeon, my brother and sister joined a local player association. It was formed voluntarily by several players for the purpose of staying together to keep warm."

"In order to tide over the difficulties together, we searched everywhere for tickets to the same station. However, before we could find the tickets, several of our companions were involved in a random instance and all died."

"You didn't see what they looked like. They were chewed to pieces without any good meat... They were not bitten by large animals, but by small animals like cats and dogs. One of them had not died when he came out, and fell on his mother's side. It was in the soup pot... His mother thought he ran away and fooled around..."

"I don't know which day we will die. I hope at least someone can give us some dignity. Don't leave our bodies in the wilderness at will. This is the minimum requirement."

Xu Huo shook the ashes and said, "Compared to these, players may be eaten by alien species, eaten by cannibals, packed into cans, and served on the dining table. Exposing corpses in the wilderness is more dignified."

Shen Yi choked and said after a while: "It's really uncomfortable to talk to you."

Xu Huo smiled.

After smoking, Shen Yi went back to rest, and Gu Yu and others also dozed off one after another.

The night passed, and there was no other movement in the town.

"Get up." Xu Huo kicked Wang Chaoqing, who was dozing off under the clock.

Wang Chaoqing was having a good dream. When he saw him, he immediately jumped up, wiped his saliva and said, "Good morning, Brother Xu!"

"Have you found the person?" Xu Huo narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

Wang Chaoqing accompanied him with a smile, "Brother Xu, look, the town is so big, it always takes time, right?"

Xu Huo unexpectedly did not argue with him, but asked: "Did you find anything special underground?"

"Something special?" Wang Chaoqing looked confused, "No, there are so many black people everywhere, you can't see anything."

"Where is Master Nisai's residence?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Wang Chaoqing didn't dare to say that he had never been there. "It was a mess inside and I didn't see Lin Pei."

Xu Huo nodded, then turned to Gu Yu and the others and said, "Let's go to the east gate first."

"There was no movement on both sides of the door. The game did not notify anyone who had cleared the dungeon. It seems that Lin Pei did not leave the dungeon." Shen Xin said with a happy face. After a night's rest, she felt much better.

"The random dungeons are not ranked. Besides, we are not ticket holders. Even if someone clears the level, others may not know about it." Gu Yu has a wide range of channels and is fairly familiar with the random dungeons. "If the ticket holders clear the level, the random players can follow them to complete the level." , but there seems to be no connection between random players, so they can only clear the level on their own."

"So we can't be sure whether Lin Pei has left. It's better to be cautious."

The group set out for the east gate.

In order to guard against possible alien species, the six people were divided into two groups to keep a certain distance.

There were many used cars piled up on the edge of the town. Ke Liang went ahead to look for usable cars. Wang Chaoqing and Shen Yi buried Nian Hongan.

Although the gas station is relatively close to the east gate, you still have to pass through a large forest. Using a car not only saves time, but is also relatively safe.

"This one is fine." Gu Yu found a small truck, lit it up and found that it could be used.

Several people worked together to clear the lane. Ke Liang drove, Shen Xin sat in the passenger seat, and the others sat in the back.

The familiar sound of the engine echoed in the woods. Gu Yu looked around nervously. Occasionally, the sudden noise from the car would startle her.

Seeing the other people looking at him, Gu Yu smiled and said, "After staying here for a few days, I can't get used to the sound. I'm afraid that louder sounds will attract the alien species."

"If there were alien species wandering around the town, they wouldn't have waited until now to come out." Shen Yi reassured her.

"I'm afraid Lin Pei will release the alien species," Gu Yu said.

"He doesn't dare." Ke Liang put one hand outside the car door and said in a mocking tone: "As long as he has to avoid us, he won't dare to release the alien species. He is not warmed up to the alien species by fighting alone."

The car quickly passed by the scrapped bus and arrived at the gate of the wall.

Several people jumped down one after another and looked up at the towering wall Shen Xin, "No matter how many times I see it, I still feel amazing."

Xu Huo walked to the door and stood five meters away. The bright red sword slashed down with a dark red light. A translucent rectangular section emerged from the blade, but when it hit the door it dissipated like dust.

Guyu quickly rushed over and touched the chopped area, and said disappointedly: "Not even a trace was left."

"Try another place." Xu Huo tried another place other than the door, and even struck head-on with his sword. He struck several times in succession, but only left scratches like cat scratches on the door wall.

The remaining people knocked on the wall for a while, but found nothing such as a secret door or a hole.

"Looks like I have to go back to town to find him."

Xu Huo had expected this. He was not as disappointed as others, "Let's go to Master Nisai's residence first."

The car suddenly returned to the town, and Master Nisai's residence was turned into a mess as Wang Chaoqing said. Some of the fine ornaments were smashed to pieces, and even the clock was not spared.

"He's really looking for something."

"You can't be here just for a prop."

"Is there really something like a key? Or is the mechanism that opens the door right here?"

"Separately and look for it," Xu Huo said.

He did not fully understand the super props, and he did not know what information Lin Pei had. It was unclear whether he took the risk for the super props or to leave the dungeon.

But he is so dedicated to this place that he will definitely come back to find them.

Several people repeatedly searched every corner of the room, but found no secret passages, door openings, or anything like keys.

"It's really strange that there are so many doors in the house but there are no keys." Gu Yu complained: "Do the doors in this town stay open at night?"

"These doors can be opened without a key." Shen Xin pushed the door open and said, "The keyhole is just a decoration."

"The keyhole is just a decoration." Xu Huo repeated this sentence, and suddenly thought that the wall and door were so tight that they looked like embedded parts. Unlike ordinary doors, the method of opening the door could also be unusual.

"We have fallen into a misunderstanding."

This chapter has been completed!
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