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Chapter 1120 Cube Space

 Just where the "Eye of the Dead" pierced, a space ray blade flew out, directly piercing the right lung of Xu Huo's young personality, that is, Xu Huo's right lung. When Mr. Kang turned around to take action, he

He and his youthful personality had exchanged positions, and that was why he had this unexpected sword strike.

The exchange of injuries for injuries has long been expected. The characteristic "Truth Beyond All Things" can block props and characteristics, but it does not block this weapon that is actually made of space!

Once again shocked by the power of this space prop, he also took advantage of the situation and stabbed Mr. Kang's throat - it would not be fatal if the space blade pierced his lungs. If he pierced Mr. Kang's heart, the other party would not necessarily die immediately.

, we must guard against his final counterattack!

Mr. Kang waved his backhand, and the space blade he threw also cut into Xu Huo's neck!

Seeing that he used defensive items again, Xu Huo failed to succeed and had to retreat quickly. However, Mr. Kang had no intention of letting him go. When he turned around, he used the items to shorten the distance between the two, and at the same time stabbed the "inviolable" man with his five fingers.

Territory” barrier!

"Death to the holder!" Xu Huo shouted, but the opponent did not dodge and broke the barrier without any hesitation. The moment the effect of the prop disappeared, he was packed with a box full of sword rims.

He got up, and then several flying swords flew out of the air and shot at the box!

Mr. Kang did not retreat. In order to guard against the "inviolable territory", he kept the original distance. He broke the space barrier every time it was created, giving Xu Huo no chance to defend himself. He even wanted him to die even if he hurt himself!

Death of the Holder!

It was a feint just now, but now it was real. Mr. Kang seemed to have been slowed down due to serious injuries, so he couldn't completely avoid it. The black metal bead shot through his heart again and brought out blood.

He jumped forward.

Xu Huo seems to be locked in a box and cannot escape, and even the defensive barrier cannot be opened, but in fact he has used the "ideal skin". This A-level prop can form a defensive layer outside the body and does not require too much

The space can last for three minutes and resist attacks from some A-level props... Although it may not be able to prevent flying swords, it is enough for protection, because even if he cannot go out, he can still open the space portal.

Several flying swords quickly shuttled around the mouth of the box, piercing the box again and again, seemingly stabbing him through again and again, but in fact the swords just missed the space inside the box.

Mr. Kang saw blood flowing out from under the box, his eyes trembled and his face was distorted, but he also managed to show a weird smile. The prop time was limited, and the game background had not received the notification yet, so he took a breath and stepped back, which happened to be

At this moment, the prop box was lifted, followed by a cold light!

The defensive item on his neck was cut open by the "Eye of the Dead". Feeling the flow of blood, Mr. Kang covered his neck with all his strength, sobbing uncontrollably and growling: "Don't... think..."

Seeing him raising his hand, Xu Huo frowned hard, but the "truth transcends everything" time had passed and he had to retreat!

"Boom!" A red light flashed, and Mr. Kang's body exploded into droplets - he committed suicide before dying!

The player who kills can inherit the legacy of the killed person, but if the player dies by suicide, then except for the items worn on the body that can be picked up, all other items placed in the item slot will be recycled by the game.

Mr. Kang would rather die without a complete body than let Xu Huo reap the benefits, so the most important space prop was probably put into the prop inventory.

Of course, Xu Huo did not go far. When the "inviolable territory" blocked the flying flesh and blood, he quickly replenished two bottles of self-healing agent. Mr. Kang could not put away all the props at the last moment, nor could he pick up two B-level props.

It's a huge loss.

Of course, he was not the only one who wanted to pick up the props. He didn't know what the situation was like at Uncle Guan's side, but he knew that a B-level player was coming.

Of course Xu Huo would not allow him to pick peaches at this time. As soon as he released his mental power, he included the two hundred meters surrounding area into his spiritual world. And just as he was about to search for props, a space force that could not be ignored appeared.

into his spiritual world.

After opening the door, he came to the ground from mid-air. Among a pile of building debris, he found a transparent cube as big as a thumb—not a cube to be precise, but a small cube inside a large cube.

The moment he got the prop, he felt a sudden force of space control. The place where he stood was instantly covered by the force of space, and this force was still expanding slowly. At the same time, the space rays that appeared in his field of vision began to change.

Got to be messy.

Usually the spatial ray distribution in a stable space, such as a partition, is relatively uniform and difficult to change under normal circumstances. However, just holding this space prop in your hand can cause the nearby space rays to change...

Xu Huo looked at the chaotic rays that seemed to have different thicknesses and dense distribution. He couldn't help but flick one of them, but with just a slight click, the rays with similar states actually fluctuated, forming a seemingly tortuous line, but in fact it was

It’s a straight passage!

He walked in with his feet. The seemingly narrow passage was not awkward when walking, and he was immediately sent to the end of the passage. When he looked back, he saw a series of shadows behind him that had not yet disappeared...

At this time, a flying arrow silently shot towards him. Xu Huo had already sensed it and was about to open the door to send it away. However, he unexpectedly discovered that whether it was the space portal he opened or the barrier of the "inviolable territory",

They are all merging with this cube, which means that his spiritual world and space props are at the same frequency as the space rays in the cube - no wonder Mr. Kang's space ray blade can pass through the "inviolable territory" effortlessly.

Moreover, this is not the only use of this cube. When the flying arrow enters the space power range of the cube, the space rays form fluctuations. This kind of fluctuation can be felt even with eyes closed without using space power, just like water.

When a stone is dropped into the ripples, people inside will naturally be able to detect the direction and location of the stone.

What a pity. Xu Huo couldn't help but sigh for Mr. Kang. If he had super evolved and could see space rays, he would never use such a sharp weapon so poorly.

He didn't even look back at the flying arrow. He just raised his hand to grab the beating space rays. The combined space rays automatically formed a temporary barrier and flicked the arrow out halfway.

At the same time, he also used his evolutionary power to expand the power coverage area of ​​​​the cube to a larger area. In the blink of an eye, he was four to five hundred meters away. In this position that was not the limit, he easily found the players hiding nearby.

: No matter there is one wall or two walls in between, as long as they are active, all actions will be fed back with space rays - everything that can be hidden is as if it is nothing!

This chapter has been completed!
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